He bows, approaching, and exults to see
His partner doom'd the beauteous Canace.
The faint resemblance of the mirth to catch In those who saw not, ere they traced the sketch, Powers of uncommon excellence would ask, And Youth or Love must prompt them in the task. Who could describe the dance's varying form, Or grace unequall'd, through with rapture warm? Who the coquette's dissembled look askance, Lest kindling Jealousy should blame the glance? Launcelot* alone possess'd a suited store Of lauguage apt, and he is now no more. While yet the dance detains, the steward's voice Hastens supplies of wine and spices choice. The squires and ushers his injunctions hear, And straight the spices and the wine appear. Lest, by fatigue o'ercome, their spirits sink, The wish'd refreshment brought, they eat and drink. Then, in the house of prayer their duty done, They sup, illumin'd by the rising sun.
* An eminent knight of the round table, possessing all the accomplishments of a courtier and man of gallantry.
At a king's banquet, plenty, well they know The portion is of all, both high and low. This it was now, with excellence of fare Much beyond all I can imagine rare.
The supper o'er, the noble king goest out To view the steed, and a resplendent rout, Ladies and lords, whom courtly forms oblige; Nor, since old Ilium's memorable siege, Had any horse such general wonder caused, Nor less discourse, in praise of any, paused. The king implores the knight, when they arrive, The theme, with more precision, to revive Of those rare qualities the beast display'd, And laws, in rest or motion, it obey'd.
'Twas then the horse alertly, o'er the ground, Touch'd by the knight, began to skip and bound. Who said, "This only will suffice, dread sire, "Whate'er the adventurous journey you desire, "That in his ear a secret pin you turn,
" Which from my mouth you shall in private learn;
" And, this perform'd, the country's name declare, "'Tis then you wish to visit through the air.
"Nor needs a safe return Invention wrack; "Another pin, so moved, will bear you back; " And wheresoe'er the ponderous beast alight, "Fix'd 'twill remain, in Strength's and Art's despite. "Should you command it, and this pin be stirr'd, "'Twill vanish straight, obedient to a word, " And at a word return, if those they be "Which you shall instantly be taught by me. "And trust, none else, his journey long or short, "Will boast conveyance of a readier sort."
When from the knight the king enough had gain'd
Of wish'd, instruction, and no doubt remain'd, With joyful heart, and of his present proud, He sought, expected, the carousing crowd. The bridle straight was in the tower inclosed, Where jewel heaps of costliest kind reposed; But the horse vanishes-I know not how, Nor shall I dare describe; but suffer now The revel's mirth the enliven'd guests to absorb, Till the sky blush with day's returning orb.
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