My Visit to Heaven: Prophecies Of the End Time

Przednia okładka
AuthorHouse, 2004 - 68

Raised to violence, all he wanted now was peace

Jack Mulligan killed his abusive father when he was eleven and spent the next seven years in prison. It was there he became scarred physically and emotionally.

Owning nothing but his wits, he scored exceptionally high on a college entrance exam and was paroled to Mt. Sidney College. Now Jack is the only white student in an all-black college where he is both despised for his skin color and his past.

When Jack is assigned a gay roommate, Juleel Washington, the two become instant friends but are regarded by the students as outcasts. Their enemies are determined rid them from the college and achieve both racial and moral purity.

In his long quest for atonement, Jack Mulligan can only rely on the friendship of Juleel and the love of girl named, Keysha.

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