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an opinion on the truth of this most ingenious | head, which phrenology is or may well beand fruitful speculation.* But suppose it come. From the measurements of a more to be proved (and the extra-judicial mind will experienced and accurate craniometer than perhaps find it difficult to resist) then it follows that the Saviour arose, not on the first day of any but the Jewish, temporary, and purposely misdated week, but on the old, new, and sempiternal Sabbath of the world, as our divine observes.

To come down from those more solemn altitudes, and take up the numerical thread again: It might be charming, especially to such as are never afraid to inquire too curiously, to find out why Five follows Three with so much pertinacity everywhere; why it lays hold on us every time we shake hands; why it answers our eye from so many high places; what its ideal significance is; what it means; -in one word, what its rational ground can be; but Terminus forbids. It was both desirable and in keeping to bring out the secret of the tri-unity of all things and all thoughts, at the beginning of this criticism, and that because of its symbolical relation to the Divine Trinity; but these notes and queries about the natural and ideal Pentad or quincunx (to steal an illustration from the landscape-gardener) are intended partly to deepen the sense of numerical periodicity in the affairs of the constitution of man, and partly to serve as a bridge from the cosmical Triad to that peculiarly human cipher, number Seven, which is the proper object of Christian and civilized solicitude in this the nineteenth century.

any predecessor, Mr. Straton, it comes out
that, while the general figure and bulk of the
brain is finished within the first seven years
of life, yet, in a large porportion of men, the
thing swells and fills up in a measurable
enough degree, and in the few it actually
grows and alters its shape, till the end of the
forty-ninth annual revolution, a period of
seven sevens, and the real completion of a
man." * It is not only allowed, however, but
strongly affirmed by this observer, that the
expansion taking place (even in a Napoleon
or, let it be supposed, a Shakspeare or a
Newton) betwixt seven and forty-nine is
small, in comparison with not only the growth
from zero to seven, but even with what occurs
between one end and the other of any of the
first seven years. To continue;
- the boy or
girl ceases, and the man or woman begins to
appear, upon the close of the fourteenth or
second seventh year. Adolescence is done by
the end of twenty-one, the third seventh;
manhood and womanhood are brought to per-
fection (as such) by the twenty-eighth or
fourth seventh year; and so forth: - but it is
always to be understood that these periods and
figures are deduced from a generalization
taken, not only from all climates, but also
from both sexes; for if woman is earlier, man
is later, and the balance must be struck
between them for undivided humanity.
the hand is analyzed, you have seven pieces


According to the popular thought, finding five fingers, metacarpus, and carpus; the its voice in poetry, the life of Man has seven foot-five toes, tarsus, and metatarsus: and ages. It is certain that his average on, or when the arm is examined more curiously, proper period, is now threescore years and than in that first glance which divides it into ten, being ten times seven years; and the five, it yields you seven parts-the shoulderclimacteric periods of his length of days in blade and collar-bone (composing the shoulany case, according to broad and general der), the humerus, the ulna or ell-long bone observation, are so many multiples of the of the forearm, the fibula or brooch-pin bone same number. In the language of science, of the same (and the reason these are counted though not that of the nursery, the time of two is obvious the latter is planetary to the infancy lasts seven years. Then the first former, it revolves round it, it has a purpose teeth have come laboriously out, during the of its own, it and its muscular system turn six years; and had their little day of rest, in the wrist on the ell-bone, which alone is the the seventh. Then the volume of the brain true forearm), the carpal system or wrist, the (not the head) is completed; at least, by the metacarpal or palm, and, seventhly, the consent of the overwhelming majority of phys-digital one or bunch of fingers. In short, iologists; and the fact, as it stands, has been just as the first look at man divides him into heaved as a conclusive battering-ram against threes, and the second into fives, he falls into phrenology, by no less great a philosopher than Sir William Hamilton. Yet the proposition appears to be true only in a manner; and that a manner not incompatible with some actual or possible physiognomy of the

* Having thus eliminated the Ego from the Nos, the distinction shall occasionally be kept in view during the progress of the present discussion, in order to save Our Majesty from the consequences of any opinion which may be deemed too personal and limited.

sevens at the third analysis; and pages might be filled with its results, but it is betterto refrain from anatomical detail. It has to be observed, however, that the pious mediaval transcendalists were so pungently impressed by the sevensomeness of the microdescried seven planets, they thought there cosm, as they denominated man, that, having

*Researches in Cerebral Development, &c. By James Straton. London, 1851.

could not possibly be any more, and therefore to give it echo, nor yet the fingers without they made no more discoveries in that direc- skill to fetch its antitype out of reeds and tion. They did the very same by their seven pipes and strings. Music, that catholic and poor metals and they associated these bright published tongue, that speech of cherubim and bodies, both in name and in the idea of mys-seraphim, that poetry taken wing, that science tical correspondence, with the days of the passed into ecstasy, that transfiguration of the week and the planets, gold with Sunday and common state of man (whether in the body, the Sun (for Sol was dethroned in the days of or out of the body, one cannot tell) is also a the Ptolemaic Astronomy, and degraded to system of sevens. Enough, in short, might the planetary estate), silver with Monday be advanced to show that anatomy, physand the moon; and so forth throughout the iology, optics, astronomy, and the science of triple series. One can only say that the new music (which are surely not superstitious, nor Astronomy and Chemistry have exploded all mystical, nor transcendental, nor credulous of this cunningly devised superstructure; but ancient authority) are all familiar with “the the number of the planets is not yet deter- peculiarly human number Seven," as we have mined, far less that of the metals, and therefore ventured to define it ;-and that not only be there is no saying what multiples of seven cause the body of man (that organization and may come out in the long run. It is just summary of the known powers of nature) is possible, then, that the antique planetary and figured all over, without and within, with metallic Seven may turn out to be something Seven, but also because his thought has more than fantastical jargon :- although it is (sometimes instinctively, sometimes rationcertainly impossible not to laugh at the con- ally, sometimes in superstition) embraced and ceit of one of the latest ornaments of those sanctified it in all ages and lands, and likeold schools, who argued, against the earlier wise because it is the astronomical ratio of Copernicans, that it is beyond Omnipotence the sub-system to which his world belongs, there should be more than seven planets, namely, that of the earth-and-moon. It is a because there are only seven metals, and only number which his spirit knows, which his seven holes in the headtwo eyes, two ears, soul loves, which his body like an illuminated two nostrils, and one mouth! missal shows forth; and it is the very number of his house in the heavens; an irresisti ble fact, which carries the mind right into the heart of the proper topic of this various, but not unproportioned, dissertation.

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The majority of our readers, and all our eritics (since even critics and critics' critics have critics, like the dogs' man's man's man of my Lord Harkaway's kennel) will think this all moonshine; yet your positive, scepti- It is certain that the division of man's time cal, and contemptuous Modern Science is not, into octaves, that is, into weeks of seven days dares not, and cannot be ashamed of Seven; each (the octave of one, being the first of the for moonshine itself is a web of seven-twisted next week) is coëxtensive with history and thread, and the moon (that Penelope, who tradition, and also coëxtensive with the weaves the ever-vanishing fabric) goes on her world, except in those places where feeble way, and does all her stints of work, to the races have gone prematurely down into music of the same homely number, whereby dotage; and such division has always been the very sea," and the dead that are in it, associated with the more or less serious conare rocked in their great cradle to the self-secration of one day, in the seven, as peculiar same tune. No sooner is a pencil of light and supreme. Secular historians have never made to pass through a prism, than it blabs been slow to admit the fact; the fathers of its secret, and shows itself seven-twined and beautiful. It is to no purpose that the more refining optician avers, that there are only three primary colors. Possibly, nay certainly, there are; but there are seven colors of the rainbow, for all that. It is here as elsewhere, in fact; for the first analysis gives three, the second five, and the third seven; the first, third, and fifth constituting the natural chord of this painted scale. Ever since God did set his bow in the cloud, that rested on the mountains of Ararat, over against Noah and his household, on the occasion of that first family-worship after the flood, the children of Light have been saying, We too are Seven, with speechful look, if not with still small voice. But if the eye is silent, the ear is not deaf to the seven-toned rhythm of the universe, nor the mouth dumb

the church were forward to proclaim it; and modern divines have not neglected to keep it forward. The day distinguished as festival, holiday, or high day of some sort, has invariably been that of the sun, the symbol of the creative energy of the invisible Godhead; or at least the same day, with a corresponding name and significance. In truth, Dupuis, in his famous Origine de tous les Cultes (which presents an infamously shallow theory of human worship, however) insisted that the system of chronology, the mythologies of Egypt, India, old Greece, and even the mythology (as he considered it) of Christendom have all sprung out of an elaborate scheme of Sun-worship and its Sundays; and the book is so full of curious and important things, that the student of these matters might well study it with advantage, appropriate its

standing in the midst of his planets and their
satellites, but no ray of light had yet reached
the face of our deep, either because the sun
had not yet grown luminous, or more likely be-
cause the vaporous darkness, that brooded over
our waters, was still too thick. But at last
it came, though not in sudden and full enough
blaze to show the figures of either sun or
moon; and a sunless gray morning arose
upon the earth, to be followed by a moonless
evening; for "God divided the light from the
darkness;" and "the morning and the even-
ing," namely, the day and the night,
the first day;" the day of the coming of
light, therefore of necessity the first; the day
of the first glad tidings of the sun; the Sun-
day of the awakening week of time.


treasures, and then laugh at its presumption in trying to explain a deeper phenomenon by means of one lying nearer the surface-as if a great brass handle could unlock the gates of St. Paul's in London city without a key! When the sevensome analysis of Time began, history cannot tell, inductive science cannot find out, and no conjectural Dupuis or Volney of them all can divine. Not only as a writer in a Christian Review; nor yet as one who makes bold to "claim the honorable style of a Christian,” after the manner of Sir Thomas Browne in his preamble to his account of the Religion of a Physician; but also as the humblest of the disciples of an older philosophy, drawn from profounder sources than that of Helvetius and the Encyclopedia, I have not a doubt upon the point. I believe II. Under the impulse of this new-come that man knew this, and many a far deeper accession of muffled solar radiance, the waters secret, in Paradise, during the true pre-his-divided; part arose, namely, the horrid mist, toric epoch of human story; and that, after and fashioned itself into a spheral and un the fall from the intuitive and holy life of broken cloud; part remained below, as it Eden, these things could not be forgotten in a was, namely, the liquid element; and the day. Such is the idea set forth in the open-atmospheric or skyey firmament stood being of the Book of Genesis; and since it is tween them. The day and night of this impossible to argue so great a proposition world-wide sublimation" were the second within these limits, it is better just to alight day." One might well conjecture that the at once on the plain fact, be its interpretation what it may, that the oldest written record in the world not only claims a pre-historic and all-conceiving epoch or angelic infancy for the life of humanity, but at once announces the measure of earthly time by Seven, and that from the divine side of the thing. Before going a step further then, let us look into this iniraculous account of the creation. It is a strange story, and every well-bred child in Christendom knows it by heart; but few bearded men can agree about it, although no one is willing to give it up, it is so strange and true.

IN THE BEGINNING (how high and awful an archway into the scene!)-IN THE BEGINNING GOD (not found out by arguments of design, nor deduced from first principles, but known without a doubt, as the father is known to his children) CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE KARTH. In the beginning (wherein was the Word) the city of God had been founded; the solar system and our world had been set in motion; but "the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep," which covered it round. But "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters" once more; and then began that preparation of the world for the inhabitation of man, which is commonly called the Creation; but, in reality, the earth had been made unknown æons before, even "in the beginning.' I. For unknown sons the sun had been


Truly pre-historic, because not progressive, being full. History wants struggle, development, rise, advancement, as its objects. A narrative of innocent days among the perfect is not History.

air was so far cleared in the course of the day-time of this day, that even the reflected light of the moon might penetrate, though still too faintly to reveal her form; and in that most impossible case, it has been appropriately invested with the name of Monday.

III. The next process was the standing out of the dry land or earth, and the gathering of the water into seas; followed by the springing of tender grass," or those seedless plants called acotyledons; of "the herb yielding seed," or the monocotyledons; and of the fruit-tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth," the crowning class or dicotyledons, capable of propagation by grafts and cuts, their seed being in themselves upon the earth. This was the third epoch; that of the coming forth of continents and islands, and their getting covered with the three kinds of plant, in their right order of succession; first, with stony lichens, muddy funguses, tender mosses, ferns, and the like; then, with reeds, grasses, palms, and all manner of herbs yielding seed, but whose seed is not in themselves; and, thirdly, with the completed vegetable, whose British type is the oak with its acorns. This is the Tuesday of our week; the day of the manifestation of vegetable organization and irritability, call it Life who will; sacred in that Scandinavian form of the old Pagan mythology, which cannot but be dear to the imagination of men who use the English tongue, to Tyr or Tuesco, the god of battle or conflict, the divine symbol of effort yet in process.

IV. While vegetation ran riot over the dripping earth (and that under a leaden sky, still unbroken by a streak of blue, or even traversed by a blood-red beamless orb) nature could not unfold her ulterior resources; but that vast exuberance of every kind of plant swiftly appropriated and solidified enormous volumes of the atmospheric moisture; and it is just possible that they also sucked in and assimilated opaque vapors or gases now not known so as to clear the way for the true arising of the sun on the morning of the fourth day, to be duly followed in the evening by the apparition of the moon and stars; the irradiations of the solar heat, as well as other obvious powers, having meanwhile been working towards the same magnificent result. Such was the splendid work of the palæontological Wednesday; now symbolized and known to us as the day of Woden, the Valorous Person of the multipersonal godhead of our Norse forefathers, corresponding with the Hercules of the Egyptian-Greek theosophy. Hercules, going through his twelve labors, was the sun, going through the signs of the Zodiac; so that our familiar name is a good one for this the day of the sun, moon, and


V. The Thursday or fifth of this marvellous octave was made memorable by a new and strange display of creative power, more than worthy of our ancestral conception of Thor the Thunderer, or god of sheer might. It was then that animal life began to appear. The waters brought forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life or soul, and that up to the level of the great whales of those preadamic seas while every winged fowl, also, was let fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. The cetacea or water-mammals (quadruple-hearted, lungsed, red-blooded, viviparous, breasted creatures) were the highest manifestations of this amazing period; and they belong to the noblest class of all, even that in which the animal body of Man himself is included. It is a touching thing, in the Mosaic narrative, that God is not represented as having even seen that it was good," when he had said, "Let there be light, and there was light;" nor yet on the consummation of the purely separative work of second causes, which occurred during the second day but when the Earth burst into unrestrainable vegetation, during the progress of the Tuesday or third age, "God saw that it was good;" and likewise, when the Sun had flashed for the first time upon the forestgreen and ocean-blue of the world, and the moon had reëchoed the Memnon-tone of his ray in the evening, and the stars had joined the chorus at night, again "God saw that it was good." But now living things sported in the waters and in the open firmament; happy creatures, akin to Man, and therefore


nearer to the Creator himself: and so, it is written in the Scripture for us to read, "God blessed them."

VI. Next came the grand day of work. In the morning, the animal kingdom was carried to completion; the unapparent Maker seeing it to be good. But all those fish of the sea, and fowl of the air, and cattle upon the dry ground, and even all the creeping things that creep upon the earth, were unfinished till the coming of a greater than they. No order of things is complete till it have passed into union with a higher, any more than the seventh sound of an octave is complete till the eighth or first of a higher scale have struck. The atomic order is incomplete until embodied in the mineral, the mineral till taken up into the vegetable, the vegetable till lifted into the animal; and therefore all those goodly figures that rested in the coverts, and leaped upon the plains and mountain-sides of the foreworld, were but an uncrowned rabble (not even definable as the animal kingdom) until their nature should have passed into incorporation and unity with a nobler, that is to say, until the coming of their Lord. "So God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." It is almost frivolous, after so sublime a quotation as this, to remark that the prime feature of the day, in so far as man and woman are concerned, is the divine command to be fruitful, or the extension of the law of animal propagation to man, notwithstanding that he is infinitely more than an animal (precisely as an animal is much more than a plant), having been made in the image of God. It is doubtless on that account that the day of our week, corresponding with this creative sixth, is dedicated to Frigga or Freya, the Scandinavian Venus, or goddess of love and generation. Be that as it may, certainly every Friday of the year, but Good Friday above all, must be dear to the Christian who is not overmuch afraid of the formalism of days and years, when he bethinks himself of the Crucifixion of his God manifest in Flesh, and of the mother who stood near the cross :

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Stabat mater dolorosa

Juxta crucem lachrymosa,
Dum pendebat filius.

VII. On the seventh day God ended his work which he had made not that the almighty will ever cease from working, since the sustaining of the universe is a standing and perpetual miracle; but that this particu lar series of operations, namely, what geolo

gists call the palaeontology of the world, or the preparation of its surface for the appearing of Man in the image of God, was done. That which the penman of this wondrous scroll set himself to describe was finished. The house was thoroughly furnished unto every good and perfect work, the man and his mate had come, and it now behoved their life to begin. "And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his I work which God created and made." How daring a poetic license, yet what a touch of nature, to speak of our never-weary God resting, when the morning of the seventh terrestrial on had arisen on the darling, for whom his Fatherhood had been creating and making during the six week-days of the world! What a sweet and altogether human, yet godlike thought, to bless the day as though it were a living thing-for no blessing was pronounced by the Word upon the dayspring from on high, nor on the dividing waters, nor on the seas and the earth with its leafy cover, nor yet on the sun and moon, but only upon the animal kingdom and its King! "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it."

Such is the genesis of the present order of things in the world; told from the divine side of the phenomenon ;-for it was the manner of patriarchal thought, not to look into nature for the godhead, but to behold both nature and man in God. Such was the Mosaic Cosmogony, or Moses' express idea of how this planet was got in readiness, and brought to the condition in which it now continues for a time. Next to its surpassing beauty is its philosophical accuracy, and next to that is its geological truth for our especial wonder; its sublimity being a thing apart, and yet arising out of all those particulars of its literary character. Yet it was not written as a poem to delight the world; it was not elaborated as a speculation on the ideal triad; and still less was it raised on the basis of observation among stratums and ignigenous rocks. On the one hand, it was not a logical deduction; on the other, not a geological, botanical, zoological induction of multitudinous instances. Above all, the day of the victorious observation of nature had not even dawned. Roger and Francis Bacon were yet afar off, the predestined sons of a new dispensation, which was not to begin till that of Moses and the prophets should be ended; Hutton and Werner were invisible in the distance, athwart a long and dreary Middle Age of Christian time; our geologists could not possibly have existed in any other age than this, for the growings of science are according to law, and the preliminary sciences were not ready for the success of their labors till the approach of the current century. Yet the narrative in Genesis, though making many exquisite distinctions, does not violate the ideas of causation, of classification,

and of geological series, brought out by the very latest science, in a single instance. That narrative must, therefore, have been written down from the traditions of the unfallen, allnaming state of man or its reminiscences; or else from direct insight, that is, from immediate beholding of the idea and the law; and that is, in either case, from inspiration, mediate or else undiminished by the traditionary medium, Adamic or Mosaic.

It must already be evident, from some of the phrases used above, that we follow those new and doubly protestant divines who confess themselves compelled, by the great results of geology, to acknowledge the days of this miraculous writing to be the symbolical representatives of mighty ages; and it therefore appears to us that we are now in the morning of the seventh day, the Sabaoth of the Lord, the day of the life of man, but not determined or constituted a day (philosophically speaking) until the sounding of its octave, that is to say, till the arising of an eighth morning, the first of a second week and higher scale of things; wherefore we do and must look for a new heavens and a new earth. These things we hold, without the discomfort of a doubt, but likewise with perfect respect for those who cherish the old opinion. It is not necessary to go with us in this, in order to accompany us with cordiality in our further argument. It is only desirable to admit that it is a questionable point, which faith and science may settle betwixt them some other day; and surely, when one considers the laboriousness and the rigor of geology, the thing deserves the compliment of an honest pause. Let the mere English reader of the Bible also remember that he is reading a translation from an antique, oriental tongue, into a modern, western, and quite unrelated language.

But aside from all this there still remains a fact of immense importance in favor of our view; and that fact consists in the difference between the spiritual and intellectual attitudes of the writer and intended first readers of Genesis, on one hand, and of us peeping literal quidnunes, English and Scottish, in the last three centuries of Christianity after a thousand years of popish corruption. The difference between the psychological attitudes of Moses and the like of Liebig or Murchison, to speak the truth, is almost as great as if the former had stood on his feet like a man, with his eye heavenward, and the latter had learned to stand and run about on his hands, with vast agility and the advantage of finding out a thousand terrestrial secrets, counterbalanced by the costly damage of only remembering, if not forgetting, instead of ever anew beholding things celestial. The patriarchal and prophetic spirit not only saw everything in God, as has already been remarked, the pious modern soul (even Shakspeare himself) rather

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