Obrazy na stronie

WAREING, HERBERT WALTER. Mus. Doc., Cantab., 1886. Organist of

King's Norton Parish Church,


And when the Sabbath was past 1846

My people shall dwell

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O ye that love the LORD


Come, now, and let us reason

Sing praises to GOD



(Title) 1572

The LORD is my Shepherd


If ye love Me


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I will sing unto the LORD



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WELDON, JOHN. Born 1676. Gentleman of the Chapels Royal, 1701.

Succeeded Dr. Blow as one of the Organists, 1708. Second

Composer to the Chapels Royal, 1715. Died 1736.

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WESLEY, SAMUEL. Brother of the preceding. Born 1766. Died 1837.

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WESLEY, SAMUEL SEBASTIAN. Son of the above. Born 1810.
Doc., Oxon., 1839. Organist of Gloucester Cathedral, 1865.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

WEST, JOHN E. Organist of South Hackney Parish Church, 1891


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WETTON, H. DAVAN. Mus. Bac., Dunelm, 1891. Organist of the

Foundling Hospital, 1892.

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Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel... 1951 | LORD, Thou hast searched me out 1952


Mus. Bac., Oxon., 1876. Organist of

Llandaff Cathedral, 1876. Organist of Gloucester Cathedral, 1882. Resigned 1896.

Blessed be the LORD GOD of Israel 1800 | To Thee, O LORD

1801 1802



The souls of the righteous


While the earth remaineth

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WILTON, EARL OF. Born 1790. Died 1882.

O praise the LORD, all ye heathen





WINTER, PETER VON. Kapellmeister to the King of Bavaria. Born

1754. Died 1825.

Have mercy upon me, O LORD. 1019 | Hear my prayer, O LORD

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WINTLE, REV. OGLE. M.A. Died November, 1875.

Come, my people ...




WISE, MICHAEL. Born at Salisbury, 1638. Organist of Salisbury Cathedral, 1668. Gentleman of the Chapels Royal, 1675. Master of the Boys and Almoner of St. Paul's Cathedral, 1687. Died 1687.

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WOOD, CHARLES, M.A. Mus. Doc., Oxon., 1894. Organist of Caius

College, Cambridge.

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Chapels Royal, 1778.

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WOOD, DAVID. Organist of Ely Cathedral, 1771. Gentleman of the

WOOD, W. G. Born 1859. Organist and Music Master of Highgate Grammar School. Died 1895.

O praise the LORD, ye angels 1621 Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem... 1577


WOODS, F. CUNNINGHAM, M.A. Mus. Bac., Oxon., 1891. Organist and Music Master of Highgate Grammar School, 1896.

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WOODWARD, R. Born 1744. Mus. Doc., Dublin, 1771. Organist of

Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, 1765. Died 1777.

Hear, O Thou Shepherd

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Sing, Oye Heavens

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O praise God in His holiness 165 They that go down to the sea ... 196


WRAY, HENRY. Precentor of Winchester Cathedral. Vicar of Holt,

Denbighshire. Died 1879.

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Church, Ashton-under-Lyne, 1895.

Cleanse me, LORD

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WRIGLEY, G. F., M.A. Mus. Bac., Oxon., 1894. Organist of the Parish






YOUNG, JOHN M. W. Born 1822. Organist of Lincoln Cathedral,

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ZINGARELLI, NICOLO A. Chapelmaster of St. Peter's, Rome, 1804.

Born 1752. Died 1837.

Laudate pueri Dominum


718 | O praise the Lord, ye servants 718

ZOELLER, CARLI. Bandmaster of the 2nd Life Guards. Died 1889.

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NOTE. Many of the following Anthems, although assigned to other special seasons, may be sung also between Trinity

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I will go forth in the strength of the LORD GOD

I will sing of Thy power

I will sing of Thy power

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Let the words of my mouth Attwood, Barnby, Blair, Culley, Kelway

LORD, I have loved

My heart is fixed, O GOD

O LORD, Thou hast searched me out

O LORD, Thou hast searched me out


145 Iliffe 1752

Purcell 156

Blow 293



Our Father, which art in heaven

Ponder my words, O LORD

Surrexit Pastor Bonus



Barnby 1631

Boyce 601

S. S. Wesley 920


Praise the LORD, my soul

The LORD is my Shepherd

Dykes, Gaul, Kent, Ouseley, Stanford

The LORD is my Shepherd

The LORD is my Shepherd

The LORD is my Shepherd

The LORD is my Shepherd

The LORD is my Shepherd

The LORD is my Shepherd

The LORD is my Shepherd



The LORD is our good Shepherd

The steps of a good man

Unto Thee have I cried



543 Shaw 544

Allen, Stevenson, S. S. Wesley 545


Tinney 546



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[blocks in formation]

Far from my heavenly home...

Martin, Vincent


GOD, that madest earth and heaven... Fisher, Hummel, C. L. Naylor 1566

GOD, Who madest earth and heaven

Davies, Löhr


Grant us Thy peace, Almighty LORD

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Hail, gladdening Light

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Holiest, breathe an evening blessing

Martin 1459

I will lay me down in peace

I will lay me down in peace

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Colborne 1291

A. C. Edwards 1933

Bates, Clippingdale, Gadsby, Hiles, 1292

C. F. Lloyd, Mann, Mackenzie

W. H. Gladstone, Vicars 1411

J. F. Bridge 1475

T. Adams 1861

Sullivan *1432

King Henry VIII.


Barnby 1631
Martin 1462

Webbe 690

Martin *1462

Hanforth 1931
Tarrant 1575

Dunstan 1865

J. F. Bridge, Woodward 1741

Gregory 1579
Marks 1887

.H.. H. Woodward 1766

..H. H. Woodward 1511

S. S. Wesley


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Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace

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