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In preparing to take a seasonable, and | therefore a genial survey of the half festive, half religious songs, entitled Christmas Carols, we are stopped at the outset by two considerations, each claiming precedence. Since it is quite clear they cannot both stand first, we must attend to them separately. The two considerations to which we refer are these the claims of the ancient Carols, such as were sung in the days of the Anglo-Saxon Kings after their conversion to Christianity, and in the festivities of the same season among the Danish and Anglo-Norman Kings, all of wore their crowns in public on the occasion, which, with other less remote dates, take precedence in respect of time; and the claims of the modern Carols, dating from Herrick, or rather from Milton's Hymn to the Nativity, which must certainly take precedence of all others for its poetic grandeur, and, we may add, its divine fervor. Settled, however, this point must be before we can proceed; and it may be as well, therefore, to commence at once with our friends in the olden time.

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As early as the first and second centuries, we find that the Birth of Christ was celebrated. In the third century, this "holy night was kept with so many festivities, that Gregory Nazianzen, who died A.D. 389, and other Christian teachers of the time, considered it necessary to caution the people against making the hilarities resemble a heathen rite, by forgetting the heavenly objects in an excess of feasting, singing and dancing. It would also appear that these exhortations to sobriety were partly intended as a wise caution and salutary warning; for, in the same age, there is the record of a horrible atrocity in the shape of a wholesale massacre, committed when an indulgence in these festivities had thrown the people off their guard. A multitude of Christians-men, women, and children, of all ages-had assembled in the temple, at Nicomedia, in Bithynia, to commemorate the Nativity. In the height of their happiness, when all the wickedness and cruelties of the world were forgotten, Diocletian the Tyrant surrounded the temple with his soldiers who set it on fire, and nearly twenty thousand people were burned alive, or otherwise destroyed on the occasion.

The Anglo-Saxon Kings, having been con

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verted, held the festival of the Nativity with great solemnity and splendor, and displayed the greatest hospitality to all strangers of rank. A similar course was adopted by the Danish and Anglo-Norman Kings. Nor were these ceremonies by any means confined to solemn observances; on the contrary, the descendants of those who, in Pagan times, had been used to quaff great bowls of wine in honor of Thor and Odin, now drank them to commemorate the Apostles, the Virgin and other sacred names. A curious Anglo-Norman Carol, of the date of the thirteenth century, is given by Mr. Brand, in his "Popular Antiquities," (vol. 1, p. 371,) which is, to all intents and purposes, a jolly bacchanalian song, for a bass voice. The greatest rejoicing and merriment prevailed, particularly as displayed in dancing, and singing Carols; and, to such an excess had this been carried, that a preposterous legend has grown out of it, carefully handed down by William of Malmesbury, who gravely relates how that fifteen young women and eighteen young men were dancing, and singing Carols (A.D. 1012) in the church-yard of a church dedicated to St. Magnus, on the day before Christmas, whereby they greatly 'disturbed one Robert, a priest, who was performing mass in the church; how that the said Robert sent to tell them to desist, but they would not listen; how this Robert offered up prayers for a suitable punishment; and how that the whole party were miraculously compelled to continue singing and dancing for a whole year, night and day without ceasing-feeling neither heat nor cold, hunger nor thirst, weariness nor want of sleep: and, though their clothes did not wear out with all this inordinate exercise, yet the earth beneath them did; so that, when they left off, the earth had worn away all round them to the depth of several feet, while they danced in

the hollow.

The earliest Carol is, of course, the Nativity Carol mentioned in Luke (c. 11. v. 14,) which was sung by the angels. In the twelfth book of "Paradise Lost" this hymn is thus mentioned :

His place of birth a solemn angel tells
To simple shepherds, keeping watch by night:
They gladly thither haste, and by a quire
Of squadron'd angels hear his Carol sung.

Other hymns were gradually composed on this subject; and it is stated by Mr. Brand, in his "Popular Antiquities," on the authority of an ancient Ritualist, that, "in the earlier ages of the Church, the bishops were accustomed, on Christmas Day, to sing Carols among the clergy." So say Durand and


But it is time to give the reader a few specimens of the "Christmas Carols" of our forefathers.

Amidst a great mass of very questionable stuff, not to call it rubbish, some of our earliest Carols possess a peculiar beauty-a sort of devout innocence and happy faith, very refreshing in themselves, and more especially when compared with the modern, as well as the elder rubbish to which we have alluded. The first we shall select is from the Harleian MSS. (No. 5396-time of Henry VI.;) printed, also, in Ritson's "Ancient Songs.' Bishop Taylor considers it identical with the earliest one, which the Angels sung to the Shepherds :

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As I rode out last night, last night,
Of three joyous shepherds I saw a sight,
And all about their fold a star shone bright-
So merrily the shepherds their pipes can blow.


Lul-lee, lul-lay, thou little tiny child-
Bye-bye, lul-lee, lul-lay.

O sisters too, how may we do

For to preserve this day,

This poor youngling, for whom we do sing
Bye-bye, lul-lee, lul-lay.

Herod the King, in his raging,
Charged he hath this day
His men of might, in his own sight,
All young children to slay.

Then wo is me, poor child, for thee,
And ever we mourn and say,

For this journey wild, thou little tiny child,
Bye-bye, lul-lee, lul-lay.

whole of this century, as we learn from the Carols were much in request during the above and other authorities. Tusser mentions one to " be sung to the tune of King Solomon ;' " and in the time of Shakspeare Carols were continually sung about the streets at Christmas.

written in the sixteenth century, and made A Latin poem by Naogeorgus, a Bavarian, English, after a fashion, by Barnaby Goodge, alludes to the Carol singing of the time, with its various customs, which were evidently far more jocund than reverential.

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to terminate our account of these songs of the olden time, we find, on further consideration, to be too long for extract. As, however, they are of the legendary character, we must content ourselves with telling the story of one of

the best.

The first is called "The Carnal and the Crane." The Star in the East was so bright that it shone into King Herod's Chamber and alarmed him. He questioned the Wise Men about it, who told him that a babe was born this night who should have power which no King could destroy. Herod pointed to a roasted cock which was on a dish before him, and said, “That bird shall as soon be able to crow three times as this thing be true which ye tell." Whereupon feathers instantly grew over the roasted cock, and he rose high on his legs and crowed three times, standing up in

the dish!

We pass on to the popular broad-sheet Carols, of a rather more modern date. Though the majority be very wretched stuff, there will sometimes be found verses that appeal directly to the feelings by their homely strength, and coming from the heart of the writers.

Oh, pray teach your children, man,
The while that you are here;
It will be better for your souls
When your corpse lies on its bier.

To-day you may be alive, dear man,
Worth many a thousand pound;
To-morrow may be dead, dear man,
And your body laid under ground:

With one turf at your head, O man,
And another at your feet,
Thy good deeds and thy bad, O man,
Will all together meet.

In the century preceding the present, the wassail bowl was commonly carried on Christmas eve, to the houses of the nobles and gentry, with songs, in return for which a small present was expected. As midnight approached, the Carol-singers and bell-ringers prepared to usher in the morning of the Nativity with the usual rejoicings, so that all at once bells rang in the middle of the night, singing was heard, and bands of music went playing through the towns and villages and outskirts, and round about to all the principal houses of the county families. In the West of England, the Carol-singers often used to repair to the church-porch, or to the porch of some ancient house, to sing-in Christmas morning; and it is a rural scene of this kind which the Artist has portrayed in the Illustration that accompanies the present account. A similar scene is described by the author of the " Sketch-Book," on his visit to Yorkhire at this time of the year. He awoke in

the night with the sound of music beneath his window, which then floated off to a distance. Then there was singing, which sounded in the porch. "In the morning," he says, 66 as I lay musing on my pillow, I heard the sound of little feet pattering outside of the door, and a whispering consultation. Presently a choir of small voices chanted forth an old Christmas Carol, the burden of which was—

Rejoice! our Saviour, he was born
On Christmas-day in the morning.

and grandeur of the subject-comprising, as It is extraordinary, considering the beauty it does, in its essence, the whole history of hufinal victory-how very few poets have written manity, its errors, its sufferings, its hopes, and Carols. We only know of one great poet who has done so-need we say that this one was Milton? (Goethe and Coleridge have able kind.) It must not, however, be forgoteach written a Carol, but of no very remarkbeautiful Carols, not displaying any strength ten, that Herrick has written several very of vision or divine ardor, but characterized by a sweet poetical playfulness. Here is a verse from his


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subject, beyond all compare. We shall not most perfect models of the ancient art, with make any extract from it, as it is within every-carved boards, embossed covers, and illuminbody's reach, which the specimens we have ated pages. Those who are desirous of obtainquoted from other sources are not. ing modern Carols, carefully written to scriptural texts, and adapted to the ancient tunes (the music of which is given,) may be amply supplied from a little work published by J. W. Parker, entitled "Christmas Carols, with Appropriate Music," and adorned with a frontispiece, engraved from some picture by one of the old masters; of the beauty of which it is not too much to say, that it is worthy of the subject.-Illustrated London News.

Those who would seek further information on this subject, and read more of these songs of the olden time, will find abundance (in addition to those authors we have already quoted) in the Sloane, Harleian, and other MSS. in the British Museum; Ritson's " Ancient Songs," &c. A small, but very choice collection has recently been brought out by Cundall-bound, of course, according to the

Translated for the Daguerreotype.

There was a time,-and that not very long since, when the kingdom of Hannover was one of those states of the Germanic confederation, which were regarded by German patriots with hope, and even with pride. There was a people which seemed disposed to assert with moderation, but with firmness its sacred rights, and to resist with energy every effort to deprive it of them. Seven professors of the university of Göttingen, -once worldrenowned, now sunk so low, left their hearths and homes, and became wanderers in our country, that they might not be unfaithful to their convictions. In every part of the land there was much political activity, and a zealous striving for that progress which the age demands. Hannover, in fact, was to the north of Germany what Baden now is to the south; a country which in its political development leads the van, and is looked up to by its neighbors as a model. If this had continued to be the case, Hannover would have become the most advanced of all the German states, and its influence upon the whole northern section of the country would have been incalculable. Instead of this, what do we now behold? The stillness of death, politically speaking, reigns throughout the country. The people take no interest in the measures of the government. The leading men of past years are living scattered in other parts of Germany; or, weary and disappointed in their hopes, have buried themselves in the deepest retirement; or, from ambitious or mercenary motives, have deserted their cause; nay, one of them is exerting his undeniable talents to keep a neighboring

people under the yoke of a foreign nation. The Hannoverians, once so firm and unbending, do not now dare to choose any representative but the one who is prescribed for them by the court, or of whom they are sure that he will be favorably received. It is only East-Friesland, a district which has a very strongly-marked national character, and the Harz, that land of true German mountaineers, which form exceptions to this rule. The rest of the kingdom appears to be cast in a single form, and he who is acquainted with one district or one town, is acquainted with all. If he crosses the borders of Hannover from the side of Hamburg, the first town which shows itself to the traveller is Harburg. Harburg is an advanced post of Hamburg, a warehouse belonging to that city, and wholly dependent upon it for weal or woe. Its principal occupation is to receive and forward the masses of merchandise which come from central and southern Germany for Hamburg, as well as those which are sent back from Hamburg in exchange. It is not an unprofitable business, but it no longer brings the large gains which it did in former times, when a much higher rate of commission was paid. Besides this business there is here an extraordinary number of hotels and taverns of all classes, which used to furnish the numerous travellers, who came here to cross the Elbe to Hamburg, meat and drink and lodging at the highest possible prices. A large custom-house with an extensive range of warehouses, and a post station, whence travellers used to be forwarded at a very leisurely pace into the interior, are the principal buildings of the

straggling and pretty little town. But during the last six months the completion of the railroad which connects Cologne and Hannover with Hamburg has effected a great change. Every traveller now hurries to the huge railroad station, in order to get away as soon as possible; the long trains of loaded wagons. which used to fill the streets have disappeared; the inns are empty and deserted. There is no inducement for any traveller to remain here, when he can reach Hannover or Brunswick in a few hours by railroad, or Hamburg in three quarters of an hour by steamboat. The innkeepers, wagoners, and commission agents of Harburg are no friends to the railroad. In order to regain their lost profits the Harburgers are about to establish, with the aid of the Hannoverian government, a direct steam-communication with England. All the goods destined for the central parts of Germany might then be brought direct to Harburg, instead of going, at an unnecessary cost of time and money, out of their way to Hamburg. The inhabitants of the latter city ridicule the proposition; but yet it may well happen, especially if Hannover accedes to the Customs union, and Hamburg determines to remain, as now, isolated from the rest of Germany, that Harburg may draw to itself a large part of the foreign commerce of the country. In the last year, sixty sea-going vessels have arrived in the harbor. In one hour the railroad train brings the traveller to Lüneburg, the first large town on this side of the kingdom. Half way between Harburg and Lüneburg lies the old town of Bardowieck. Bardowieck was once the richest and most powerful city of northern Germany, and held the rank now occupied by Hamburg, which at that period was a petty fishing village. Its merchants carried on an extensive commerce with all parts of the world that were then known; its name was honored in every country, and the tales told of its wealth, luxury, and magnificence are almost too romantic to be credible. But the inhabitants became haughty, and offended the then Duke of Saxony, Henry the Lion, who had been their protector, and in his wild fury the fierce warrior destroyed the whole town and drove out the inhabitants. They mostly took refuge in Lübeck and laid the foundation of the subsequent greatness of that city, and Bardowieck was never able to recover from the blow. The inhabitants now devote themselves to horticulture, and are celebrated for the excellence of their garden-seeds, and of their vegetables, which are eagerly sought by the gourmands of Hamburg. The sole memorial of former greatness is the immense cathe

dral, one of the largest in Germany, which looks as if it could accommodate within its vast aisles not only all the inhabitants, but all the houses of the town. But traces of ancient walls, fortifications, gates, &c., may be discerned by the curious in such matters.

Lüneburg, called also "the city of limetrees," is in its whole character a genuine Hannoverian town, while Harburg in many respects is an imitator of Hamburg. In describing the mode of life in Lüneburg, we describe with equal accuracy that of Celle, Stade, Verden, Ösnaburg, and all the other large towns of the kingdom. It is only in the Frisian towns of Aurich, Emden, and Lingen, in Göttingen as the seat of a university, in the Catholic town of Hildesheim, and in the capital Hannover, that the manners and customs are somewhat different.

That which strikes a stranger most upon entering a Hannoverian town, especially if he comes from Hamburg, is the large number of uniforms of every description which he constantly sees. Wherever he goes, whether it be into a theatre or into the coffee-room of an inn, into a public assembly or a private circle, he finds himself surrounded by individuals dressed in two colors. The postmaster, the sheriff, the tax-gatherer, and every official personage of whatever grade, not only perform the duties of their office in military uniform, but wear it even during their hours of recreation and amusement. The clerk in a post-office may frequently be seen with a pair of epaulettes which in other countries would grace a commanding officer. present king has introduced this custom, and he wishes every person who is employed in the service of the state, from the governor of a province down to the lamplighter, to appear upon all occasions in his appointed uniform.


But if the civil service is distinguished by a strict system of uniforms, it may easily be supposed that it is yet more the case with the military. Even officers who have long since quitted active service, and are engaged in peaceful avocations, may be seen walking about in regulation-coats, and with swords by their side. In order to effect as much variety as possible in these uniforms, and to have many different kinds of troops and officers, the regiments have been reduced to a minimum strength, and have received the most various appellations. This is especially the case in the cavalry; the twenty-four squadrons which Hannover possesses, and which in Austria would form only three regiments, are divided into eight, among which there are Life-Guards, Curassier-Guards, Hussar-Guards, Royal Hussars, Dragoon-Guards, Crownprince

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