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his kind permission to print the words of Nos. 1546—1 to Sir Herbert S. Oakeley, M.A., Mus. Doc., Professo Music in the University of Edinburgh, for his kind permiss to print the words of No. 1222, his copyright; to the late I Henry Littleton, who took a great interest in the work duri the early stages of its compilation; and to many others i advice and assistance.

November 2, 1888.


Assistant Vicar Choral, St. Paul's Cathe

IN issuing this new edition with an Appendix consisti of upwards of four hundred Anthems which have recent appeared, the special attention of Precentors, Organis and Choirmasters is directed to the index of "Anther suitable for certain days or seasons," which has be considerably enlarged, in the hope that it will be fou more valuable to those whose duty it is to select the mu for "quires and places where they sing," and to ass them in making their selections with due regard to t sentiment of the words and their suitability for "certain da or seasons."

Thanks are hereby tendered to the proprietors of " Hym: Ancient and Modern," for their kind permission to print t words of several hymns; also to the Rev. F. G. Ellerton No. 1766; to Messrs. Macmillan & Co., for Nos. 1666 a 1741, by the late Lord Tennyson; to Messrs. James Nisbet the Co., for Nos. 1686 and 1901, by the late Dr. Bonar; Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co., for No. 1738, by the la Mrs. Browning; and to the Committee of the Provider" (Row) Night Refuge, for whose benefit 1769 was written the late Miss Proctor.


May 19, 1898.

H. K.




ABT, FRANZ WILHELM. Born 1819. Died 1885.

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ADAMS, THOMAS. Organist of St. Alban's, Holborn.

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Oh, how great is Thy goodness 1863
The earth brought forth grass... 1862
The eyes of all




He shall be great

If any man sin
If I go not away


Open to me the gates

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AGUTTER, B. Mus. Bac., Oxon., 1870. Mus. Doc., Cantuar, 1891. Organist of St. Peter's, Streatham, 1867.

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AITKEN, G. B. J. Organist of Hampstead Parish Church.

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Out of the deep


ALCOCK, JOHN. Mus. Doc., Oxon., 1761 (? 1765). Born 1715. Chorister of St. Paul's. Organist of Lichfield Cathedral, 1749. Died 1806. Out of the deep ... 1334 Wherewithal shall a young man? 333


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ALEXANDER, A. Organist of St. Andrew's Church, Southport. 1534 Why seek ye the living?

O love the LORD...



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ALLEN, G. B. Mus. Bac., Oxon., 1852. Born April, 1822. Died at

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AMPS, W., M.A. Organist of King's College, Cambridge, 1855-1876. When I consider


ANERIO, FELICE. Born at Rome about 1560.
Alleluia, CHRIST is risen




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Alleluia! Christus surrexit


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Chapel Master in Lorraine, and one of the

earliest Madrigal writers. A.D. 1490-1556.

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ARNOLD, G. B. Mus. Doc., Oxon., 1861. Organist of Winchester Cathedral, 1865.

Praise the LORD, O my soul 176 The LORD is my Shepherd

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ARNOLD, SAMUEL. Mus. Doc., Oxon., 1773. Born 1740. Pupil of Dr. Nares, whom he succeeded as Organist and Composer to the Chapels Royal, 1783. Died 1802.

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