C OPERA, WITH ANNOTATIONS IN ENGLISH, CONSISTING CHIEFLY OF THE DELPHIN COMMENTARIES CONDENSED, AND OF SELECTIONS FROM DOERING AND OTHERS. TO WHICH IS ADDED, THE DELPHIN ORDO IN THE MARGIN. BY THE REV. HENRY PEMBLE, B.A. FORMERLY OF SIDNEY SUSSEX COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, REES, ORME, AND CO.; T. CADELL; BALDWIN AND CRADOCK; A HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY PROF. JOHN TUCKER MURRAY LONDON: GILBERT & RIVINGTON, PRINTERS, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE. T : Q. HORATII FLACCI VITA. The aim of the Publishers, in this edition of Horace, has been to meet the growing demand for Annotations on the Classics, IN ENGLISH. In the general estimate, the advantage of the scholar stands before the interest of the master. Latin notes can, it is obvious, in the work of instruction, be of utility only to the teacher-the learner, boy or man, is in no condition to reap the benefit of them; and boys, in particular, are too easily repulsed by difficulties, to force their way through so formidable an obstruction. It is notorious, indeed, that they scarcely ever make the attempt. There will still be teachers to deprecate this innovation upon established practice; but to advance to the unknown through the known is the dictate of common sense-as applicable |