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God and love to man-; "the only possible way effectually to restore virtue and happiness to any country, is therein to restore love to its ancient sway." Now it is this restoration which the gospel effects, and hence its matchless

endowing it with £30,000 a year! Ay, and now hesitating to withdraw this endowment, despite the clearest proof that by its continuance they are only fattening the tiger which thirsts for their blood! In a word, the most free and enlightened nation in Europe foster-power as a remedy for national maladies. ing the worst forms of darkness and despotism; the great patroness of all good, nursing Satan's masterpiece of evil, and the most sagacious of nations continuing to rear the viper just after it has disclosed its deadly designs by making a dart at her bosom." It is this writer's conviction, a conviction for which we believe that there is an adequate foundation, that "it needs to be proclaimed with a trumpet tongue, that the priests have for years been playing a deep game for the re-conquest of perfidious Albion." We believe that there is no exaggeration in the language which he employs on this subject when he says, "Let all Englishmen know assuredly that Rome's deadly eye is on "their faith and their firesides;" and that wherever they meet her clouds of priests, whether heading a mob, horsewhip in hand, or at vice-regal levées in silken hose, whether putting down a school in Connaught, or getting up one in Edinburgh, all-ALL are patiently performing their several parts in this gigantic conspiracy against protestant England. The serpent's great design is on that Eden of protestantism, and he has for years been stealing steadily towards it, and whether he has been now taking a circuitous route to beguile the simple, or again hiding amongst the flowers to elude the suspicious, or, as in the late aggression, making a visible spring, be assured of this one thing that


The Grand Specific for the cure of Ireland's maladies, Mr. Dill maintains rightly, is the gospel of Christ. Every form of personal and social happiness, he remarks, springs from love-love to

While we concur with the author in much that he says on this subject, and gladly receive his testimony respecting the usefulness of that agency which the friends of scriptural religion are employing,-while we unite with him in wishing for the multiplication of schools in which the bible is duly honoured, of readers visiting the peasantry and reading to them portions of the sacred word, and of gospel ministers of every variety of talent, we cannot help wishing that he had adverted to the feeble character of protestantism in Ireland and the causes of its inefficiency. This appears to be one of the most disheartening things which the friends of truth have to lament. Unless we are mistaken, efforts for the conversion of the Romanists to Christ are not very generally made by the native protestants; nor do they enter with much ardour into the plans of others which have this for their object. If the conversion of their Roman Catholic neighbours is to be attempted at all, many of them seem to think that it belongs to English Christians to do whatever is to be done rather than to themselves. The spirit diffused by popery no doubt fosters among them a feeling of helplessness; among the Romanists nothing depends on the people but everything on the priests-the priests who are themselves dependent on their immediate ecclesiastical superiors-the superiors who are themselves dependent on the higher authorities in Rome. The political circumstances of the island conduce also to this. England being the seat of government, and the wealthier country, the habit naturally arises of looking to

England for everything. But much of
the feebleness to which we refer origi-
nates, we believe, in the habit of re-
ceiving assistance for religious purposes
from the public purse. The protestants
have been so accustomed to expect the
British government to maintain protes-
tantism, by the pecuniary assistance
afforded, not to episcopalians alone, but
to presbyterians also-to every form of
protestantism that is sufficiently pre-
dominant to meet the public eye, that
voluntary effort to support their own
worship and diffuse the gospel around,
has seemed to them unnatural and
uncalled for. Even the assistance af-
forded by religious societies in England
may be abused, and has been abused, we
believe, in some degree; so that it is
incumbent on the administrators of
such aid to take care that the churches
in Ireland should be taught to cultivate
as much as possible their own resources,
and to take their part in missionary
exertion. As in India, however, so in
Ireland, an important preparatory work
has been accomplished. Obstacles have
been removed; attention has been ex-
cited; desire for knowledge has suc-
ceeded to the stupid contentment of
stone-blind votaries; and Providence is
rapidly breaking up the wretched social
framework that needed to be removed,
to prepare the way for the enjoyment
of peace and love and righteousness,"
under the sway of Him whose sceptre is
a straight sceptre, and whose dominion
when once established shall never pass
pass away.

zeal of their friend. That a version of
the New Testament should represent
the emphasis of the original is part of
the rule that requires in a version
general accuracy. A perversion of
emphasis is a perversion of meaning.
On that point all competent authorities
must agree. The value of the Vatican
manuscript again is universally ad-
mitted, and any one who calls attention
to its reading does important service.
But if we erroneously multiply emphasis
and so prize any one manuscript as to
deem ourselves independent of other
human aid (p. 55), we defeat the very
end we have in view, and build again
the doubts and uncertainty we were
seeking to destroy.

The Emphatic New Testament, according to the authorized version, compared with the various readings of the Vatican Manuscript. The Four Gospels. By JOHN TAYLOR. London: Taylor, Walton, and Maberly, 1852. 8vo.

HERE are two good ideas in danger of serious injury through the injudicious

Let us illustrate these remarks. It is a common rule of Greek composition that the nominative pronoun of verb is not expressed, unless it be emphatic. When expressed, such pronouns are generally intended to give force or prominence to the persons or things they represent, and such prominence ought clearly to be given in any version of the passage that contains them.

This principle Mr. Taylor applies to the Four Gospels, engaging to apply it with others to the whole New Testament, if he be encouraged in his labours. A single verse will explain this part of his plan. John xvii. 23, he points thus:

in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one; that the WORLD may know that thou has sent Me, and hast loved them as thou hast loved Me." The words here printed in Old English are in the Greek emphatic pronouns, and by this type the emphasis is marked in the version. The pronoun Me is also emphatic in Greek from position, and the WORLD is emphatic (in Mr. Taylor's view) from the use of the article. By employing capitals these kinds of emphasis are expressed, and often with happy results. "Could not THIS man which opened the EYES

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of the BLIND (John xi. 37); “And he whom thou now hast is not THY husband," John iv. 18; for example, express accurately the exphasis of the original. See also Matt. iii. 14; viii. 9. John xix. 6, 7.

Unhappily this principle is pushed to an extreme. Six and twenty different cases are enumerated in which it is said that emphasis is expressed, while in many of them there is no emphasis at all. Verbs for example in the infinitive mood and adverbs are made nouns in Greek by prefixing the article, as in Mark vi. 48, Matt. viii. 18, and all such are marked by Mr. Taylor as emphatic. Now the article is employed in such cases to meet the requirements of grammar, and not to give peculiar force to the word. To print such instances as emphatic confounds all proper notion of emphasis, and deprives the ordinary reader of the advantages which the general system advocated by Mr. Taylor is intended to confer. Could the six and twenty rules he gives be reduced to six, and really emphatic words be printed in emphatic type, a great benefit would be conferred, and the reader would be aided as much as by a corrected version. Of course we wish only the emphasis of the original, more than that would be exposition and not translation.

The various readings of the Vatican manuscript which are given in foot

notes will prove welcome to the general reader, especially in the proposed second volume. In the gospels there are no various readings in that manuscript of importance. The type adopted enables the reader to judge very fairly of the general importance of various readings. "JESUS saith," i. e. with the article, is in the Vatican manuscript, "Jesus saith," i. e. without the article, Matt. xvii. 26. In Mark vii. 36, our received text reads, "He charged them... they published it." The Vatican reads, "he charged them... they published it." The places of the emphatic pronouns being reversed. The general importance of this manuscript, may be gathered from the fact that ten out of a dozen or thirteen important readings in the New Testament, which are adopted by all the great critics, Griesbach, Scholz, Lachman, and Tischendorf, are found to agree with the Vatican. Unhappily the long standing promise of the Papacy that this text is soon to be given to the world is still unredeemed; and the various readings it contains are known only through imperfect collations.

On the whole, we deem Mr. Taylor's book a useful addition to our stores. The idea is a good one, and if his plan be confined to real emphasis and not extended to merely grammatical forms, it will throw much light on the sacred text. He has found a good horse; but let him beware of riding him to death.


The Pictorial Family Bible, according to the Authorized Version: containing the Old and New Testaments. With copious Original Notes, by J. KITTO, D.D. London: W. S. Orr and Co. 4to. Parts xxiv, and xxv.

This reprint of the original edition of Kitto's Bible having proceeded as far as the seventh chapter of Luke's Gospel, we renew our testimony, that though it is not equal to the


"Standard Edition," we regard its progress with complacency, as it will afford valuable instruction to multitudes to whom the more expensive work would be inaccessible. It is an excellent family book, and exceedingly cheap. The Bible and the Working Classes; being a Series of Lectures delivered to the Working Classes of Bradford, Yorkshire, in 1851. By ALEXANDER WALLACE, Edinburgh. Second

3 с

Thousand. London, Hamilton, Adams, and there are apparent discrepancies which a more Co. Pp. 298.

complete knowledge of facts than we possess
might reconcile, but to harmonize which re-
quires much learning, and the sacrifice of
common prepossessions. The fewness of the
dates which are given, and the similarity be
tween discourses which were delivered on
different occasions add to the difficulty of the
undertaking and the uncertainty which will be
felt on many points when it is completed. Mr.
Fuller has taken much pains with the present
work, and has succeeded in constructing a nar.
rative which reads smoothly and yet is com-
prehensive. In many families, sabbath schools,
and bible-classes, his publication will be accept-
able and useful. It includes a few explanatory
notes: many readers will wish that they had
been more numerous, but in that case they
could not have had the book on the same low
terms as those at which it is now presented to
to them.

Scripture Teacher's Assistant, with Explana-
tions and Lessons, designed for Sunday
Schools and Families. By HENRY AL-
THANS. London. Price One Shilling.

Feeling in common with many Christian men that for the appliances of Christianity to be brought to bear on the operative classes in this country something must be done different from any efforts heretofore attempted, Mr. Wallace, at that time a resident at Bradford, secured the Lecture room of the Mechanics' Institute for an afternoon service specially intended for this portion of the community, and altogether unconnected with any religious sect or organization. There he delivered from week to week during the course of four months this series of popular addresses on "the Bible." The plan proved eminently successful. Hundreds of working men attended from the town and the neighbourhood around, numbers of whom prided themselves in being Freethinkers, and were disposed to treat both the claims and teachings of the bible with disregard. At a large public meeting held after the services were brought to a close, the lecturer was requested to publish the addresses which had excited so much interest; and eight of the most influential religious men of Bradford subscribed It is surprising that a man of so much exan amount suflicient to defray the expenses of perience in the instruction of children, and the first thousand copies. The second thousand who enjoys so high a reputation among sabbath has just been published, and we wish it may be school teachers, should have published so very speedily followed by a third. We have read poor a book as this is. We have heard of men the book with intense interest. The circumof celebrity lending their names to be put on a stances in which it originated-the character title-page, and the question has occurred to us of the work itself-and the valuable results whether the good nature of Mr. Althans has which may be anticipated as its fruit; all con- not led him to accommodate some friend in that tribute to yield high satisfaction. Here and way in this instance. The very first explanathere we have to complain of confusion of tion that is given is this: "Bethlehem, a city of figure and a style which reminds us of the Judea." Does not the word "city" convey finest writing of Theodore Parker and George to an English child, not to say a London Gilfillan. We must protest against this high child-and it is for "London Sunday schools" pressure style. It is in bad taste-is becoming especially that the author has written-an idea increasingly prevalent-and to young writers totally inapplicable to Bethlehem? Such an has seductive charms. Apart from this we explanation is far worse than none. And so heartily commend the volume to all classes of are these: "Kingdom of heaven, Christ's our readers. Difficulties are not evaded; but kingdom of glory. Eternal happiness." p. 33. stated and met. The claims of the bible to be Offended in me. at once the messenger of God and the friend of teach." p. 38. Displeased with what I "The holy place. The holy man are advocated and sustained. There is no sacrifice of essential truth for the sake of popu- Others are about equal to none; as, ground round the city of Jerusalem." p. 64. 66 Was the larity. On the other hand, there is none of Son of God. I now believe that Jesus was the that offensive and feeble way of exhibiting Son of God." p. 71. truth which has disgusted multitudes of all grades in this Christian land. May such efforts as those of Mr. Wallace be multiplied a thousand fold, and may the God of the bible abundantly bless them!

The Bible Class Manual of the Life of Christ; or a Harmony of the Gospels, in a Continuous Narrative, with Notes and Questions. By ANDREW G. FULLER. London: B. L. Green. 1852. Pp. x., 181.

To reduce the memoirs of the four evangelists into one continuous narrative would seem to a person who had never attempted it a much easier thing than it actually is. Sometimes one of the writers gives a fuller account of a transaction than any of the others, and yet passes over circumstances which they mention, and which must therefore be introduced, though it is difficult to determine to what part of his statement they belong. In many cases

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The Economy of Prayer; in Principle, Prac tice, and Result; deduced from the Lord's Prayer. By JOSEPH EDE. Pp. 138. London: Houlston and Stoneman.

in its import-more suggestive of thought-or No part of scripture is more comprehensive than that in which our Lord taught his dismore interesting from collateral circumstances ciples the manner after which they were to pray. Hence in all ages of the church it has been considered a fruitful theme for comment. Expositions of the "Lord's Prayer" however, generally failed to impart either profit or inlike lectures on the " Pilgrim's Progress," have terest. Through ignorance of biblical truth or want of sympathy with the exercise of subject have, for the most part, served to illusprayer, or general incompetency, writers on this trate the saying of an old Waldensian, “This prayer can scarce be expounded completely by

all the theologians in the world." We have read this work, however, with interest and profit. Taking up in their order the several parts of the prayer, it shows the principles they recognize the practice they enjoin-and the natural results they warrant us to expect. Some of the conclusions are rather "farfetched," and now and then an expression savours of affectation; nevertheless, there is originality and vigour, both of thought and style, which in these days of servile imitation are quite refreshing. The writer is himself a man of prayer.

The Course of Faith, or the Practical Believer Delineated. By JOHN ANGELL JAMES. London: Hamilton, Adams, and Co. 16mo. pp. x., 333.

The deservedly popular author of this volume, speaking of his writings generally, says, "To awaken the sinner, guide the inquirer, and aid the believer in the path of life-rather than to lead the student through the intricate labyrinths of controversy or into the depths of profound biblical knowledge-is the highest object which my literary ambition has ever led me to seek, or my own consciousness will ever lead me to hope that I can obtain." The design and execution of the work correspond with this avowal; and we doubt not that, as an experimental treatise, it will be acceptable and useful to thousands. The subjects of its chapters are Faith in General-Faith in Justification-Faith in relation to Sanctification-the Joy of Faith-the Work of Faith-Faith's Victory over the World-Faith in PrayerFaith in Hearing the Word-Strong Faith, including the Assurance of Faith-Faith in reference to the Blessings of this Life-Faith's exercise in reference to Affliction-Faith in reference to Death-Faith in its relation to Heaven. We are rather surprised that with these chapters there is not one on Faith in the Resurrection of the Dead. We have long been of opinion that this primary article of faith in the primitive church does not hold the same place in modern theology as it holds in the apostolic writings; but we should have looked for a much fuller reference to it from such a man as Mr. James. A single paragraph on the subject, in so large a book as this, would not have seemed enough, we think, to Paul. The last chapter, also, on Faith in its relation to Heaven, is in our view vague and unsatisfactory, not recognizing duly the superiority of the ultimate state of happiness to which the New Testament scriptures teach us to look


Sin Apprehended, Tried, and Condemned; being
the reprint of
a book entitled, "The Isle of
Man," first published in 1627, By RICHARD
BERNAND, rector of Batcombe, Somerset.
Now edited by the Rev. D. F. Jarman, B.A.
Minister of Bedford Episcopal Chapel, St.
George's, Bloomsbury. London: Nisbet and
Co. 16mo. pp. 113.

This ingenious allegory was first published in 1627 and must then have met with great favour as it reached the sixth edition during the year of its publication. Since then it has frequently been reprinted. The present edition has been

purged of the coarse imagery and language which, in common with many writings of that age, the early editions contained, and has been in several respects altered that it may be better adapted to the present state of society and education. The object of the writer is twofold. To convince of sin by unfolding its character and tracing out its sources, and to promote holiness by pointing out the hindrances and aids to the discovery of sin and also the graces necessary to a holy life. The allegory is divided into two parts. In the first part we have the pursuit and apprehension of Sin. Sin is represented as a thief, pursued by the officers of justice, aided by many enemies to righteousness house of Mistress Heart, who keeps a common in his escape, at length taking refuge in the inn, a receptacle for all villains, profligates, and thieves.

In the second part we have the trial. Conscience is the judge., and Old Man, Mistress Heart, Wilful Will, and Covetousness are respectively tried and condemned. The dramatis persona, of whom we have only mentioned a few, are for the most part well conceived and well sustained; and we have seldom read a book in which the workings, springs, and aids of sin, and the hindrances to conviction, are so clearly and forcibly depicted. effects in the second part are admirable, and in The developments of covetousness and its this haste-to-get-rich age, well deserve the thoughtful perusal of every person.

Letters to a Romanist. No. I. The Doctrine of Popery as taught by the Church of Rome. No. II. The Supremacy of the Pope. No. III. Auricular Confession. No. IV. The Worship of the Virgin Mary. No. V. The Worship of Saints, Images, and Relics. No. VI. The Doctrines of Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead. No. VII, The Doctrine of Transubstantiation and the Mass. By a Quiet Looker-on. Scarborough: A. Russell. 12mo.

If this gentleman had continued to look on quietly, instead of writing these tracts and sending them to the press, it would doubtless have been more pleasant to the Roman Catholic clergy around him than the course he has purthere is nothing in his production adapted to sued. Quiet, as the author professes to be, tranquillize those of his readers who are advocates of the system on which he animadverts; for a more unsparing exposure of the maxims and practices of the apostate church we have never seen. Whether it was discreet or not, in illustrating the abominations of Auricular Confession, to translate some of the quotations from Dens and Bailey, and place them within the reach of English readers, young and old, is a question on which there will be difference of opinion; argument may be adduced in favour of the affirmative as well as the negative; and we will not undertake to pronounce judgment; but certainly there are many things in these letters for which it would not have been easy to procure the imprimatur of Cardinal Wiseman. We have not observed, however, any thing unfair or dishonourable. The author, who dates from Scarborough, has cultivated an extensive acquaintance with the writings of Romanists, and he is turning his knowledge thus laboriously acquired to good account.

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