The Odyssey of Homer, Tom 4J. Johnson, 1806 |
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Alcinous ambush Amphinomus ancients arms Atrides bear beneath breast Charybdis coast cries Dacier death deity descend dire Dodona dogs intelligent dreadful Dulichium E'en epic poetry Eumæus Eurymachus Eustathius ev'ry eyes fable faithful fame fate feast friends gives goddess gods Greek guest hand Haste hear heav'n herds hero Homer honour Iliad Ithaca Jove king labours Laertes land lord mast mean Medon Menelaus Minerva morning native night numbers o'er oars observes ocean Odyssey palace Pallas passage Penelope person Phæacians Phemius Phoenician Phorcys Pisistratus plac'd poem poet poetry pow'r divine prey prince Pylos queen rage repast rise rocks sacred sails says Scylla shade ship shore sire Sirens skies sleep soul speaks story Strabo stranger suitors swain swift Syros Taphians Telemachus thee Theoclymenus thou throne train Ulysses vengeance verse vessel voyage waves whole wine woes words wretch
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 153 - And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them ; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.
Strona 62 - Three years thy house their lawless rule has seen, And proud addresses to the matchless queen. But she thy absence mourns from day to day, And inly bleeds, and silent wastes away : Elusive of the bridal hour, she gives Fond hopes to all, and all with hopes deceives.
Strona 173 - To whom, while anger in his bosom glows, With warmth replies the man of mighty woes : " Since audience mild is deign'd, permit my tongue At once to pity and resent thy wrong. My heart weeps blood to see a soul so brave Live to base insolence of power a slave.
Strona 141 - Long nights the now declining year bestows: A part we consecrate to soft repose; A part in pleasing talk we entertain, For too much rest itself becomes a pain. Let those, whom sleep invites, the call obey...
Strona 92 - But when remote her chalky cliffs we lost, And far from ken of any other coast, When all was wild expanse of sea and air, Then doom'd high Jove due vengeance to prepare. He hung a night of horrors o'er their...
Strona 97 - Doubtless, O guest! great laud and praise were mine (Replied the swain, for spotless faith divine), If, after social rites and gifts bestow'd, I stain'd my hospitable hearth with blood. How would the gods my righteous toils succeed, And bless the hand that made a stranger bleed? No more — th' approaching hours of silent night First claim refection, then to rest invite ; 450 Beneath our humble cottage let us haste, And here, unenvied, rural dainties taste.
Strona 103 - Ulysses' son With better hand shall grace with fit attires His guest, and send thee where thy soul desires." The honest herdsman rose, as this he said, And drew before the hearth the stranger's bed; The fleecy spoils of sheep, a goat's rough hide He spreads; and adds a mantle thick and wide; With store to heap above him, and below, And guard each quarter as the tempests blow.
Strona 147 - Th' observing augur took the prince aside, Seiz'd by the hand, and thus prophetic cried : Yon bird that dexter cuts th' aerial road, Rose ominous, nor flies without a god!
Strona 126 - Alike he thwarts the hospitable end, Who drives the free, or stays the hasty friend ; True friendship's laws are by this rule exprest, Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest.
Strona 124 - Eurymachus pursues the dame, And with the noblest gifts asserts his claim. Hence, therefore, while thy stores thy own remain; Thou know'st the practice of the female train, Lost in the children of the present spouse, They slight the pledges of their former vows; Their love is always with the lover past; Still the succeeding flame expels the last. Let o'er thy house some chosen maid preside, Till Heaven decrees to bless thee in a bride.