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"being plunged into eternity, take God and my "Saviour to witness, that I never was on Vine"gar-hill; and if I tell a lye, may I be consigned "to everlasting punishment!"

This, which was doubtless intended to put a stop, or at least an impediment, to prosecutions, had, from the notoriety of the matter denied, a contrary effect. Beside the above given evidence, the following affidavit was made.

County of JAMES COFFEY, of Enniscorthy, Wexford. Sin said county, gentleman, came this day before me, and solemnly made oath on the holy evangelists, that he was on Vinegarhill on Tuesday in Whitsun week, in the year 1798, a prisoner to the rebels; and there saw Andrew Farrel, lately executed at Wexford, a commander among the rebels, while they were murdering the Rev. Mr. Pentland, Mr. Gill of Monglass, Thomas Gill, the wheelwright, and others: and that he saw, at the same time, John Gill, the wheelright, stabbed and left for dead.

He further swears that the said Andrew Farrel, by his influence among the rebels, saved the lives of deponent and of captain Blacker at the same time and place.


Sworn before me, at Enniscorthy, this 25th day of June, 1800, THOMAS HANDCOCK.

As remarkable as the declaration of Andrew Farrel is the following: in which I am inclined to suspect somewhat of an overcharge in some points, from the gloomy state of the man's mind at the time of the confession.

The Confession of James Beaghan. Taken before the high sheriff of the county of Wexford, and John H. Lyster, one of his majesty's justices of the peace for said county, the day before his execution. I, JAMES BEAGHAN, acknowledge and confess that I am guilty of the crime for which I am to suffer; but that I did not commit it from ill will to the people that were murdered, but from the orders of Luke Byrne. I could not disobey him. No person could refuse to obey the orders of the commanders. I am sure that any man in command could save the lives of the poor people. Every man that was a protestant was called an orangeman, and every one was to be killed, from the poorest man in the country. Before the rebellion, I never heard there was any hatred between Roman catholics and protestants; they always lived peaceably together. I always found the protestants better masters, and more indulgent landlords, than my own religion. During the rebellion, I never saw any one interfere to prevent murder, but one Byrne, who saved a man; I think all that were present were as guilty as those that perpetrated the murders


it was thinking we were all equally guilty that prevented me from flying the country. The women were numerous, and were as bad as the men. The rebels treated their prisoners with great severity, very different from the way I have been treated in gaol. They thought it no more a sin to kill a protestant than a dog. Had it not been that they were so soon quashed, they would have fought with each other for the property of the protestants-they were beginning before the battle of Vinegar-hill. Ever since the rebellion I never heard one of the rebels express the least sorrow for what was done; on the contrary, I have heard them say they were sorry while they had the power they did not kill more, and that there was not half enough killed. I know that the rebels were determined to rise if the French should come, and I believe they did not give up half their arms; there are guns, bayonets, and pikes, hid in the country. (..) Now, gentlemen, remember what I tell youif you and the protestants are ever in the power of the catholics again, as they are now in yours, they will not leave one of you alive, you will all go smack smooth; even those that campaigned with them would, in the end, have been killed-I have heard them say so many times. Taken before us, August 23d, 1799.



N. B. From this mark (..) Beaghan spoke without having been asked any questions; and spoke with an earnestness and in a manner that shewed his sincerity.

From my inquiries concerning Father Shallow, of Adamstown, I believe that he never went to Carrickburn-camp, or Scullabogue-house, except for the purpose of procuring the release of prisoners, in which he succeeded not, except that one poor girl escaped by his means, and that he was chiefly instrumental in the liberation of young Mr. Lett of Kilgibbon. Miss Lett, of Kilgibbon, had voluntarily accompanied her brother to Scullabogue, and was not a prisoner there. She returned with her brother when he was liberated.


The following is copied from the appendix, No. 6, of Dr. Duigenan's "Fair Representation of the present political State of Ireland.

"It is but justice to observe, that it is alleged " in behalf of the late Cornelius Grogan, Esq. "that his residence was only three miles from "the town of Wexford; that he was advanced " in years, and very infirm; that the rebellion "broke out very suddenly and unexpectedly, "that his infirmities disabled him from retreating "from the rebels with that expedition which " could give him any reasonable hopes of escape; "that the rebels imagined the presumed coun"tenance and support of a gentleman of his " rank and consequence would acquire credit to "their cause; and when they had him in their

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power, they conferred on him what title they " pleased, in which he was obliged to acquiesce, "for the preservation of his life among such a "savage banditti; and that he never acted as "commissary-general of their army, or in any " military capacity among them: and indeed it " is very certain, that whatever title of general " or commander they might have given him, he "was utterly incapable of undertaking or per"forming any active service, being much ad"vanced in years, and a great martyr to the "gout. His two brothers, Thomas Grogan "Knox, and John Knox Grogan, at the " same time were eminent for their loyalty and "courage; and in the rebellion one of them " (Thomas) was slain, gallantly charging the " rebels at the battle of Arklow, at the head of " a brave corps of yeomen raised by him. The " other brother John Knox Grogan) was many

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years a cavalry officer in the king's army, (the "5th and 18th light dragoons) and is a gentleman " of great honour and integrity." To this may be added, concerning the last named gentleman, that as captain he raised the Healthfield yeoman

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