INQUIRY INTO CERTAIN VULGAR OPINIONS CONCERNING THE CATHOLIC INHABITANTS AND THE ANTIQUITIES OF IRELAND: In a Series of Letters from thence, addressed to a Protestant PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY KEATING, BROWN, AND CO. SOLD ALSO BY SYMONDS, BOOKER, Bond-street; BUDD, Pall-mall; Pater-noster-row ; SIMPSON, Wolverhampton; WILKS, Birmingham; Messrs. COYNE and [Entered at Stationers hall. ] OCCASION of the writer's tour to Ireland. -Political importance of the Irish Ca- tholics one of the phænomena of the times. -Dependance of the English Catholics upon them.-Journey through Wales.- Beauty of the river Liffy.-Royal college of Maynooth.-Vindication of the Irish Ca- tholic Clergy. Their past services to the cause of literature in their own island, and in foreign countries. -Schools and universities founded by them.-Their zeal and success in cultivating learning since |