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although it must be confessed that the laws which regulate the attack and spread of diseases like cholera and fever, are very much in favor of the existence of such agents. If we admit that cholera is due to the generation of such a poison, we must still further admit that circumstances which had no existence prior to the year 1817-the time when cholera first appeared in India — have been developed. What these are can be only matter for conjecture.

ties as conclusive; and Dr. Copland, in a very | amined under the microscope, any one of these able article in his "Dictionary of Medicine, is an advocate of this view. Whilst we admit that the evidence which he brings forward of the contagiousness of cholera under certain circumstances is very strong, we do not think it sufficient to justify the conclusion that it spreads by contagion alone. This is the view taken by Dr. W. Reid in his letter addressed to Lord Morpeth upon the question, Is cholera contagious or not? He believes that occasionally, under peculiar circumstances, just as ophthalmia and erysipelas, which are not ordinarily contagious diseases, become so -cholera, though not commonly contagious, may also assume such a character.

Then there are those who-feeling that contagion, fungi, animalcules, and miasms are insufficient to account for the origin of cholera -call in the aid of electricity as partly or entirely the cause; and amongst these is Dr. Leared. Nothing is more common than for those who know a little of electrical phenomena,

which the property which is called electricity is developed in matter, to confound its effects with its causes, or attribute to it an agency which correct apprehensions of its nature would speedily show to be impossible. We maintain that no evidence has yet been brought forward of an unexceptionable character that could in any manner lead us to infer that any unusual manifestation or irregular activity of its phenomena has had anything to do with the production of cholera. We say this, perfectly aware of all the stories afloat about the electrical conditions of the atmosphere at St. Petersburgh, the derangements of electric telegraphs, and even the giving off of electrical sparks from persons dying of chol

İf, then, the great mass of the cases which have occurred in the world are not produced by contagion or infection, to what other sufficient cause can the prevalence of this dis--and thus become aware of the extent to ease be ascribed? This question has been answered by many writers with more or less ability. Dr. Cowdell, whose work stands at the head of our list, says that the sporules of fungi are capable of producing such a disease. He has compiled with great industry all the facts that have been lately published on the presence of fungi during disease, and has written a book which may be read with interest, though the conclusions of the author be not adopted. The great drawback on the practical value of his book is, that the argument is entirely à priori. He has proved in a satisfactory manner, by facts drawn from analogy, that it is not impossible that some of the lower forms of vegetable growths may contribute to the spread and attack of this disease, — but he has brought forward not one particle of positive proof. Dr. Cowdell would, we think, have done better to have waited till he had an opportunity of examining the blood of cholera patients; for most assuredly, if the fungi are there they would be revealed by the microscope as effectually as they are in yeast, scaldhead, pyrosis, &c. The same objection may be urged against the animalcula theory of the origin of the disease: a theory, by-the-bye, which has not so much analogical evidence in its favor as that of the fungous theory.

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The fact is, all these phenomena have evidently been coincidences, and not at all connected with cholera in the relation of cause and effect.

We must confess that this picture of our present knowledge of the exciting cause of cholera is not a very cheering one. But there are visibly what the doctors call predisposing causes-circumstances that operate so as to give those who are exposed to them a much greater liability to cholera than others. Every day increases the evidence that it is persons subjected to a damp atmosphere, loaded with animal and vegetable exhalations, that are most liable to this disease; and that next to this cause come drunkenness, excessive fatigue (mental or bodily), and terror or fear. though on our acting upon a knowledge of these facts depends our immunity, we will not dwell on these points, as they are pretty well understood by the public.


If there is difference of opinion on the causes of cholera, there are still greater differences as to the condition of the system in this disease

-its pathology. One author-the name of whose pamphlet we have quoted, but who has put himself beyond the pale of legitimate criticism by the quack character of his otherwise clever work-maintains that cholera is a lesion of the brain, affecting the nerves which supply the stomach and bowels as well as those of respiration. Dr. Archibald Billing-for whose opinion the medical profession has great respect --maintains that cholera is but another form of fever; and that the blue or suffocative stage is the analogue of the cold stage of fever in such forms of it as common ague. Dr. Leared, in his little book, quotes the opinion of the late Dr. James Johnson,-who says, "I am perfectly satisfied that the disease is a serous hemorrhage from the bowels; that is, that the serous part of the blood is drained off from the internal surface of the intestinal canal, till the powers of life are worn out, or the remaining blood becomes too thick to circulate." Others, observing that the liver is early deranged, ascribe the symptoms to a deranged condition of this organ. Spasm of the capillaries, atony of the blood-vessels, and other conditions of the system, equally extravagant and absurd, have been supposed to give rise to the disease. We mention these views for the purpose of condemning them :-for, inasmuch as they lead to a treatment adapted to a hypothetical condition of the body, they are likely to do serious harm. Thus, we find that the authors who advocate certain theories of the disease employ remedies accordingly. Those who believe it to depend on nervous derangement, recommend arsenic and hydrocyanic acid. The advocates of a serous hemorhage would supply saline matters and albumen. The senior physician of St. George's Hospital goes so far as to recommend supplying from without human blood. Dr. Billing eschews stimulants and opium, and treats the disease as a fever. The already depressed system, he thinks, should be further depressed by tartar emetic, and the already relaxed bowels relaxed by doses of Epsom salts. Those who think the liver is at fault give calomel-whilst spasm of the capillaries and atony of the bloodvessels are respectively relieved by brandy, cajeput, camphor, or quinine.

In the midst of this conflict of opinions, it is some consolation to find that there is something like a standard practice recognized by the great mass of the medical profession. In the pamphlets by Mr. Allen and Dr. Castle we have the practical good sense of the general practitioners of this country expressed. They offer no explanation of causes or symptoms; and recommend a treatment founded on the universal experience of mankind, one that rests

on the observation of the effects of well-known remedies-effects that are adapted to counteract the particular symptoms of cholera. We shall not enter into the details of this treatment; but it appears to us most rational that as cholera is known to have a premonitory stage, in that stage every effort should be made to arrest it. The symptoms here are under the control of well-known remedies,-and these are the remedies in which we recommend the public to put their trust. As the successive symptoms arise they must be met by many remedies-not by one; and we believe those practitioners will succeed best who treat each symptom as it accrues in accordance with the best known principles of therapeutics.

But while approving the directions for treating the disease given in Dr. Castle's and Mr. Allen's pamphlets, we would certainly not recommend that patients should treat themselves. It is the misfortune of such books that they lead people to venture on dabbling with their own cases,-often to their serious injury.

One word, before we conclude, about prevention. We cordially concur in all the directions of the Government about the necessity of cleanliness, sewerage, &c. but it is of little use for them to recommend. Individuals cannot cleanse sewers, trap gully-holes, and compel local boards and authorities to act for the health of the community. The Government alone has the power to compel :-and we ask the Board of Health whether they have done anything at all commensurate with the extent of the evil to improve the sanitary condition of the country!-Athenæum.

An exhibition was given on Monday at the Hanover Square Rooms of the new Electric Light. This, we believe, is the same system by which it was proposed some time ago to form an artificial Sun to light Paris. Mr. Staite, the inventor of this modification, proposes to parcel out his sun into little bits, so that any of us may have three farthing's worth of sun to light our private apartments: which it will do with the brilliancy of 500 wax candles. One bit of sun was exhibited to the meeting; and in its light even the famous lime ball of Drummond grew dim. The difficulty has been, to compensate for the carbon consumed, so as to keep the points of the carbon always in contact. Mr. Staite seems to have overcome this difficulty. At present, the light is not quite perfect, as it is not easy to obtain the carbon quite pure. It is, however, so nearly so, that there seems little doubt of final success.— -Athenæum.


No study is more interesting or important than the study of man. It may be pursued through a variety of means. We may observe his manners, tastes and habits; we may listen to his conversation, and mark the influence he endeavors to exercise over the minds of other men. All these may serve as indications of character, but the means by which we may most surely arrive at the truth, is the perusal of the thoughts of the secret pages of the mind. Every other medium may prove false; this alone is unerring.

It is seldom, however, that an individual will allow us to read his soul, or trace his actions to their motive. We must, in general, be content with watching the changing and deceptive surface of events, while the steady undercurrent flows on, concealed from the curious gaze. When, therefore, it is possible to unlock the secret depositories of thought, and reveal the hidden springs of action, the privilege must be considered as eminently valuable, and the more so when we are permitted to investigate the motives of such men as Samuel Pepys, who enjoyed high offices, and fulfilled their duties with distinguished ability, if not with the most scrupulous conscience, and who exerted considerable influence over the affairs of the period. His diary is valuable as depicting to us many of the most important characters of the times. Its author has bequeathed us the records of his heart, the very reflection of his energetic mind; and his quaint but happy narrative clears up numerous disputed points, throws light into many of the dark corners of history, and lays bare the hid den substratum of events which gave birth to, and supported, the visible progress of the nation. We are introduced to the public characters of his time, divested of those deceptive trappings which led their contemporaries and biographers to view them, not as they were, but as they wished the world to think them. For this, and many other reasons, is the diary valuable; and among the numerous claims it possesses to the attention of the public, is the graphic yet simple language in which the able but simple-minded Clerk of the Acts relates. his extraordinary experience.

Born during one of the most eventful periods of our history, educated in the spirit of the times, and thrown by the accidents of

"Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, Corrected and Enlarged, with additional Notes, Illustrative and Explanatory. Edited by Richard Lord Braybrooke."

fortune 'into the very centre of political movement, no man could have been better fitted than Samuel Pepys to present us with a faithful picture of the Court, of public opinion, and of the state of society as it existed in his age. Our diarist, while delineating other men, paints also himself, and by mingling the description of his conduct as a public servant with that of his domestic eccentricities, convinces us of his sincerity. We know he is writing the truth, for he never flatters himself nor others, but exhibits, with his abilities, his success, and his virtues, his faults and failings, his follies and his foibles, with the same degree of frankness. Certainly the diary was never intended by him for publication of this we have undoubted testimony. Indeed, were such not the fact, its value would be immensely diminished in our eyes; and instead of ranking, as it now does, among the most curious and interesting works which the present century has produced, it would dwindle down in our esteem to a mere lively fiction.

Samuel Pepys was born on the 23d of February, 1632, whether at Brampton, a small country town, or in London, is a disputed point. The first germs of that varied knowledge which afterwards contributed to carry him so successfully through the world, were planted in his mind at Huntingdon. Thence he was removed to St. Paul's school, and thence to Trinity College, Cambridge. The early years of his life are enveloped in obscurity.

A large portion of them seem to have been passed under the roof of a noble relative, Sir Edward Montague, though what situation he filled in this family is not determined. Indeed, until the commencement of the present diary we can find no authentic account of his life. He began to write it shortly after he was appointed as clerk in some office of the Exchequer, connected with the pay of the army; and we propose accompanying him through some portions at least of his experience, and touching on a few of the curious passages of his life.

Pepys introduces himself to us on the 1st of January, 1659, in a garret in Ale Yard, with his wife and servant, living in frugal style; yet, in spite of his humble position, not without influence in high quarters. For a considerable time we find him engaged in public business, an account of which he sets down with scrupulous accuracy, occasionally pausing to describe the good dinners he en

joyed, and the little inconveniences he suffered, in his daily walks to and from the office. This portion of the diary, in addition to its intrinsic value as a record of affairs during the period of the Restoration, is curious in the extreme, when regarded as a picture of the times a representation of manners and habits which would clash strangely with modern notions of civilization. Pepys describes how he came home with his wife one evening through the Park, when a poor woman offered to race her for a pot of ale, and, moreover, won the wager. Numerous instances of this sort occur; and in every page we discover testimony of the immense alteration which has since taken place in the topography as well as the state of society in the metropolis. We find mention of a little water-brook which traversed the Strand, and found its outlet in the Thames; and of numerous other facts which attest the change that has since come over the aspect of London. But, perhaps, the most engrossing feature in this portion of the diary, is the extraordinary excitement which appears to have prevailed throughout society with regard to the movements of General Monk. For a long time his intentions were hidden in uncertainty; but when it at length became publicly known that he had declared for the King, London appears to have been frenzied with joy. From one end to the other the city was red with the blaze of bonfires, and the incessant chime of bells attested the general feeling. The King's health, hitherto interdicted, was drank in the public streets; and when a rumor went abroad that some one would rise up in the House of Commons and protest against the restoration of Charles Stuart, a damp fell upon men's minds, which was only dissipated by the assurance that no such protest would be permitted. All the incidents connected with these important movements are related with faithful minuteness. We trace events from their very roots, and see how they branch and give birth to others, which ramify through the whole complicated scheme of public affairs. Taking himself as the centre of the narrative, Pepys describes a wide circle, and makes us intimately acquainted with all who came within its range: The diary is a history both of persons and opinions.

Following the humble clerk in his progress, we find him writing with a steady hand for his own advancement, making friends in every quarter, and conciliating those whom he fancied to be hostilely inclined. It was at once perceived by his friends that he would rise to power and influence, and those who could not hope to step before him, pushed

| him on, trusting that from his elevation he might lend a helping hand to them. By whatever means, however, the conclusion was brought about, certain it is that, on the 22d of March, 1660, we find Pepys, after passing through much trouble, and smoothing down, by his ability and industry, countless obstacles, receiving his warrant as secretary to the two generals of the fleet. "Strange," he says, alluding to the venality of those around him, how people do now promise me anything-one a rapier, the other a vessel of wine, or a gun, and one offered me a silver hatband to do him a service. I pray God to keep me from being proud, or too much lifted up hereby."


Embarking on board Sir E. Montague's ship, Samuel Pepys accompanied the expedition sent to bring Charles II. to England. During the many negotiations which attended this movement, our diarist was continually surrounded by those who trusted to profit by his friendship. Each sought to win his regard. One sent him a piece of gold, another a vessel of wine, another some costly ornaments, another assailed his ears with adulation, another courted his friendship by promises, while others endeavored to secure it by unblushing bribery. No where, however, do we find Pepys occupying himself with his own affairs to the prejudice of his duties as a public servant. He pursues his functions with unwearying vigor, writing and reading memorials, receiving deputations, holding counsel with the naval authorities, and despatching an infinite variety of business. His advice appears to have been sought, and often acted upon, by the most distinguished individuals. He was employed to draw up a very important vote relative to the decision of a council of war, and expressing that which was most favorable to the monarchy. Pepys thus describes its reception :

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pride, with pendants loose, guns roaring, caps "He that can fancy a fleet like ours, in her flying, and the loud "Vive le rois!" echoed from one ship's company to another, he, and received with, or the blessing he thought himhe only, can apprehend the joy this vote was self possessed of that bore it."

On the 14th of May the expedition arrived at its destination, and on the 23d the King embarked amid, as Pepys expresses, an infinite and confused shooting of guns. His Majesty entertained the officers during the homeward passage with the account of his adventures, perils, and escapes, and, finally, on the 29th of May, entered Whitehall in triumph. We find this passage of English history thus described in

a quaint but curious and rare book very nearly out of print:


And it came to pass on the 29th day of the fifth month, which is called May, that the King was conducted in great state to his palace at Whitehall, and all the people shouted, saying, "Long live the King!"*

samphire from a friend. Appointed one of the justices of peace for Middlesex, Kent, Essex, and Southampton, he confesses, with ingenuous frankness, that though mightily pleased with this honor, he is wholly ignorant of the attendant duties. †

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earlier years he was a furious enemy of king
and crown. Speaking of his meeting with an old
schoolfellow," a deadly drinker," as he terms
him, he
says: I was much afraid he would
remember the words I said on the day when
the King was beheaded—that, were I to
memory of the wicked shall rot.'"
preach upon him, my text should be, The
the Clerk of the Acts sufficiently proves, that
if he once entertained ideas inimical to royalty,
he abandoned them as he grew older, and
we find him as staunch and loyal a subject as
even a king could wish. Yet, though courtly
in his predilections, he is as homely and do-
mestic as the most humble tradesman.
in the following extract:
strange points of his character show themselves

Pepys was, of course, attached to royalty, and accordingly we find him writing and The secretary to the two generals is now again in London, where we find him alternate- speaking of King Charles with the utmost rely devoting his time and attention to business spect, paying deference to his slightest wish, rejoicing at the punishment of his enemies, and pleasure, new suits, and choice dinners. and exerting himself vigorously in his service; Flattery and bribes attend him incessantly. but, when describing a visit to Sir W. BatNow he finds, on returning home from his often's house, he lets out the fact that in his fice, that a packet of chocolate (a rarity then) has been left for him, now five pounds are slipped into his hand, now a silver case is presented to his wife, and now a case of costly liquors comes unordered to his door. About this time it was thought fit in influential quarters that Peyps should be rewarded for his services during the expedition to Holland, and a place was sought for him. The situation of Clerk of the Acts was an important one, and numerous were those who aspired to its dignity and emolument. It was hinted that Pepys was to fill it, and the rumor caused great excitement among those who aspired to the post. One individual offered him £500 to desist from it. "I pray God direct me what to do herein," says our diarist. But he appears soon to have made up his mind; for on the 20th of June he received the warrant, and his altered position now begins to show itself in a more profuse style of living, in more costly clothes, and greater indulgence of his tastes, at all times eccentric and extravagant. Yet Pepys, though holding a very important civil post, receiving a handsome salary, and mingling in noble society, loved to busy himself with the most homely domestic arrangements, and found amusement in the most trifling incidents. In one page he describes how he caused his servant girl to wash the wainscot of his parlor, and how this afforded him great sport; and in the next relates the entertainment he derived from seeing a gentleman fall into a kennel in the Poultry.

The Duke of Gloucester died early in September, 1660, and caused a great gap at Court. His funeral was celebrated with some pomp, though Pepys, while making much account of the mourning he purchased for himself and his wife, describes little of the cercmony; preferring to ramble on to an account of his drinking wine at the Hope Tavern, eating 200 walnuts, and receiving a barrel of

"The Chronicles of the Kings of England, by Nathan Ben D. Saddi, a Servant of God, of the House of Israel."


"My father and I discoursed seriously about my sister's coming to live with me; and yet I am much afraid of her ill nature. I told her plainly, my mind was to have her come not as a sister but as a servant; which she promised me that she would, and with many thanks did weep for joy.


my wife making of pies and tarts to try the oven with, but not knowing the nature of it, did heat it too hot, and so a little overbake our things; but knows how to do better another time.


15th (Nov.)-To Sir W. Battens to dinner, he having a couple of servants married to-day, and as there was a number of merchants and others of good quality, on purpose after dinner to make an offering, which, after dinner we did, and I did give ten shillings, and no more, though I believe most of them did give more, and did believe that I did so too. "21st.. At night to my violin (the first time I have played on it in this house) in my dining-room, and afterwards to my lute there, and I took much pleasure to have the neighbors come forth into the yard to hear me."


† How strangely the following sentence sounds in these days: :-" I did send for a cup of tee (a China drink) of which I never drank before."

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