Obrazy na stronie
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For, for that, since, because. Forbid, under interdiction.

Force, power.

Force, to enforce, to urge.

Festival terms, splendid phraseo- Force, to stuff.


Fet, fetched.

Few, in short, in few words.
Fico, a fig.

Fielded, in the field of battle.

Fierce, proud, hasty, vehement,


Fig, to insult.

Fights, clothes hung round a ship to conceal the men from the


File, a list.

Filed, defiled.

Filed, gone an equal pace with. Fills, the shafts.

Filths, common sewers.

Fine, the conclusion.

Fine, full of finesse, artful.

Fine, to make showy, or specious.

Fineless, boundless, endless.

Firago for Virago.

Firs-drake, will-o'-the-wisp, ога fire-work.

Falsely, dishonestly, treacher- Fire-new, bren-new, new from ously.

Falsing, falsifying.

Familiar, a demon.

Fancy, love.

the forge.

Firk, to chastise.

First noblest, most eminent.
Fit, a division of a song.

exempt from the Fitchew, a polecat.

power of love.

Fang, to seize or gripe.

Fanged, possessed_of fangs.

Fans, ancient.

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of a hound.

Flickering, fluttering like the

motion of a flame.

Flight, a sort of shooting.
Flourish, ornament.
Flote, wave.

Flush, mature, ripe.
Foeman, an enemy in war.
Foin, to thrust in fencing.
Foizon, plenty.

Folly, depravity of mind.
Fond, foolish, or prized by folly.
Fonder, more weak or foolish.
Fondly, foolishly.

Fools' zanies, baubles with the head of a fool.

Foot-cloth, a housing covering the body of the horse, and almost reaching to the ground.

Forced, false.

Fordid, destroyed.

Fordo, to undo, to destroy.

Foredone, overcome.

Forfended, prohibited, forbidden

Foreign, employed in foreign embassies.

Forepast, already had.
Fore-slow, to be dilatory, to loiter.
Forestall, to prevent by anticipa-

Forgetive, inventive, imaginative.
Forked, horned.

Formal, not out of form, regular, sensible, in form, in shape.

Former, foremost.
Forspent, wasted, exhausted.
Forspoke, contradicted, spoken

Forthcoming, in custody.
Forwearied, worn out.
Foul, homely, not fair.
Fox, a cant word for a sword.
Foxship, mean, cunning.
Frampold, peevish, fretful, or


Frank, a sty. Franklin, a little gentleman or freeholder.

Free, artless, free from art, ge


Fret, the stop of a musical instrument, which regulates the vibration of the string.

Friend, a lover, a term appli-
cable to both sexes, a paramour
Friend, friendship.
Friend, to befriend.
Frippery, a shop where old
clothes were sold.

Frize, a cloth made in Wales.
From, in opposition to.
Fronted, opposed.
Frontier, forehead

Frontlet, a forehead cloth.

Frush, to break or bruise.
Frustrate, frustrated.
Fulfilling, filling till there be no
room for more.
Full, complete.
Fullams, loaded dice.

Fullest, most complete and per


Fumiter, fumitory. Furnished, dressed.


Gabardine, a loose felt cloak
Gad, a pointed instrument.
Gain-giving, misgiving.
Gainsay, to unsay, deny, contra-


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Gramercy, grand mercy, great thanks.

Grange, the farm-house of a monastery; a lone house.

Gratillity, gratuity.

Gratulate, gratifying, acceptable.
Grave, to entomb.
Graves, or greaves, armour for
the legs.

Greasily, grossly.

Greek, a bawd, or pander. Green, unripe, not fully formed. Greenly, awkwardly, unskilfully. Greets, pleases.

Grief, pain, grievances.

Griefs grievances, wrongs. Grievances, sorrows, sorrowful affections.

Grieve, to lament for.

Grise, a step.

Grossly, palpably.

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Groundlings, the frequenters of Hilding, a paltry cowardly fel

the pit in the playhouse.

Growing, accruing.

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Gentle, noble, high-minded, be- Guarded, ornamented.

longing to gentry.

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Hiren, a harlot.


Hint, suggestion, circumstance.

His, often used for its.

Hit, to agree.

Guards, badges of dignity.

Hoist, hoisted.

Guerdon, reward.

Hold, to esteem.

Guerdoned, rewarded.

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Guinea-hen, a prostitute.

Home, completely, in full ex

Gules, red, a term in heraldry.


Gulf, the swallow, the throat.

Honest, chaste.

Gun-stones, cannon-balls.

Honesty, liberality.

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Giglot, a wanton wench.

Gilder. a coin valued at Is. 6d. Gurnet, a fish resembling a Honey-stalks, clover flowers.

Glut, to englut or swallow up.
Gnarled, knotted.

Good-deed, indeed, in very deed.
Good-den, good evening.

Good-life, of a moral orjovial turn. Good-jer, gougere, morbus gal


Gorbellied, fat and corpulent.
Gossips, tattling women who at-
tend lyings-in.
Gossomer, the white cobweb-like
exhalations that fly about in
hot sunny weather.

Government, evenness of temper,
decency of manners.
Gourds, a species of dice.
Gouts, drops.

Grace, acceptableness, favour.
Grace, to bless, to make happy.
Gracious, graceful, lovely.
Grained, furrowed, like the grain
of wood, died in grain or in-


Haggard, a species of hawk.
Haggard, wild.

Hair, complexion or character. Happily, accidentally, fortunately.

Happy, accomplished.
Hardiment, bravery, stoutness.
Harlocks, wild mustard.
Harlot, a cheat.

Harp, to touch on a passion.
Harrow, to conquer, to subdue.
Harry, to use roughly, to harass.
Having, estate or fortune, pro-
motion, allowance of expense.
Haviour, behaviour.
Haught, haughty.
Haughty, high, elevated.
Haunt, company.

Hay, a term in the fencing


Head, the source, the fountain.
Head, body of forces.
Heart, the most valuable or pre-
cious part.

Hope, to expect.

Horologe, clock.

Hox, to ham-string.

Hull, to drive to and fro upon the water without sails or rudder.

Humorous, chargeable, humid, moist.

Hungry, steril, unprolific. Hunt-counter, base tyke, worthless dog.

Hunts-up, the name of a tune, a
morning song.
Hurly, noise.
Hurtling, merry with impetuo


Husbandry, thrift, frugality. Huswife, a jilt.


Ice-brook, a brook of icy quali
ties in Spain.
I' fecks, in faith.
Ignomy, ignominy.
Ill-inhabited, ill-lodged.
Ill-nurtured, ill-educated.
Images, children, representatives.
Imaginary, produced by the
power of imagination.

Imbare, to lay open or display to


Immanity, barbarity, savageness.
Immediacy, close connexion.
Imp, to supply.
Imp, progeny.
Impair, unsuitable.
Impartial, sometimes used for

Impawned, wagered and staked.
pawned, wagered
Impeach, to bring into question.
Impeachment, reproach or impu-
tation, hinderance.
Imperious, imperial.

Imperseverant, perseverant. Impeticos, to impetticoat or impocket. Importance, importunacy. Importance, the thing imported. Importing, implying, denoting. se, injunction, command.

Impose, Impositions, commands. Impossible, incredible or incon


Impress, to compel to serve.
Impress, a device or motto.

Impugn, to oppose, to controvert.
Incapable, unintelligent.

Incarnardine, to stain of a red colour.

Incensed, incited, suggested.
Inclining, compliant.

Inclip, to embrace.

Include, to shut up, to conclude.
Inclusive, enclosed.

Incony, or kony, fine, delicate.
Incorrect, ill-regulated.

Increase, produce.

Indent, to bargain and article.
Index, something preparatory.
Indifferent, sometimes for dif-
ferent, impartial.
Indite, to convict.

Induction, entrance, beginning,


Indurance, delay, procrastination.

Infinite, extent or power.

Ingaged, sometimes for unen

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Intrenchant, that which cannot be cut.

Intrinse, intrinsicate.
Invention, imagination.


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intimacy, confi- Laced mutton, a woman of the

Iron, clad in armour.
Irregulous, lawless, licentious.
Issues, consequences, conclu-

Iteration, citation, or recitation.

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Jar, the noise made by the pen

dulum of a clock. Jauncing, jaunting.

Jesses, straps of leather by which
the hawk is held on the fist.
Jest, to play a part in a mask.
Jet, to strut.

Jovial, belonging to Jove.
Journal, daily.

Jump, to agree with, to put into agitation.

Jump, hazard, to venture at.
Jump, just.
Justicer, justice, judge.
Jut, to encroach.
Jutty, to project.
Juvenal, a young man.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


Lackeying, moving like a lackey or page.

Lag, the meanest persons.
Lances, lance-men.

Land-damn, to destroy in some


Lands, landing-places.
Lapsed, time suffered to slip.
Large, licentious

Lass-lorn, forsaken of his mis


Latch, to lay hold of
Latched or letched, licked over.
Late, lately.
Lated, belated, benighted.
Latten, thin as a lath.
Lavoltas, a kind of dances.
Laund, lawn.

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Keep, to restrain, to dwell, to Libbard, or lubbar, a leopard.


Inkle, a kind of tape, crewell or Keisar, Cæsar.


Kernes, light-armed Irish foot.

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Liberal, licentious or gross in

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Parcel, reckon up.

Parcel-gilt, gilt only on certain


Parish-top, a large top formerly

kept in every village to be

whipped for exercise.

Old, frequent, more than enough. Paritor, an apparitor, an officer

Old age, ages past.

Once, sometime.

Oneyers, accountants, bankers.

Opal, a precious stone of almost

Nay-word, a watch-word or by- Open, publicly.


Neat, finical.

Neb or nib, the mouth.

Neeld, needle.

Neif, fist.

Opinion, obstinacy, conceit, cha

all colours.

Operant, active.


Opposite, adverse, hostile, adver


Or, before.

Nephew, a grandson or any lineal Opposition, combat.


Nether-stocks, stockings.

Newness, innovation.

Newt, the eft.

Next, nearest.

Nice, silly, trifling.

Nick, reckoning or count.

Nick, to set a mark of folly on.
Nighted, made dark as night.
Night-rule, frolic of the night.
Nine men's morris, a game.
Nobility, distinction, eminence.
Nobless, nobleness.

Noddy, fool, a game at cards.
Noise, music.

Nonce, on purpose, for the turn. Nock-shotten, that which shoots into capes.

Northern man, vir borealis, a clown.

Note, notice, information, remark.
Novice, a youth.

Novum, some game at dice.
Nourish, to nurse.

Nowl. a head.

Nurture, education.

Nuthook, a thief.


Obligations, bonds.

of the bishop's court.

Parle, parley.

Parlous, perilous.

Parlous, keen, shrewd.

Part, to depart.

Partake, to participate.

Partaker, accomplice, confede


Parted, shared.

Parted, endowed with parts.

Participate, participant, partici


Partizan, a pike.

Orbs, circles made by the fairies Parts, party.

on the ground.

Orchard, a garden.

Order, measures.
Ordinance, rank.

Orgulous, proud, disdainful.
Osprey, a kind of eagle.
Ostent, shew, ostentation.
Ostentation, shew, appearance.
Overblow, to drive away, to keep


Overture, opening or discovery.
Ounce, a small tiger, or tiger-cat.
Ouph, fairy, goblin.
Ousel-cock, the cock blackbird.
Out, be gone.

Out, full, complete.
Outlook, to face down.
Outvied, a term at the game of

Outward, not in the secret of affairs.

Owe, to own, possess, govern.
Ox-lip, the great cowslip.


Pack, to bargain with.

Pack, combined, an accomplice.

Observed, paid respective atten- Packing, plotting, underhand

tion to


Pash, a head.

Pash, to strike with violence.

Pashed, bruised, crushed.

Pass, to decide, to assure or convey.

Pass, to exceed, to go beyond common bounds.

Passed, excelling, past all ex

pression or bounds.
Passes, what has passed.
Passing, eminent, egregious.
Passion, suffering.

Passionate, a prey to mournful sensations.

Passioning, being in a passion.
Passy-measure, a dance.

Pastry, the room where pastry was made.

Patch, a term of reproach. Patched, in a parti-coloured coat. Path, to walk.

Pathetical, deeply affecting. Patient, to make patient, to compose.

Patine, a dish used with the cha

lice, in the administration o
the Eucharist.

Pattern, instance, example.
Pavin, a dance.
Paucas, few.
Pay, to beat, to hit.

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