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consisting of about 40,000 men when General | yah and back did not induce him to slacken, Clausel assumed the direction of affairs, has been since gradually increased to 100,000, the average force usually maintained in French Africa.

The first military exploit of General Clausel was directed against Medeyah, the capital and residence of the Bey of Titteri, whom it was resolved to depose, says Baron Pichon, because he wrote insulting letters to General Clausel. The troops employed amounted to 10,000 men; the Metidjah was traversed in safety; and first leaving a garrison at Blidah, the French general pushed on through the Col or Pass of Teneah, occupied Medeyah, deposed the refactory bey, and installed Ben Omar, a Moor of Algiers, in his stead. Whilst General Clausel was thus busied, the Sheik, Ben Zamour, descended from the hills at the head of a numerous body of Kabyles, massacred, as he swept through the Metidjah, fifty artillerymen who had lost their way there, and attacked the garrison left at Blidah; General Clausel instantly hurried back to the rescue of his rear-guard, dispersed the assailants, ordered military execution to be done upon a number of native traitors to French rule, pour encourager, les autres," and returned to Algiers. He subsequently entered into negotiation with the Bey of Tunis with reference to a joint expedition against the Turkish Bey of Constantina; and having concluded an arrangement which the French ministry refused to sanction, the mortified general threw up his command, and returned to France. General Berthézene succeeded to the vacated post-a very onerous and difficult one in the then indecisive see-saw state of French African policy-one day veering towards peace, the next, yielding to the clamors of the war-party, inclining to vigorous hostilities. General Berthézene, although a distinguished veteran of the imperial school, was a strenuous partisan of peace, chiefly, no doubt, because he had formed a truer estimate of the probable duration and calamities of a death struggle with a fanatical and hardy population than the badauds of Paris. His military measures were, nevertheless, prompt and energetic. On the 1st of July, 1831, he forced the Pass of Teneah; relieved the garrison of Medeyah, hotly besieged by a numerous force of Kabyles and Arabs; and fought his dangerous way back again in safety to Algiers, though beset and hemmed in on every side by a multitude of fierce and desperate assailants. This homeward march was a hurried one-occupying fifty hours only, writes Baron Pichon, though the advance to Medeyah had consumed five days.

The efforts of General Berthézene to bring about an accommodation with the Arabs of the plains, which his recent march to Mede

would perhaps have succeeded, had he not been suddenly superseded by Savary, Duke of Rovigo. On the arrival of this officer in Algiers, the negotiations were peremptorily broken off, and it was ostentatiously proclaimed that the new commander-in-chief was in full possession of the confidence of the French king and ministry, and heartily determined to carry out the plan mutually agreed upon for the subjugation of the native population. There can be, we think, no doubt that this was a calumnious misrepresentation; and that the frightful deed which has branded the African command of the Duke of Rovigo with indelible infamy, was that of one ruthless man only, irritated by the vexations incidental to his very difficult position, and not the deliberate counsel of a cabinet of calmlyjudging statesmen. The prime object of the Duke of Rovigo was evidently" to give a lesson" to the Arabs-one that they would not easily forget; a design in which he unquestionably succeeded to admiration, though not in the sense he had anticipated. The tribe of Ben-Ouffias, a friendly and peaceful one, against whom Baron Pichon says no serious, well-founded complaint could be alleged, was selected for the experiment.

On the night of the 6th of April, 1833, s battalion of the Foreign Legion and a squadron of Zouaves fell suddenly upon the unsuspecting Ben-Ouffias, and the morning's sun rose upon the mangled bodies of the entire tribe, surprised and slain whilst they slept ! Tidings of this atrocious massacre flew, as if on wings of fire, through the land, everywhere kindling into flame the yet smouldering passions of the vast majority of the country population, and lighting up the fierce war of despair which has since cost France so dear alike in men, money, and reputation. So universal was the outbreak, that in the opinion of the Duke of Rovigo himself, his "great lesson" necessitated immediate and powerful reinforcements. They were granted; and the duke's conduct, in reply to the angry reclamations of several eloquent speakers in the Chamber of Deputies, indignant that such dishonor should be brought on the great name of France, was defended, or rather excused, by the plea of necessity. Marshal Soult, at a subsequent period, defended an act, if possible, of still greater enormity by saying, "that what would be a crime against civilization in Europe, might be a justifiable necessity in Africa." Africa." This geographical morality of the invader of Portugal in 1808, may pass for what it is worth; but we must not forget to mention, that many French officers entitled to a share of the spoil obtained by the BenOuffias razzia, refused to contaminate themselves by its acceptance, and that Savary,

Duke of Rovigo, arrived death-stricken in Paris, and died there in the June following the slaughter of the Ben-Ouffias.

in, and she and her child perished in the flames. . . . . We then returned with our booty, and it was high time, for other tribes of Kabyles came flocking together from every side, attracted by the noise. We were forced to retreat in such haste, that we left the greater part of the cattle behind. The fire of the companies we had stationed in our rear and the field-pieces at last gave us time to breathe."

The terrible example he had set survived him the system of night-razzias—that is, of swooping, during the hours of sleep and darkness, upon unsuspecting villagers, in revenge or reprisal of the hostility of the armed countrymen of the sleepers - became a settled practice of the war. They form the underplay, as it were, of the grand military drama The narrative goes on to say, that, two or enacted in Algeria; and as the limits of this three days afterwards, messengers from the paper preclude more than an outline of the Kabyle tribes came to treat for the ransom of more important operations, it will be as well the captive women and children; and that to give in this place, and once for all, a de-"they conscientiously ransomed even the old scription of the mode of executing a razzia, women, whom we would have given them extracted from the narrative of an actor in gratis." It is only fair to add, that a writer one of them, who evidently, from the easy in the Revue des Deux Mondes, states that frankness with which he writes, was quite General Cavaignac, when engaged in such enunconscious that he was relating any blame- terprises, gave orders "only to kill the men worthy or uncommon exploit. The writer in the last extremity." was at the time in the Foreign Legion, under the orders of Lieutenant-colonel Picolou; and the scene of the enterprise was in the neighborhood of Dschilegu, between Budschia and Philippeville, on the sea-coast of the eastern province. The translation is Lady Duff Gordon's:

"The commandant marched up into the mountains one night with the whole garrison, to chastise the Kabyles for their insolence. We started at midnight under the guidance of some Arabs who knew the country, and marched without stopping, and in deep silence, up hill and down dale, until, just before daybreak, the crowing of cocks and the baying of dogs gave us notice that we were close upon a tribe. We were ordered to halt, and two companies, with a few field-pieces, were left behind upon an eminence. After a short time, we started again, and the first glimmer of light showed us the huts of the tribe straight before us. An old Kabyle was at that moment going out with a pair of oxen to plough; as soon as he saw us, he uttered a fearful howl, and fled, but a few well-directed shots brought him down. In one moment, the grenadiers and voltigeurs, who were in advance, broke through the hedges of prickly pear which generally surround a Kabyle village, and the massacre began. Strict orders had been given to kill all the men, and only take the women and children prisoners. A few men only reeled half awake out of their huts, but most of them still lay fast asleep: not one escaped death. The women and children rushed, howling and screaming, out of their burning huts in time to see their husbands and brothers butchered. One young woman, with an infant at her breast, started back at the sight of strange men, exclaiming 'Mohammed! Mohammed!' and rushed back into her hut. Some soldiers sprang forward to save her, but the roof had already fallen

The tumultuous uprising of the Arabs consequent upon the Duke of Rovigo's massacre of the Ben-Ouffias, elevated for the first time an individual into notice whose name has since become famous in the world's ear- -the renowed Abd-el-Kader-a brief account of whom, previous to this period, may not be unacceptable.

Abd-el-Kader (Adorer of God) is the son of a saintly and ambitious maraboot of the name of Mahli-ed-Din-Hadj. He was one of six children-five boys and one girl — and his place of birth, in 1806, was in the vicinity of Mascara. His mother, Leila Zahara, who still lives, and has shared her son's long captivity in France, is said to have been a beautiful and highly-instructed Arabian woman; and Mahli-ed-Din-Hadj, his father, claimed to be in some way descended from the Prophet of the Mussulmans - -a circumstance which, combined with the more positive fact that he had made two pilgrimages to Mecca, gave him an immense influence with his countrymen, which he appears to have very skilfully availed himself of, in the hope, it is alleged, of one day founding an Arab dynasty upon the ruins of the Turkish power. He very early discerned, or imagined that he did, indications of the qualities which lead to eminence, in his favorite son, Abd-el-Kader; and it was sedulously given out, that a halo of celestial brightness had encircled his baby-brows at the moment of birth, seen, however, only by his father and mother, who were alone at the time. There could be no doubt that this was not only a special testimony to his descent from the Prophet, but a promise, certain to be fulfilled, of future greatness; and that he might be worthily fitted for the high position thus miraculously proclaimed to await him, the utmost pains were lavished upon his education, by which he so rapidly profited, that at twelve years of age he could repeat the

siderably to his importance; and it began to
be quite evident that, apart from miraculous
interposition, a brilliant perspective was dis-
closing itself to the eager gaze of Mahli-ed-
Din-Hadj's aspiring son.
The personal ap-
pearance of Abd-el-Kader was not of that
kind which usually commands the respect of
a rude people, nor had he yet shown any
proof of the impetuous courage which, in the
absence of the slightest pretension to military
ability, properly so called, has since won for
him a wide renown. He was under the mid-
dle size, but active and robust; and his large,
thoughtful black eyes, and abundant beard of
the same color, gave a sombre as well as in-
telligent expression to his palish-yellow coun-
tenance. His hands-his especial vanity-
were small and delicately formed, and his
voice was soft and musical; so that, altogether,
he seemed rather a reflective, meditative man,
than one of fiery, impulsive action.

Such was Abd-el-Kader, as he appeared in the presence of the large gathering of Kabyle and Arab chiefs assembled at Egris, after the destruction of the Ben-Ouffias, to concert measures for proclaiming a holy war against the French, and deciding as to who should lead them in the desperate contest. The indecision that for some time prevailed as to the choice of a leader, was put an end to by a celebrated maraboot called Sidi Al Amich, who announced, amidst a breathless silence, that having been nearly the whole of the previous night engaged in prayer to Mohammed, that he would be pleased to indicate the person most worthy to lead his-the Prophet's

Koran by heart. This solid foundation for more secular teaching accomplished, he was sent to Oran for further instruction, and of course soon distanced every competitor in the race after knowledge. Some suspicion of Mahli-ed-Din-Hadj's perfect loyalty having found a lodgment in the brain of Hassan, bey of Oran, the saintly maraboot was requested to attend his highness' divan on a particular day, for the purpose of clearing up the doubts which troubled the bey's mind. This Abd-elKader strongly advised his father not to do, and offered to attend himself instead, and give the required explanations. This course was agreed to; and Bey Hassan was so charmed with the son's eloquence, and so entirely convinced thereby that his suspicions had foully wronged the excellent maraboot, that he made the youthful orator a handsome present, and charged him, moreover, with a most pressing invitation to his father to pay his highness a friendly visit at the palace of Oran, where he would be received with all the favor and distinction due to his illustrious descent and many virtues. The message was delivered; and the result was, that Mahli-ed-Din-Hadj departed forthwith on a third pilgrimage to the holy city, this time accompanied by his counsellor and son, Abd-el-Kader. In passing through Egypt, they obtained, we are told, an interview with Mohammed Ali, the career of which energetic barbarian had previously excited the enthusiastic admiration of the future emiran admiration which a nearer view of the great man served to increase. Before returning, the father and son visited the tomb of a celebrated maraboot relative, not far from Bagdad-one Mulei-Abd-elKader, who had lived exactly a hundred years, precisely half of which he had passed upon the summit of an isolated piece of rock, miraculously fed by a starling. This visit was a fortunate one in many respects. The departed maraboot reappeared to the two pilgrims, and presented his youthful relative with an apple of remarkable properties; insomuch that when Abd-el-Kader, on his return home, commenced eating it in the presence of his family and a few intimate friends, the same halo of azure light which at the moment of birth had lightened round his brows, again encircled them with a prophetic glory! What is certain, however, is, that Abd-el-Kader's reputation for wisdom, sanctity, and as possessing the especial favor of the Prophet, increased rapidly; and it was chiefly in deference to his counsel, that his former dangerous friend, At once broke the hurricane of war, sweepHassan, bey of Oran, who had incurred the ing the open country to the very walls of displeasure of his Janizaries, was refused an Algiers, Bona, and Ŏran, with terrific vioasylum at Mascara. The future emir's mar-lence. Blidah, Medeyah, Koleah, were inriage with Leila Kheira, the daughter of an vested by multitudes of half-frantic cavalry, influential sheik, and a very charming maiden that is, according to the notion of what is charming entertained by Arabs-added con

people in the war against the infidel about to commence, he received an answer just at the rise of sun, when Mulei-Abd-el-Kader suddenly appeared before him, and, beckoning, led the way to a magnificent tent, the entrance-curtain to which being self-withdrawn, revealed Abd-el-Kader, the son of Mahli, the Pilgrim (ed Din Hadj), seated upon a magnificent throne, with the pale-blue halo, twice before seen, encircling his head as with a celestial diadem. This was quite sufficientmore than enough, in fact. The decision of the Prophet, so unmistakably intimated, was instantly ratified by the loud acclamations and flashing swords of the congregated chiefs. Abd-el-Kader was forthwith proclaimed Emir of Mascara, Prince and Commander of the Faithful, and invested with the violet bournou, the badge and emblem of supreme office and authority.

whose glancing swords and waving banners, however, though terrible and imposing in appearance, were of slight avail against stone

walls and well-pointed cannon. Lavish rein-tain reward, to conduct the French general by forcements arrived from Toulon and Marseille, a short route direct to the emir's camp. Genand the French commanders gradually re- eral Trézel yielded to the temptation, the sumed the offensive. General Demischels army was immediately put in motion, and made a successful razzia upon a tribe of the troops pressed forward with alacrity and nomade Arabs, slew 300 men, and carried off vigor. Towards the middle of the day, the the women and children safely to Oran, leading column found themselves entering though sorely pressed during his retreat by the upon a spongy morass, and the more despergathering tribes; who, failing to rescue their ately they struggled onwards to reach the unfortunate relatives by the sword, purchased firm ground, which the guide assured them them of the general a few days afterwards. was only a few yards further on, the deeper Much desultory fighting ensued, with varied both men and horses floundered and sank in and generally indecisive results; but the the mud, till at last they were up to their French, notwithstanding, persistently ex-bellies in the yielding soil. Suddenly the tended themselves along the coast-line, both traitorous Arab disappeared through a coppice east and west, of Algiers. General the (taillis), unharmed by the shower of balls sent Count d'Ernon had succeeded the Duke of hastily after him, which, a moment after, Rovigo in the chief command, with the title were replied to by a tempest of the same of Governor-general of the French Possessions missiles from the flanking woods, where Abdin Africa; and under his administration, the el-Kader had been for some hours impatiently maritime state of Arzew, and the important awaiting the French advance. Fortunately, town of Mostaganem, eastwards of Oran, were the rear-guard had not yet entered the treachwrested from the Arabs. An expedition direct erous bog, and its fire checking that of the from Toulon encountered and defeated the ambushed Arabs, the main body of the troops Kabyles of the eastern division of the Little were extricated from their perilous position, Atlas, and captured Bouteyah. In pursuance, though not without considerable loss both in however, of the policy announced at this time men and material. The French army passed by Marshal Soult in the Chamber of Deputies, the night on the banks of the Sig, and at in reply to General Clausel, that France had earliest dawn General Trézel marched, as he no intention or wish to seize upon the interior thought, towards Arzew, on the sea-coast. of Algeria, and merely intended keeping pos- He followed the course of the Makta, a stream session of a number of strong positions on the which, during a part of its flow, does lead sea-board, negotiations were opened with towards Arzew, but by insensible windings Abd-el-Kader; and ultimately a treaty was turns away for some leagues in a totally dif concluded with the new prince of the Faithful, ferent direction. The way seemed long, still by which he was solemnly recognized as the the troops marched on undoubtingly, till they lawful emir of the province of Mascara, with came to the entrance of a long narrow defile, the exception of Oran, Arzew, and Mosta-shut in on each side by precipitous lofty rocks, ganem, and the immediately adjacent land. The Shelliff was to be his eastern boundary.

where some hesitation was manifested. It appeared, however, of necessity that the ugly This treaty was much cavilled at in France, pass should be threaded; there was no enemy as having a direct tendency to swell the to be seen, and the march was resumed in the prestige and enhance the authority of the quickest military time. Two thirds of the emir with his turbulent, fanatical countrymen distance had been accomplished, when tumult-a criticism fully born out by the result. uous cries high overhead, as if a multitude of It was not, however, very long observed. mocking voices were calling to them from the Abd-el-Kader, urged by the impatient clam-clouds, caused the soldiers to raise their eyes ors of his Arabs, to which his own eager am- and see the heights crowded with exultant bition gave willing audience, to renew the Arabs. The checked pulse had scarcely time holy war against the intrusive infidel, crossed to beat again before huge stones, enormous the Shelliff (1835) at the head of a numerous fragments of rock, came bounding, leaping, force, burning with fanaticism, and individu- thundering down a granite hail-tempest, ally brave enough, but withal little formidable to which no resistance could be opposed, in open fighting to French or any other Euro-accompanied by the pattering of musketry, pean troops. General Trézel, left Oran to not less fatal in its effects, though not so encounter the audacious emir, but, after terrifying to the imagination, as huge jagged marching and countermarching for several masses of rock whirling through the air; and days in vain search of his enemy, was debating in a few minutes the dreadful pass was heaped whether it might not be advisable to abandon the seemingly hopeless attempt to bring the wary Arab to action, when an unforeseen and tempting chance presented itself. The army was halted on the plain of Frigur, where an Arab presented himself, and offered, for a cer

with the dead and writhing bodies of men and horses. The march of the troops, hurried from the first, fell rapidly into confusion, and presently became an utter rout, the soldiers casting away even their arms in frantic anxiety to escape what seemed almost inevitable

well received him. A more unscrupulous agent than the colonel of Spahis could_not have been selected, and the Moors and Jews of Tlemecen were both numerous and wealthy; yet, spite of all Jussuf could do in the way of ransacking, plundering, and threatening, only the value of 100,000 francs could be obtained, and that chiefly consisting in finger and ear rings, and other female ornaments. The remainder of the tribute was formally remitted.

destruction. Happily for them, the pursuit of | be levied upon the inhabitants that had so the Arabs was checked by their eagerness for booty, or the loss of 1200 soldiers, besides caissons, cannon, baggage, &c., would have been nothing like the extent of the misfortune. This murderous business is Abd-el-Kader's great battle of Makta; it was a surprise, a massacre, perfectly justified no doubt by the usages of war, but a battle it cannot be called. The exultation of the emir, though quite natural, was absurd in its exaggeration. He had slain French troops, but he had not beaten, as he boasted, a French army, for the simple reason that he had not encountered one. The shock of this disaster vibrated painfully through every vein of military France, and signal vengeance, it was promptly agreed, should be taken on the perfidious emir. General Clausel's reasoning upon the folly of attempting to quell the Kabyles and Arabs by a few settlements along the coast, came suddenly into remembrance and favor, and that officer was himself despatched to the scene of action with reinforcements and large discretionary powers. As it was determined that Mascara, the emir's capital, should be stormed, as a set-off against Makta, and there could be no reasonable doubt of success in such an enterprise, the Duke of Orleans, Louis Philippe's eldest son, was sent over to participate in the glory thereof. Abd-el-Kader, after vainly attempting to arrest the march of the French troops at the Sig, and subsequently at the Habrah, abandoned Mascara to its fate, which was first to be plundered by bands of hostile Arabs, and afterwards fired (December 9, 1836) by the French army; which done, General Clausel returned to Algiers, the Duke of Orleans to France.

The measure of vengeance for Makta was not yet full; and after permitting himself only a few weeks' breathing-time, General Clausel led his army against Tlemecen, the emir's second capital, on the confines of the Sahara, and 100 miles, in a south-westerly direction, from Oran. This city he also found abandoned by the emir and his Arabs, who had withdrawn into the eastern mountains. The Moors received the French with resigned indifference; the Jews and Kooloolis, the latter of whom garrisoned the Kasibah or citadel, with acclamations. The citadel was at once surrendered to the French general, who, after making arrangements for the safe-keeping and government of the city, returned to Algiers by the valley of the Shelliff, on the south of the Little Atlas, and consequently through the Pass of Teneah, between which and the Algerian capital he caused a military road to be constructed. A garrison was left in Tlemecen, under the command of Colonel, now General Cavaignac; and Jussuf, colonel of Spahis, was charged with the collection of 500,000 francs, ordered by General Clausel to

These successes gave a permanently bolder tone and wider aim to French-African policy. General Clausel was directed to organize a powerful expedition against Constantina, with the avowed object of annexing that city, and the whole of the interior of the province which bears its name, to the French dominions in fact as well as theory. Success was deemed so certain, that Colonel Jussuf was named bey of the menaced city long before the army commenced its march towards it; and in November, 1837, the Duc de Nemours came over to share the fame of an assured conquest. The result signally rebuked these confident boastings. Constantina was numerously garrisoned by the Turks and Kabyles, who fought under the red flag of Algiers; and the usually brilliant and impetuous, if not very stubborn, valor of the French troops, would seem to have been chilled and weakened by the terrific hail and snow storm which they encountered upon the high land whereon Constantina is built; for the assaults directed by the general upon the gates El Cantar and El Raba, feeble and ill-sustained, were easily repulsed; and so discouraged were the troops, that it was necessary to order an immediate retreat. A confused and hurried one it proved, involving much loss, and affording Algiers the strange spectacle of a numerous French army chased to its very gates by a crowd of undisciplined triumphant Kabyles! The usual penalty of non-success, well or ill-deserved, awaited General Clausel; he was recalled, spite of his earnest entreaties to be permitted an opportunity of retrieving his tarnished reputation. "What," wrote the indignant general," would be now the fame of the Duke of Wellington, had the British government recalled him after the failure before Burgos?" The angry absurdity of the comparison is very amusing; and, as the French ministry were unmoved by his appeal, we may fairly presume that they also demurred to the perfect appositeness of the illustration.

In the mean time, General Bugeaud had been winning his first African laurels. By a rapid march along the sea-coast, he relieved Oran from the Arabs, by whom it was beleaguered; and then turning south-westward, he hastened to the succor of General Cavaignac, who had been for several months cooped up in Tlemecen, inflicting on his way a heavy defeat

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