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In Wales, on the contrary, several parishes | the Church. But this is only one of many thought it the cheapest method to let the examples where the piety of the children is structure tumble down* altogether; and the paying the debts of their fathers, in the matnegligence of ecclesiastical authorities actually ter of church-building. By the most strenuconnived at this breach of law. But such ous efforts, the Church is striving to keep slovenly profaneness was not confined to se- pace with the increase of population in the questered villages; it extended even to Epis- manufacturing districts. During the last copal residences and Cathedral foundations. three years ten additional churches, and nearThe palaces at Llandaff and St. David's were ly twice that number of clergy, have been proabandoned to the moles and bats. The pre- vided, to meet, in some degree, the most bendaries of Brecon suffered their Collegiate pressing wants of that vast tide of population Minster to fall into decay. But the ruin of which has deluged the counties of Monmouth Llandaff Cathedral was the worst example, and Glamorgan; and this work has been acand most characteristically illustrates the age complished mainly by the labors of the present in which it occurred. The bishop had long bishop. Similar efforts have been made to ceased to reside; the prebendaries had fol- supply the needs of the Flintshire coal-fields, lowed his example; the daily service had been and the Carnarvon stone-quarries. And even discontinued; the very organ had been broken in the rural districts, many parish churches up, and Willis the antiquary (who visited the have shaken off the slovenly squalidity which Cathedral before its fall) tells us that he so long disgraced them, and are restored to found the pipes scattered about the organ- decency, if not to beauty. loft. The building itself was suffered to remain utterly without repair, although the Chapter had repeated warnings of its dangerous condition. At last, it was literally blown down by a great storm in 1722. The nave and towers were left in ruins; the choir underwent a more degrading fate, for it was patched up in the worst style of a Baptist meeting-house; the noble arches being filled up with brickwork, bull's-eye windows being added for ornament, and a white-washed ceiling to make all snug. Such was the fate of a cathedral which had been the seat of a Christian bishopric while the Saxons were yet idolators, and when Canterbury was still a pagan city. In this disgraceful condition the fabric remained for 140 years, typifying, by its appearance, the state of the Church to which it belonged; a Church whercof two thirds exhibited the spectacle of an ancient and venerable institution fallen into uselessness and decay; and the only portion which still served any religious purpose, was transformed into the semblance of the conventicle. Let us hope that as its ruin was thus emblematical of the past, so its restoration may be significant of the future. At all events, its present condition shows that the sordid economy of a former age has been superseded by a very different spirit. Thanks to the conscientious zeal of the late and present deans, it is fast rising from its ruins, in all its original beauty. The Gothic arches have emerged from their plaster covering; the conventicular abomination has utterly disappeared; and the graceful clerestory and lofty roof once more raise the heart heavenwards.

Thus a flagrant instance of ecclesiastical breach of trust has been atoned for, and a foul blot wiped out from the escutcheon of

*Instances are given at Rep. ii., p. 163, and other parts of the Reports.



But the true edifice of the Church is built, not of stones, but of men; and therefore we hail with greater pleasure than any of these external reforms, the proofs furnished by the last few years, that the Welsh clergy, as a body, are beginning to take a zealous and effectual interest in the education of the people. Of this, the Minutes of the Committee of Council furnish the most decisive evidence. Not only do we find a most excellent training college for the Principality, established under the eye of the bishop of St. David's, but diocesan boards of education have sprung up in every diocese, organizing masters have been engaged in visiting and remodelling the Church schools throughout the country, and Her Majesty's Inspectors report more and more favorably of these schools every year. But the most infallible test of their improvement is the rapid increase of Pupil-teachers paid by government; because they are only assigned to schools in a state of thorough efficiency, and are themselves subjected to a severe annual examination before they can receive their salary. In the schools under the superintendence of the Welsh clergy, the number of these pupil-teachers in the year 1849 was 90, in the year 1850 was 125, and in 1851 was 182.* The Minutes of Council for 1852 are not yet published; but we believe they will show a still greater increase.

*See Minutes of Council for 1849-50, 1850-51,

and 1851-52. In one of the Inspectors' reports we find the following gratifying statement concerning three great centres of the manufacturing districts. "The incumbents of Merthyr, Dowlais, and Aberdare, three gentlemen of rare courage and zeal

have opened evening schools for adults . . . in which a large corps of volunteers, chosen from functions of teachers, by monthly and weekly among the tradesmen, &c., perform the gratuitous The clergy are always present in these evening schools." (Minutes for 1849-50, p. 212.)



In England, the improvement of the moun- of Llandaff. This prelate held his see for tain clergy has, perhaps, been less marked thirty-four years. During all that time he than in Wales; but still it has been consider- never resided in his diocese, and seldom came able. It was itself a great step in advance, near it. During the last twenty years we when the Grammar schools were superseded believe he never visited it. Including his by St. Bees' College; although it is to be re- bishopric, he held nine places of perferment, gretted that the poverty of that establishment and actually contrived to reside on none of does not allow of the erection of proper col- them. He settled in Westmoreland as a legiate buildings; so that the students, in- country gentleman, and there employed himstead of being under the moral control and self (we use his own words)" principally in superintendence which they would enjoy if building farm-houses, blasting rocks, inclosing they resided under the same roof with their wastes, and planting larches."* During all teachers, are left to their own guidance in these years, he compelled the starving curates private lodgings. This may, perhaps, ac- of his diocese to travel from South Wales to count for the fact, that the clergy supplied by Westmoreland for ordination; a journey St. Bees are less satisfactory than those trained which, in those days, must have cost them a at the new University of Durham, the founda- year's salary. And yet, at the close of a tion of which has been the greatest boon con- long life, he looks back upon his career with ferred upon these poor mountaineers. The the most undoubting self-complacency, and number of such Durham graduates is increas- evidently considers himself a model of Epising among the clergy, though not so rapidly copal merit. And what is still more singular, as could be wished; but no doubt the leaven he was so considered by others, and was of their example will in time spread through- generally regarded as an ornament of the out the mass. Already drunkenness (once so common) is considered discreditable; and though not extinct, is very much less prevalent than it was. The immoral clergy (formerly a considerable class in these districts) have disappeared. And an increasing interest is manifested in the education of the people, and in other good works.

bench. So low was the standard of opinion, fifty years ago. By such men irrevocable harm was done, yet they escaped with no censure. And now the sins of the fathers are most unjustly visited, not on their children, but on their successors. This has been especially the case in Wales, where a small but active knot of agitators tries to gain a The reforms which we have described have miserable popularity by rousing the dormant been mainly effected, both in England and jealousy of race, and stirring up the passions Wales, during the last quarter of a century. of Celt against Saxon. This party makes The bishops (with scarcely an exception) have the appointment of "Saxon bishops" a taken a leading part in these improvements, special grievance, and the abuse of existing which they have frequently themselves origi- Welsh bishops a profitable part of their nated, and always encouraged by their co- political capital. The Bishop of St. David's operation. We are anxious to make this ac- has been made the chief mark for their knowledgment distinctly, because we have shafts; † and we honor him for the manly spoken strongly of the mischief done by the frankness with which he has turned round bishops of a former generation; and we on his assailants, and exposed the motives desire not to be misunderstood as if we con- by which they are actuated. We fully agree founded the present with the past. It would with him, that it is important that the English be difficult, indeed, to condemn too harshly public and English statesmen should be the corrupt negligence and interested laxity made aware of the meaning of that clamor of those prelates who misgoverned the Church for Welsh bishops which sounds at first so during the last century. The Welsh bishops plausible. If these agitators contended only found it even easier than their English that a Welsh bishop is the better for underbrethren to turn their office into a sinecure. standing the Welsh tongue, we should quite They could despise the censures of a remote and barbarous province, while they spent their time agreeably in the social pleasures of Bath, or the political intrigues of London. Thus sometimes they passed many years without once visiting the flock to which they had sworn to devote their lives. We have seen how they disposed of their patronage, and how faithfully their neglect of duty was copied by their inferiors. But we may form a better notion of what they were, from the autobiography of the man who was one of the last, and was generally considered the best of them, the celebrated Bishop Watson

* We cannot quote this autobiography without recommending it to our readers as one of the most amusing books ever published. The picture of tury is particularly interesting, and forms a sort Cambridge as it was in the middle of the last cenof continuation to the period of Bentley and Middleton.

The character of these attacks may be imagined from the popular superstitions to which they have given rise. Thus it is said to be believed in Cardiganshire that the bishop is everytrained to know and bite a curate. We have no doubt where accompanied by a favorite dog, which is that this belief has saved his lordship from many troublesome applications.

agree with them. But they are not satisfied a higher education for the mountain clergy, with this. The two bishops of South Wales the course of improvement already begun already preach in Welsh. The very prelate should be farther carried out. Proper buildwhom they chiefly assail, acquired the lan- ings should be provided for the College of St. guage so perfectly as to use it in public Bees', that its students might be brought within a year of his appointment. And any under moral and social, as well as intellectual, intelligent Englishman might do the same, discipline. The college itself might be inunless he were made a bishop so late in life corporated into the University of Durham, on as to have lost the faculty of learning a new the same principle as so many colleges are language, which would make his appointment affiliated to the University of London. Thus objectionable on other grounds. But the its students would gain the advantages of Dim Saesoneg party tell us that they will have no bishops but those whose mothertongue is Welsh. The clergy who fulfil this condition we have already described. At any rate, the number of Welsh-speaking clergy otherwise qualified for the episcopal office, is too narrow to afford a proper field for selection; and we leave our readers to judge whether the main body would supply desirable rulers for the Church.

stricter examinations and academic degrees. In Wales, the College of Lampeter should (as Sir T. Phillips advises) be transformed into the University of St. David's. Its staff of professors should be increased, and its collegiate buildings should be rendered adequate to accommodate a sufficient number of future clergy to supply the demand of the principality. Exhibitions and scholarships ought also to be founded for the support of the We repeat, then, that the existing bishops poorer theological students; a good work, are not responsible for the evils which we which (as we have mentioned) has been have mentioned. On the contrary, they have already begun at Lampeter. The funds done, and are doing, their best to reform necessary for these educational purposes can what is amiss. So far as the executive gov- scarcely be now expected from the State; ernment of the Church can amend its defects, although it would have granted them willingly their amendment is secured. But in truth thirty years ago, had the rulers of the Church the changes needed are beyond the power, not been at that time alive to her wants. But it only of any individual bishop, but of all the would not, perhaps, be too much to hope that bishops collectively. The reforms required Parliament might advance to the Ecclesiastiare not administrative but legislative reforms. cal Commissioners what was requisite to renThe thing wanted is a better educated and der the existing institutions efficient; such more respected body of clergy; and this loan to be repaid by instalments out of the cannot be obtained (speaking generally) with-income at the disposal of the commissioners, out an ampler provision for their education which is increasing annually. and maintenance. Here, then, are two desiderata; less poverty and more instruction. A third, is a stricter discipline, to repress scandalous offences. A fourth, more perfect organization, to make the Church in reality what it is in idea, the dispenser of the greatest possible good to the greatest possible number. How are those four wants to be supplied?

Much aid might also be given to the education of the poorer clergy, if Mr. Lingen's suggestions concerning endowed grammar schools (Rep. i., p. 41) could be carried out. He proposes that the free nominations in those schools should be thrown open to competition, and bestowed upon the more distinguished scholars of the primary schools; by which means a supply of the fittest material would be continually drawn upwards from below. The same advantage will no doubt result from the creation of the pupil-teacher system; the greatest educational reform which has ever been made in this country.

First, the income of every parochial clergyman throughout the Welsh and English inountains should be raised to not less than 2007, per annum. This is not the place for discussing the details of such a reform; but we believe that the revenues to be vested in As to the third desideratum, stricter discithe Ecclesiastical Commissioners will afford pline, it has been long generally acknowledged the means for effecting it. In these revenues that some legislative interference is required; will ultimately be included the appropriate yet it has been found very difficult to frame tithes (ie., those alienated to ecclesiastical any satisfactory measure on the subject. bodies), which amount in Wales to a quarter When a clergyman is notoriously guilty of of the whole tithe rent-charge. However the some flagrant offence, such as drunkenness or augmentation of small livings is effected, it immorality, the bishop is often inconsiderately ought to take place gradually; the benefices blamed for allowing him to escape with imbeing augmented as they successively fall punity by those who know not how small is vacant. Thus a superior class of men would the power of a bishop over an incumbent. In be induced to educate their sons for the min- such a case the bishop must prosecute the istry of the Church. offender at his own expense in the ecclesiastical courts; and, from some defect of evidence,

As to the second desideratum, of securing

or some technical mistake, he may fail at last | before her. She must live as a community. in obtaining a conviction, after having spent and not only in the lives of isolated individuals. several thousand pounds in vain. Yet we do At present she is like those lower orders of not blame the law, while the organization of animals which are divided into a number of the Church remains what it now is, for so separate centres of nervous action, with no jealously limiting the exercise of episcopal pervading will to give unity to the whole. authority. So long as any power is irrespon- She must rise to that higher scale of animated sible and arbitrary, it ought to be nar- being in which the central volition is diffused rowly watched and fenced in with restrictions. by a spontaneous action through all the memNor would it suffice to surround the bishop bers; "the whole body being fitly joined with a council of presbyters, as some propose, together, and compacted by that which every although that would undoubtedly give greater joint supplieth, according to the effectual workweight to his decisions. For the laity will ing in the measure of every part." always entertain a just jealousy of power To accomplish this there would be no need wielded only by the clergy, even though it be of revolutionary changes. It would be no over a member of their own order. What difficult matter to give a recognized existence sort of justice would Mr. Gorham have received and ecclesiastical functions to the communihad he been tried by a jury of Exeter clergy-cants of every parish; to unite the clergy of men? A tribunal consisting exclusively of professional men must necessarily be unfitted for trying a member of their own profession. They know too much about him beforehand; and they are unconsciously swayed by class prejudice or party antipathies. This does not apply peculiarly to the clergy. A jury of barristers would be a very bad tribunal for the trial of an unpopular advocate. The verdict of a court-martial is notoriously often swayed by considerations extraneous to the justice of the case; though in this instance an exceptional judicature is tolerated by the law, from the absolute necessity for immediate action in military affairs. But ecclesiastical causes may be conducted more deliberately; and the laity have shown that they will rather endure many flagrant scandals than allow of any approximation to priestly tyranny.

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each rural deanery, with lay representatives from their several parishes, into a ruri-decanal presbytery; to entrust such presbyteries with the election of a diocesan convention; and to assign to each of these bodies their proper work, under the superintendence of the bishop. The times are ripe for such a reform as this; and till it is effected, the Church must remain mutilated. If it were accomplished, it would probably soon be followed by all and more than all the changes which we have represented as desirable. One consequence to be expected from it would be the reabsorption into the Church of those great bodies of dissenters who agree in her doctrines, and object not to her forms. The natural position of the followers both of Whitefield and Wesley, is the position which they retained for so many years in spite of persecution, that of Religious Orders affiliated to the Church of England, and superadding to her system an internal discipline stricter than it is possible, or would be desirable, to enforce universally in a National Church. Who can doubt that these communities would return to the post which they quitted so reluctantly, if the lay element were duly represented in the councils of the Establishment? Then, and not till then, the Church would include almost the whole population in her pale, and that strength which is now wasted in intestine warfare would be directed against moral evil.

The third desideratum, therefore, cannot be supplied without the fourth; better discipline is impossible without better organization. In order that the Church may be enabled even to repress the offences of her own officers - much more, that she may become the channel of social regeneration to the people-she must comprehend in her practical administration, not only her ministers, but her members. In the words of M. Bunsen, she must cease to be a " clergy church." Her laity must find a place in her system; and that a post, not merely of passive obedience, but of active cooperation. As things now are, a layman may pass through life without being once called to Many of the clergy complain that for a perform any ecclesiastical function. In other century and a half the Church of England Protestant Churches and sects, the religious has been left without a government. They layman is as much an office-bearer as the say that, had Convocation been suffered to clergyman; he has a function to discharge, sit during this period, the abuses which we a work to do. The whole ecclesiastical com- have enumerated would have been impossible. munity is thus pervaded by a common life, Non-resident bishops (for example) would and all cooperate, with a personal interest, in have been shamed into at least an outward promoting the ends of the body corporate. show of decency, if a representative assembly So it must be with the Church of England of the Church had annually met, in which before she can win that triumph over abuses their default of duty might have been disinherited from the past, and difficulties devel-cussed. We may admit this, and yet mainoped by the present, which, we trust, is still tain that greater evils would have been caused

than cured, by committing the government of the Church to the Convocation as it is at present constituted. The laity of England are firmly determined never to entrust the Church of England to the sway of a clerical assembly. As a well-known dignitary wittily observed the other day, the fate of the Church must not be risked on the battle-field of Stenyclerus. But the feeling would be different, if representatives of the laity, in due proportion, were joined with the representatives of the clergy, as in the Convention of the Episcopal Church of America, or the Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland. No fear could then be entertained lest the powers necessary for discipline and efficiency should be abused to the promotion of sacerdotal interests. We have the concurrent testimony of two very different authorities - Lord Shaftesbury, and the Editor of the "" Spectator," to the practical advantages which would be derived from the existence of such a body. Indeed, it must be admitted to be an anomaly, that while we have the Horse Guards to regulate the army, and the Admiralty to watch over the navy, we have provided no instrumentality whatever to superintend a department of the public service surely not less important. If muskets and uniforms require occasional alteration, so also do sees and parishes. If regiments have been sometimes misgoverned, so have dioceses. Our coast defences may need repair to keep out the Pope, as well as to keep out the French. Imagine the condition in which both army and navy would now be, had they been left for a hundred and fifty years to the direct administration of Parliament, with no intermediate machinery provided for adapting them, from time to time, to the changing circumstances of the age.

We do not believe that Parliament would resist any well-considered measures for giving the Church a machinery which should enable her to work efficiently. For if the State had ceased to believe in the principle of an Establishment if it were convinced that the religious instruction of the people would be more wisely entrusted to the Voluntary System it would carry out this conviction by disestablishing the Church. That is, it would appropriate (with due respect to vested interests) the ecclesiastical revenues to civil purposes. But to this course the Legislature has never yet shown the slightest inclination. It could not therefore consistently, while maintaining an Establishment, refuse to it that government which might be held, after mature consideration, most conducive to the ends for which, and for which alone, the Church has been established. We believe that the great body of the Church, both lay and clerical, are

* See Herodotus, ix., 64.

† Spectator of November 20, 1852.

daily becoming more and more of one mind upon this question. And we are convinced that when those who thus agree come at last to learn their strength, and their unanimity, they will find all obstacles disappear before them.

THE COPPER COINAGE AND A DECIMAL COINAGE. It is understood the government has entered into a contract with Messrs. Heaton and Son, of Birmingham, for the manufacture of 500 tons of copper coin, at prices applicable to pence, half-pence, farthings, half-farthings, and quarter-farthings. This course has been resorted to under the pressing demand for gold and silver in consequence of the impossibility of the Mint, copper coinage; and the inconvenience arising coin, to devote any part of its establishment to from a deficient supply of copper being too great to admit of any further delay.

It is, however, necessary to say that we are informed on good authority that the means taken to obtain this supply has no reference whatever either to the rejection or adoption of a decimal coinage. Whatever is done in relation to that subject, which we understand is receiving a careful consideration at the hands of the government, the present supply of copper coin-a large portion of which is required for the different colonies and for Ireland-could not, under any circumstances, have been postponed. Nor will the existing copper coins interfere materially with the adoption of the decimal coinage, should it ever be determined to resort to it. In that case we may consider it certain that the pound will be the unit of the system; and that a farthing would be the thousandth part of a pound; at present it is the nine hundred and sixtieth part of a pound. The lowest coin, therefore, in a decimal coinage, would be but 4 per cent. less in value than the present farthing; and as the margin between the intrinsic value and the nomidifference of four per cent. would be unimpor nal value of our copper coins is very great, the change might be made with our present copper tant, so that probably, with little difficulty, the coinage without any alteration. At all events we are assured that the present coinage of this copper must not be considered as an indication that the government has come to any decision in respect to the adoption of a decimal coinage. — Examiner.

The Medication of the Larynx and Trachea.

By S. Scott Alison, M. D., &c.

Dr. Horace Green of America applied nitrate of silver to the interior of the larynx and trachea, and Dr. Scott Alison has extended the practice by other medicines, as olive oil, in various diseases of the air-passages. Relief of symptoms, rather than cure, which must be sought by other means, is the object of the practice; but the ease of the patient doubtless facilitates the adoption of other remedies. The account is clear, and not strained. Spectator.

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