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Review.-Natural History of Enthusiasm.

to the charge of fabulousness, and reduce the best established facts into a state of doubt and uncertainty."


Christ,' closes the volume, and though it does not partake of the character of direct evidence, yet we hold it to be of prime importance to the cause of Christian truth, as it detects and exposes the latent causes of infidelity, in the worldliness, or love of pleasure, or the diversified pursuits which

"Not less conclusive in another department of evidence do we hold Lord Littleton's observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul. The soundness of his reasonings established on the well-engross the mind, to the utter exclusion of known principles of human nature, and the salvation which the gospel reveals.” the no less sound and philosophical deductions which he makes from the whole sen

timents and conduct of the apostle, render his arguments in favour of Christianity so clear and irresistible, that we think no honest mind can give his 'Observations' an attentive and unprejudiced perusal, without arriving at a thorough conviction of the truth of Christianity."

"In Dr. Doddridge's Discourses on the Evidences of Christianity, we have a full and comprehensive survey of all the variety of evidence which is generally adduced in support of the authenticity, and divine authority, of the New Testament."

"The next treatise, by Dr. Bates, on "The Divinity of the Christian Religion," contains a no less comprehensive, and still more powerful exhibition of the various evidences which can be adduced for establishing the truth of Christianity. The evidences from history, from prophecy, from miracles, from the testimony of credible witnesses, are all brought in distinct and convincing review before the mind; and our readers cannot peruse this admirable treatise without an increased feeling of confidence in the variety, and fulness, and invincible character, of that rich assemblage of evidence, on the immoveable basis of which Christianity is established."

"Dr. Owen's treatise 'On the Divine Original, Authority, and self-evidencing Light and Power of the Holy Scriptures,' embraces a distinct, but most important species of evidence; and this article will be held in high estimation by those who desiderate a satisfactory conviction of the claims of the Bible to Divine inspiration, of which he adduces the most solid and indubitable proofs; and he affords a no less clear and satisfactory explanation to those who possess no distinct apprehension of the manner in which the word came forth from God, and was again given out by those inspired men to whom it was communicated, as well as the security and infallible certainty that what they gave out as the mind and will of God, was indeed of divine original, and a divine communication."

"The treatise of Richard Baxter 'On the Folly and Danger of making light of

REVIEW.-Natural History of Enthusiasm. 8vo. pp. 220. Holdsworth. London. 1829.

Ir would have greatly assisted the reader of this work, if the author had contrived in some concise and perspicuous manner to give a definition of the subject on which he has written; it would then be distinctly known in what sense the term Enthusiasm was to be understood, in its various combinations throughout the sections of his volume. A standard having thus been erected, to which his reasonings in their numerous ramifications might be referred, we should have had a fairer opportunity of estimating the accuracy of his deductions, while the legitimacy of his conclusions would have been apparent.

It will be readily allowed, that he has delineated the character of enthusiasm, and furnished in many respects the lights and shades by which it is distinguished. He has also traced its numerous operations through intricate mazes, and detected, with a discriminating eye, the effects which it produces on the mental powers, and on the overt actions to which it leads. On these topics he expatiates in a style of reasoning which is at once creditable to his understanding, and honourable to the motives which have led him to this investigation. His aim seems to be, to draw a line between what may be deemed the censurable parts of enthusiasm, and that animated energy, without which, scarcely any thing great or momentous has ever been achieved. To this important point nearly all his efforts have been directed, and we rejoice to add, that his exertions have been attended with considerable success.

But although no formal definition of enthusiasm has been given by the author, it may easily be inferred, that he places its dominion in the ascendency which the imagination gains over the reasoning powers. This, indeed, is the only field in which it can be presumed to operate, and in this he nearly coincides in opinion with Mr. Locke. It may, therefore, be considered as approximating very nearly to the cha


Review.-Natural History of Enthusiasm.

racter of insanity, with this difference, that enthusiasm is generally confined to one particular class of objects, or perhaps to one leading idea, whereas insanity knows no boundaries to its extensive empire.

"The excesses of the imagination," he observes, "are of two kinds; the first is, when within its proper sphere it gains so great a power, that all other affections and motives belonging to human nature are overborne and excluded. It is thus that intellectual or professional pursuits seem sometimes to annihilate all sympathy with the common interests of life, and to render a man a mere phantom, except within the particular circle of his favourite objects. The second kind of excess is of a much more evil tendency, and consists in a trespass of the imagination upon ground where it should have little or no influence, and where it can only prevent or disturb the operation of reason and right feeling. Thus, not seldom, it is seen that the sobrieties of good sense, and the counsels of experience, and the obvious motives of interest, and perhaps even the dictates of rectitude, are set at nought by an exorbitant imagination, which, overstepping its proper function, invests even the most common objects, either with preposterous charms, or unreal deformities. Very few minds, perhaps, are altogether free from


active and contemplative scenes of life. The work consists of ten sections, in which he surveys, I. Enthusiasm Secular and Religious. II. Enthusiasm in Devotion. III. Enthusiastic Perversions of the Doctrine of Divine Influence. IV. Enthusiasm the Source of Heresy. V. Enthusiasm of Prophetic Interpretation. VI. Enthusiastic Abuses of the Doctrine of a Particular Providence. VII. Enthusiasm of Philanthropy. VIII. Sketch of the Enthusiasm of the ancient Church. IX. The same subject-ingredients of the ancient Monachism. X. Hints on the probable spread of Christianity, submitted to those who misuse the term Enthusiasm.

This statement of the author's views, and this syllabus of his book, speak strongly in favour of both, and produce within the mind a persuasion that it is invited to a participation in pleasure, which is more

such constitutional fictions, which, to a greater frequently promised than conferred. Nor

or less extent, intercepts our view of things as they are."-p. 3.

In the following passage, we have a just discrimination between the active exertions of the mind under the influence of sober and rational principles, and its strange aberrations when governed by the reveries of a wild imagination.

"Nature has furnished each of the active faculties with a sensibility to pleasure in its own exereise: this sensibility is the spring of spontaneous exertion; and if the intellectual constitution be robust, it serves to stimulate labour, and yet itself observes a modest sobriety, leaving the forces of the mind to do their part without embarrassment. The pleasurable emotion is always subordinate and subservient, never predominant or importunate. But in minds of a less healthy temperament, the emotion of pleasure, and the consequent excitement, is disproportionate to the strength of the faculties. The efficient power of the understanding is therefore overborne, and left in the rear; there is more of commotion than of action; more of movement than of progress; more of enterprise than of achievement.

"Such then are those, who, in due regard both to the essential differences of character, and to the proprieties of language, should be deemed enthusiasts. To apply an epithet which carries with it an idea of folly, of weakness, and of extravagance, to a vigorous mind, efficiently as well as ardently engaged in the pursuit of any substantial and important object, is not merely to misuse a word, but to introduce confusion among our notions, and to put contempt upon what is deserv ing of respect. Where there is no error of imagination-no misjudging of realities-no calculations which reason condemns, there is no enthusiasm, even though the soul may be on fire with the velocity of its movement in pursuit of its chosen object. If once we abandon this distinction, language will want a term for a well-known and common vice of the mind; and, from a wasteful perversion of phrases, we must be reduced to speak of qualities most noble, and most base, by the very same designation."-p. 6.

Enthusiasm thus delineated, thus characterized, and thus described, the author proceeds to trace through the varied departments of mental operation, and the

are we disappointed. In traversing this questionable ocean, we follow the guidance of a skilful pilot, who seems well acquainted with the seas he has undertaken to navigate, and the voyage he has to perform. He gains our increased confidence as we proceed, by uniformly pointing out the ardour which reason directs us to cherish, and the Enthusiasm which it teaches us to avoid.

From the first section on "Enthusiasm Secular and Religious" our former quotations have been taken; and on the subject of prayer, in the second, entitled "Enthusiasm in Devotion," we have the following ob


"But there are devotional exercises, which, though they assume the style and phrases of prayer, have no other object than to attain the immediate pleasure of excitement. The devotee is not in truth a petitioner, for his prayers terminate in themselves; and if he reaches the expected pitch of transient emotion, he desires nothing more. This appetite for feverish agitations naturally prompts a quest of whatever is exorbitant in expression or sentiment, and as naturally inspires a dread of all those subjects of meditation which tend to abate the pulse of the moral system. If the language of humiliation is at all admitted into the enthusiast's devotion, it must be so pointed with extravagance, and so blown out with exaggerations, that it serves much more to tickle the fancy than to affect the heart: it is a burlesque of penitence, very proper to amuse a mind that is destitute of real contrition."-p. 34.

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Review.-Emanuel, or a Discourse of True Religion, &c. 942

place, he gives many instances. On this momentous subject he devotes more time to the latter part than to the former, but enough is asserted to shew that in the conversion of the soul he recognizes the agency of the Holy Spirit, and the efficacy of his all-powerful influence. Hence he observes that

"A change of moral dispositions so entire as to

be properly symbolized by calling it a new birth, or a resurrection to life, must be much more than a self-effected reformation; for if it were nothing more, the figure would be preposterous, unnecessary, and delusive."--p. 66.

On "Enthusiasm being the source of Heresy," the author introduces the imagination as rioting in her own unrestrained excesses, and proceeding step by step until she reaches the wildest absurdities. A love for novelty furnishes a stimulus to speculation, and ingenuity is always ready to defend what fancy wishes to be true. The written word, he argues, "is our only guide," and he who renounces its dictates wanders on dangerous mountains, that are destined to be pathless for ever.

"The Enthusiasm of Prophetic Interpretation," has a strong bearing on some dogmatists of the present day; and all who are acquainted with their mode of procedure, must acknowledge that the picture is fairly drawn, and that its features are strikingly applicable.

"At several periods of church history, and again in our own times, multitudes have drunk to intoxication of the phial of prophetic interpre

tation; and, amid imagined peals of the mystic thunder, have become deaf to the voice of common sense and of duty. The piety of such persons, if piety it may be called, has made them hunger and thirst, uot for "the bread and water of life," but for the news of the political world." -p. 100.

The remaining sections of this work we have no room to particularize. They bear, in their respective characters, a strong resemblance to those we have noticed, and evidently partake of a kindred spirit. That every thing which the author has advanced meets our most decided approbation, is an assertion we should be unwilling to hazard. On a subject so equivocal in its character, and so varied as enthusiasm is, in its anomalous operations, a diversity of opinion may be expected to prevail. With its general tenor, delineations, and tendency, we have, however, been highly pleased; and having perused its sections with a more than common interest, we cordially recommend it to all who wish for information respecting this mental disease. There is one class of readers to whom it will most probably give offence, and these are the enthusiasts, whether in science, secular affairs, or theology.

REVIEW.-Emanuel; or, a Discourse of

True Religion, &c., and on Communion with God. By Samuel Shaw, With an Introductory Essay, by Robert Gordon, D.D. 12mo. pp. 304. Whittaker. London. 1829.

ALTHOUGH this volume contains many excellent observations on the nature and characteristics of genuine religion, several expressions may be found, from which the volume can derive no honour, and the reader but little advantage. The topics of discussion are numerous, and drawn chiefly from obvious, and even familiar sources; but they are sometimes pursued in such detail, that when the subject is exhausted, the author seems unwilling to desist from writing. In addition to its prolixity, the paragraphs frequently wear a controversial aspect, though without professing to assume that character. Hence, local sentiments occupy the place of general principles; and we are led by them to behold a system embroiled in the ferment of some latent civil war, when we expected to find the energies of its defenders uniting against the attacks of assailants, and fortifying its passes to repel the incursions of an invading foe. We readily allow that this polemic spirit is not remarkably prominent, yet even in the instances where it appears, its manifestations might have been spared, without doing the work any real injury.

But making all due allowance for these, peculiarities, for we will not give them a harsher name, a host of truths may be found, which assert and enforce the necessity of experimental and practical godliness, and in this department the intrinsic excellence of this work consists. It invariably inculcates a spirit of holiness both in heart and life, and urges the acquirement, and the retention of its influence, by many very powerful motives. Of the author's sincerity we can no more entertain a doubt, than we can question the genuineness of that animated piety which is visible in every chapter.

Actuated by the same principles, and aiming at the same object, Mr. Gordon has infused into his Introductory Essay a devotional feeling, which is perceptible in all his paragraphs. This is accompanied with much cogent reasoning, with many powerful arguments, and recommended to our notice by the captivating strains of a persuasive eloquence. With this Essay, and with the pious sentiments expressed by Mr. Shaw, we cherish a conviction that every serious reader will be highly pleased; and to such as these, all


Review. The Reference Testament-Life of Cranmer.

volumes of "Select Christian Authors," of which this is one, strongly recommend Christian religion, which, unitedly and distinctly, they embody in their pages.

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be a valuable gift. Such as are disposed to think, will find in its references, maps, struct the mind, and by attending to the directions given, they may make a proficiency in Biblical learning, that will be attended with lasting benefits. Others,

who are not disposed to make any exertions for the acquisition of sacred know. ledge, will find this to be simply a New read without any interruption, and all Testament, the chapters of which may be besides may be passed over in silence.

REVIEW.-The Life of Archbishop Cran

mer. By J. A. Sargent. 12mo. Hurst, Chance, and Co. London. 1829.

No person acquainted with either the civil or the ecclesiastical history of this kingdom, can be ignorant of the name of Cranmer. The turbulent times in which he lived, and the active part which he took in public and private affairs, immediately connected with church and state, have tend

So far as the sacred text is concerned, this volume has no claim to any particular notice; it is the New Testament, and it is nothing more. Being designed, however, for the use of schools, it contains numerous marks and references, from which both the teacher and the pupil may derive some useful instruction. In passing along the chapters of each book, Mr. Wilbur introduces a letter at the commencement of such verses as comprise any thing remarkable, either in history, biography, fact, doctrine, precept, custom, or local pecu-ed, by calling forth his energies, to immortaliarity, &c. &c. These letters arrest the attention, and an occasion is furnished for a variety of questions, which the teacher is to propose, and the pupil to answer. To facilitate the labour of both, several maps and tables are included in the volume, and from these may be obtained, in a great degree, the means of understanding the question, and of giving a satisfactory reply.

To meet the author's design, an enlarged and comprehensive survey of what the Bible contains, must be acquired, for although the volume comprises only the New Testament, its numerous references to the events and incidents recorded in the Old, bring the latter so fully before us, that the whole range of Revelation demands the reader's attention. The method thus adopted is admirably calculated to expand the mind in relation to sacred subjects, and to store it with that variety of knowledge, which can at once improve the intellect, and amend the heart. We perceive no formidable obstacle which the pupil has to fear, the plan being simple, and in general divested of obscurity. Time, however, will be required, and the mental energies must be called into exercise; but the reward will be ample; for he who obtains a tolerable acquaintance with what is here recommended, by following the means furnished for the important acquirement, may be justly considered as no contemptible Bible student.

To young persons, on leaving school to enter the world, this New Testament would

lize his name; while his tragical exit enrolling him among "the noble army of martyrs," who have suffered for the cause of Christ, stamps with eternal infamy the papal system, by the blood-thirsty vengeance of which, his death was inflicted.

In this volume, the life of Cranmer is traced in detail through all its more momentous and prominent incidents; the part which he bore in some of the marriages and divorces of Henry VIII. are introduced in connexion with the restlessness of that ambitious and unstable monarch; and the causes unfolded which led to his exaltation to the prelacy, as well as the reverse of circumstances which accomplished his overthrow, and conducted him to the stake. Cranmer in early life was under the influence of that degrading super stition which prevailed in this country prior to the Reformation. But the light which dawned in the morning of that auspicious era, soon dispelled the clouds which had enveloped his mind; and to evince the sincerity of his attachment to the glorious cause, he finally expired in the flames. From the reproaches which had been cast on the memory of this venerable martyr by the adverse party, this volume furnishes a satisfactory vindication; and after viewing the dangerous ground on which he had to tread, the violence of party spirit, the changes which, in quick succession, took place in public opinion and legal enactments, we need nor wonder that he should become the victim of papal virulence.


Review.-Practical Discourses on Regeneration.

Of all that is valuable in the life of Archbishop Cranmer, written by Fox, by Strype, and by Gilpin, Mr. Sargent has availed himself, without following the tedious prolixity of the two former, or rendering his work uninteresting by the stoic indifference of the latter. It is enlivened by the numerous incidents belonging to state affairs, with which it is interspersed; and the period of commotion through which we are carried, keeps attention always on the alert.

The occasional remarks which the author has associated with the facts he has stated, are spirited and appropriate, and combine to enhance the value of what he has written. The narrative itself proceeds with much regularity, and the last scene is peculiarly affecting. Throughout the whole we behold a development of character, which seems to have been drawn by an impartial hand. Some shades may at times be perceived; but these are so overpowered by the luminous rays which every where encircle them, that Cranmer's failings and infirmities stand eclipsed by the surrounding blaze of his numerous virtues.


on the following Collect. "O Lord, our heavenly Father, Almighty and everlasting God, who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day; defend us in the same with thy mighty power; and grant that this day, we fall into no sin, neither run into any kind of danger; but that all our doings may be ordered by thy governance, to do always that is righteous in thy sight, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."


This Collect, which the author has very appropriately denominated “The Traveller's Prayer," he divides into six parts, namely, a solemn address to the Deity, an acknowledgment of his care and providence, a petition to be preserved from sin and accidents, supplication for guidance, and a reliance on the Saviour of mankind. These varied topics are brought before us with much perspicuity, and in many instances they are supported by an appeal to circumstances obvious to all, and by numerous facts and incidents which have fallen under the author's personal observation. range which he has taken is both comprehensive and local, eliciting remarks which extend to all who travel by land or by water, and admitting at the same time, of an individual application. In this "Traveller's Prayer" the wisdom of him who composed the collect is amplified in a variety of ways; but the piety which it manifests, claims the greatest share of our admiration and reverence. On each of these, Dr. Clarke has descanted with honest simplicity, without rendering his own pages offensive by fulsome adulation. A con

At every period since the occurrence of his tragical death, the history of this great man has awakened the most lively emotions; and the complexion of the present times confers upon an additional interest. We may charitably hope that the vengeful spirit which consigned Cranmer to the flames, will never again predominate in this country; but, liberated from its former restraints, its movements should be watched with vigilance. In the sunshine of tolera-sciousness of our momentary dependence tion, it may be again resuscitated by the upon the Providence of God is inculcated genial warmth, and sting the hand that throughout, and in all our lawful underwas put forth to rescue it from confine- takings we are encouraged to rely on his ment. We all know that torpor is not protecting care. It is a pamphlet well death; and the slumber of three hundred worthy the attention of every traveller, and years may add new vigour to its energies, no one, we think, can examine its contents and infuse more virulence into its poison, with seriousness, without being benefited on being thus awakened into renovated by the perusal. life. The events of futurity are concealed from the scrutiny of mortals; but prognostics will accompany the flight of time, and it is the duty of Protestantism to watch the direction which they take, with the utmost circumspection.

REVIEW.-The Traveller's Prayer, a Discourse on the Third Collect for Grace, in the Morning Service of the Church of England. By Adam Clarke, LL.D. &c. Clarke. London. 1829. This pamphlet is of a very singular description, exhibiting at once the nature and character of a sermon, and an exposition 130.-VOL. XI.


REVIEW.-Practical Discourses on Re-
generation, and on the Scripture Doc-
trine of Salvation by Faith.
P. Doddridge, D.D. With an Intro-
ductory Essay, by Ralph Wardlaw,
D.D. 12mo.
pp. 356. Whittaker.

London. 1829.

THE works of Dr. Doddridge stand so high in our estimation, that we know not one which

needs either apology or recommendation.

These sermons have undergone many impressions, and by their intrinsic excellence they still hold their exalted rank in public estimation.

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