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them to the result that the fisherman's catch of these fishes amounted to about one-quarter of the total population. Now all this is not only of scientific interest, but also of great practical importance if we could be sure that the samples upon which the calculations are based were adequate and representative, but it will be noted that these samples only represent one square metre in 3,465,968,354. Hensen's statement, repeated in various works in slightly different words, is to the effect that, using a net of which the constants are known hauled vertically through a column of water from a certain depth to the surface, he can calculate the volume of water filtered by the net and so estimate the quantity of plankton under each square metre of the surface; and his whole results depend upon the assumption, which he considers justified, that the plankton is evenly distributed over large areas of water which are under similar conditions. In these calculations in regard to the fish eggs he takes the whole of the North Sea as being an area under similar conditions, but we have known since the days of P. T. Cleve and from the observations of Hensen's own colleagues that this is not the case, and they have published chart-diagrams showing that at least three different kinds of water under different conditions are found in the North Sea, and that at least five different planktonic areas may be encountered in making a traverse from Germany to the British Isles. If the argument be used that wherever the plankton is found to vary there the conditions cannot be uniform, then few areas of the ocean of any considerable size remain as cases suitable for population-computation from random samples. It may be doubted whether even the Sargasso Sea, which is an area of more than usually uniform character, has a sufficiently evenly distributed plankton to be treated by Hensens's method of estimation of the population.

In the German Plankton Expedition of 1889, Schütt reports that in the Sargasso Sea, with its relatively high temperature, the twenty-four

catches obtained were uniformly small in quantity. His analysis of the volumes of these catches shows that the average was 3.33 cc., but the individual catches ranged from 15 cc. to 6'5 cc., and the divergence from the average may be as great as +32 cc.; and, after deducting 20 per cent of the divergence as due to errors of the experiment, Schütt estimates the mean variation of the plankton at about 16 per cent above or below.


does not seem to me to indicate the uniformity that might be expected in this "halistatic" area occupying the centre of the North Atlantic Gulf Stream circulation. Hensen also made almost simultaneous hauls with the same net in quick succession to test the amount of variation, and found that the average error was about 13 per cent.

As so much depends in all work at sea upon the weather, the conditions under which the ship is working, and the care taken in the experiment, with the view of getting further evidence under known conditions I carried out some similar experiments at Port Erin on four occasions during last April and on a further occasion a month later, choosing favourable weather and conditions of tide and wind, so as to be able to maintain an approximate position. On each of four days in April the Nansen net, with No. 20 silk, was hauled

six times from the same depth (on two occasions 8 fathoms and on two occasions 20 fathoms), the hauls being taken in rapid succession and the catches being emptied from the net into bottles of 5 per cent formaline, in which they remained until examined microscopically.

The results were of interest, for although they showed considerable uniformity in the amount of the catch-for example, six successive hauls from 8 fathoms being all of them o'2 cc., and four out of five from 20 fathoms being o'6 cc.-the volume was made up rather differently in the successive hauls. The same organisms are present for the most part in each haul, and the chief groups of organisms are present in much the same proportion. For example, in a series where the Copepoda average about 100 the Dinoflagellates average about 300 and the Diatoms about 8000, but the percentage deviation of individual hauls from the average may be as much as plus or minus 50. The numbers for each organism (about 40) in each of the twenty-six hauls have been worked out, and the details will be published elsewhere, but the conclusion I come to is that if on each occasion one haul only, in place of six, had been taken, and if one had used that haul to estimate the abundance of any one organism in that sea-area, one might have been about 50 per cent wrong in either direction.

Successive improvements and additions to Hensen's methods in collecting plankton have been made by Lohmann, Apstein, Gran, and others, such as pumping up water of different layers through a hose-pipe and filtering it through felt, filter-paper, and other materials which retain much of the micro-plankton that escapes through the meshes of the finest silk. Use has even been made of the extraordinarily minute and beautifully regular natural filter spun by the pelagic animal Appendicularia for the capture of its own food. This grid-like trap, when dissected out and examined under the microscope, reveals a surprising assemblage of the smallest protozoa and protophyta, less than 30 micro-millimetres in diameter, which would all pass easily through the meshes of our finest silk nets.

The latest refinement in capturing the minutestknown organisms of the plankton (excepting the bacteria) is a culture method devised by Dr. E. J. Allen, Director of the Plymouth Laboratory (Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., July, 1919, xii., 1). By diluting half a cubic centimetre of the seawater with a considerable amount (1500 cc.) of sterilised water treated with a nutrient solution, and distributing that over a large number (70) of small flasks in which after an interval of some days the number of different kinds of organisms which had developed in each flask were counted, he calculates that the sea contains 464,000 of such organisms per litre; and he gives reasons why his cultivations must be regarded as minimum results, and states that the total per litre may well be something like a million. Thus every new method devised seems to multiply many times the probable total population of the sea. As further results of the quantitative method it may be recorded that Brandt found about 200 diatoms per drop of water in Kiel Bay, and Hensen estimated that there are several hundred millions of diatoms under each square metre of the North Sea or the Baltic. It has been calculated that there is

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approximately one Copepod in each cubic inch of Baltic Water, and that the annual consumption of the Copepoda by herring is about a thousand billion; and that in the 16 square miles of a certain Baltic fishery there is Copepod food for over 530 millions of herring of an average weight of 60 grms.

There are many other problems of the plankton | in addition to quantitative estimates-probably some that we have not yet recognised-and various interesting conclusions may be drawn from recent planktonic observations. Here is a case of the introduction and rapid spread of a form new to British seas.

Biddulphia sinensis is an exotic diatom which, according to Ostenfeld, made its appearance at the mouth of the Elbe in 1903, and spread during successive years in several directions. It appeared suddenly in our plankton gatherings at Port Erin in November, 1909, and has been present in abundance each year since. Ostenfeld, in 1908, when tracing its spread in the North Sea, found that the migration to the north along the coast of Denmark to Norway corresponded with the rate of flow of the Jutland current to the Skager Rakviz., about 17 cm. per second--a case of plankton distribution throwing light on hydrography-and he predicted that it would soon be found in the English Channel. Dr. Marie Lebour, who recently examined the store of plankton gatherings at the Plymouth Laboratory, finds that as a matter of fact this form did appear in abundance in the collections of October, 1909, within a month of the time when according to our records it reached Port Erin. Whether or not this is an IndoPacific species brought accidentally by a ship from the Far East, or whether it is possibly a new mutation which appeared suddenly in our seas, there is no doubt that it was not present in our Irish Sea plankton gatherings previous to 1909, but has been abundant since that year, and has completely adopted the habits of its English relations-appearing with B. mobiliensis in late autumn, persisting during the winter, reaching a maximum in spring, and dying out before


The Nauplius and Cypris stages of Balanus in the plankton form an interesting study. The adult barnacles are present in enormous abundance on the rocks round the coast, and they reproduce in winter, at the beginning of the year. The newly emitted young are sometimes so abundant as to make the water in the shore pools and in the sea close to the shore appear muddy. The Nauplii first appeared at Port Erin, in 1907, in the bay gatherings on February 22 (in 1908 on February 13), and increased with ups and down to their maximum on April 15, and then decreased until their disappearance on April 26. None were taken at any other time of the year. The cypris stage follows on after the Nauplius. It was first taken in the bay on April 6, rose to its maximum on the same day with the Nauplii, and was last caught on May 24. Throughout, the Cypris curve keeps below that of the Nauplius, the maxima being 1740 and 10,500 respectively. Probably the difference between the two curves represents the death-rate of Balanus during the Nauplius stage. That conclusion I think we are justified in drawing, but I would not venture to use the result of any haul, or the average of a number of hauls,

to multiply by the number of square yards in a zone round our coast in order to obtain an estimate of the number of young barnacles, or of the old barnacles that produced them-the irregularities are too great.

To my mind it seems clear that there must be three factors making for irregularity in the distribution of a plankton organism:

1. The sequence of stages in its life-historysuch as the Nauplius and Cypris stages of Balanus.

2. The results of interaction with other organisms--as when a swarm of Calanus is pursued and devoured by a shoal of herring.

3. Abnormalities in time or abundance due to the physical environment-as in favourable or unfavourable seasons.

And these factors must be at work in the open ocean as well as in coastal waters.

In many oceanographical inquiries there is a double object. There is the scientific interest and there is the practical utility—the interest, for example, of tracing a particular swarm of a Copepod like Calanus, and of making out why it is where it is at a particular time, tracing it back to its place of origin, finding that it has come with a particular body of water, and perhaps that it is feeding upon a particular assemblage of Diatoms; endeavouring to give a scientific explanation of every stage in its progress. Then there is the utility-the demonstration that the migration of the Calanus has determined the presence of a shoal of herrings or mackerel that are feeding upon it, and so have been brought within the range of the fisherman and have constituted a commercial fishery.

We have evidence that pelagic fish which congregate in shoals, such as herring and mackerel, fed upon the Crustacea of the plankton and especially upon Copepoda. A few years ago when the summer herring fishery off the south end of the Isle of Man was unusually near the land, the fishermen found large red patches in the sea where the fish were specially abundant. Some of the red stuff, brought ashore by the men, was examined at the Port Erin Laboratory and found to be swarms of Copepod Temora longicornis; and the stomachs of the herring caught at the same time were engorged with the same organism. It is not possible to doubt that during these weeks of the herring fishery in the Irish Sea the fish were feeding mainly upon this species of Copepod. Some ten years ago, Dr. E. J. Allen and Mr. G. E. Bullen published some interesting work (Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1909, viii., pp. 394-406), from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, demonstating the connection between mackerel and Copepoda and sunshine in the English Channel; and Farran (Conseil Internat. Bull. Trimestr., 1902-8, "Planktonique," p. 89) states that in the spring fishery on the West of Ireland the food of the mackerel is mainly composed of Calanus.

Then again at the height of the summer meckerel fishery in the Hebrides, in 1913, we found ("Spoila Runiana," iii., Linn. Soc. Journ., Zoology, 1918, xxxiv., p. 95) the fish feeding upon the large Copepod Calanus finmarchicus, which was caught in the tow-net at the rate of about 6000 in a five minutes' haul, and 6000 was also the average number found in the stomachs of the fish caught at the same time.

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These were cases where the fish were feeding | Verb., December, 1913, xix.) arrived at the conupon the organism that was present in swarmsa monotonic plankton- but in other cases the fish are clearly selective in their diet. If the sardine of the French coast can pick out from the micro-plankton the minute Peridiniales in preference to the equally minute Diatoms which are present in the sea at the same time, there seems


reason why the herring and the mackerel should not be able to select particular species of Copepoda or other large organisms from the macro-plankton, and we have evidence that they do. Nearly thirty years ago the late Mr. Isaac Thompson, a constant supporter of the Zoological Section of this Association and one of the Honorary Local Secretaries for the last Liverpool meeting, showed me in 1893 that young plaice at Port Erin were selecting one particular Copepod, a species of Jonesiella, out of many others caught in our tow-nets at the time. H. Blegvad (Rep. Danish Biol. Stat., 1916, xxiv.) showed in 1916 that young food fishes and also small shore fishes pick out certain species of Copepoda (such as Harpacticoids) and catch them individually—| either lying in wait or searching for them. couple of years later, Dr. Marie Lebour published a detailed account of her work at Plymouth on the food of young fishes (Journal. Mar. Biol. Assoc., May, 1918), proving that certain fish undoubtedly do prefer certain planktonic food.


These Crustacea of the plankton feed upon smaller and simpler organisms-the Diatoms, the Peridinians, and the Flagellates-and the fish themselves in their youngest post-larval stages are nourished by the same minute forms of the plankton. Thus it appears that our sea-fisheries ultimately depend upon the living plankton which no doubt in its turn is affected by hydrographic conditions. A correlation seems to be established between the Cornish pilchard fisheries and periodic variations in the physical characters (probably the salinity) of the water of the English Channel between Plymouth and Jersey (see E. C. Jee, Hydrography of the English Channel, 1904-17). Apparently a diminished intensity in the Atlantic current corresponds with a diminished fishery in the following summer. Possibly the connection in these cases is through an organism of the plankton.

It is only a comparatively small number of different kinds of organisms-both plants and animals that make up the bulk of the plankton that is of real importance to fish. One can select about half-a-dozen species of Copepoda which constitute the greater part of the summer zooplankton suitable as food for larval or adult fishes, and about the same number of generic types of Diatoms which similarly make up the bulk of the available spring phyto-plankton year after year. This fact gives great economic importance to the attempt to determine with as much precision as possible the times and conditions of occurrence of these dominant factors of the plankton in an average year. An obvious further extension of this investigation is an enquiry into the degree of coincidence between the times of appearance in the sea of the plankton organisms and of the young fish, and the possible effect of any marked absence of correlation in time and quantity.

Just before the war the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (Rapports et Proc.

clusion that fishery investigations indicated the probability that the great periodic fluctuations in the fisheries are connected with the fish larvæ being developed in great quantities only in certain years. Consequently they advised that plankton work should be directed primarily to the question whether these fluctuations depend upon differences in the plankton production in different years. It was then proposed to begin systematic investigation of the fish larvæ and the plankton in spring and to determine more definitely the food of the larval fish at various stages.

About the same time Dr. Hjort (Rapports et Proc. Verb., 1914, xx., 204) made the interesting suggestion that possibly the great fluctuations in the number of young fish observed from year to year may not depend wholly upon the number of eggs produced, but also upon the relation in time between the hatching of these eggs and the appearance in the water of the enormous quantity of Diatoms and other plant plankton upon which the larval fish after the absorption of their yolk depend for food. He points out that, if even a brief interval occurs between the time when the larvæ first require extraneous nourishment and the period when such food is available, it is highly probable that an enormous mortality would result. In that case even a rich spawning season might yield but a poor result in fish in the commercial fisheries of successive years for some time to come. So that, in fact, the numbers of a yearclass may depend not so much upon a favourable spawning season as upon a coincidence between the hatching of the larvæ and the presence of abundance of phyto-plankton available as food. (For the purpose of this argument we may include in "phyto-plankton" the various groups of Flagellata and other minute organisms which may be present with the Diatoms).

The curve for the spring maximum of Diatoms corresponds in a general way with the curve representing the occurence of pelagic fish eggs in our


But is the correspondence sufficiently exact and constant to meet the needs of the case? The phyto-plankton may still be relatively small in amount during February and part of March in some years, and it is not easy to determine exactly when, in the open sea, the fish eggs have hatched out in quantity and the larvæ have absorbed their food-yolk and started feeding on Diatoms.

If, however, we take the case of one important fish-the plaice-we can get some data from our hatching experiments at the Port Erin Biological Station which have now been carried on for a period of seventeen years. An examination of the hatchery records for these years in comparison with the plankton records of the neighbouring sea, which have been kept systematically for the fourteen years from 1907 to 1920 inclusive, shows that in most of these years the Diatoms were present in abundance in the sea a few days at least before the fish larvæ from the hatchery were set free, and that it was only in four years (1908, 1909, 1913, and 1914) that there was apparently some risk of the larvæ finding no phyto-plankton food, or very little. The evidence so far seems to show that if fish larvæ are set free in the sea as late as March 20, they are fairly sure of finding suitable food; but if they are hatched as early as February they run some chance of being starved.


(All dates and statements as to occurrence refer to the Irish Sea round the south end of the Isle of Man. For further details see Report Lancs. Sea-Fish. Lab. for 1919).

But this does not exhaust the risks to the future fishery. C. G. Joh. Petersen and Boysen-Jensen in their valuation of the Limfjord (Report of Danish Biol. Station for 1919) have shown that in the case not only of some fish but also of the larger invertebrates on which they feed there are marked fluctuations in the number of young produced in different seasons, and that it is only at intervals of years that a really large stock of young is added to the population.

The prospects of a year's fishery may therefore depend primarily upon the rate of spawning of the fish, affected no doubt by hydrographic and other environmental conditions, secondarily upon the presence of a sufficient supply of phytoplankton in the surface layers of the sea at the time when the fish larvæ are hatched, and that in its turn depends upon photosynthesis and physicochemical changes in the water, and finally upon the reproduction of the stock of molluscs or worms at the bottom which constitute the fish food at later stages of growth and development.

The question has been raised of recent yearsIs there enough plankton in the sea to provide sufficient nourishment for the larger animals, and especially for those fixed forms such as sponges that are supposed to feed by drawing currents of plankton-laden water through the body? In a series of remarkable papers from 1907 onwards Pütter and his followers put forward the views (1) that the carbon requirements of such animals could not be met by the amount of plankton in the volume of water that could be passed through the body in a given time, and (2) that sea-water contained a large amount of dissolved organic carbon compounds which constitute the chief if not the only food of a large number of marine animals. These views have given rise to much controversy and have been useful in stimulating further research, but I believe it is now admitted that Pütter's samples of water from the Bay of Naples and at Kiel were probably polluted, that his figures were erroneous, and that his conclusions must be rejected, or at least greatly modified. His estimates of the plankton were minimum ones, while it seems probable that his figures for the organic carbon present represent variable amount of organic matter arising from one of the reagents used in the analyses (see Moore, etc., Bio-Chem. Journ., 1912, vi., 266). The later experimental work of Henze, of Raben, and of Moore shows that the organic carbon dissolved in sea-water is an exceedingly minute quantity, well within the limits of experimental error. Moore puts it, at the most, at one-millionth part, or mgrm. in a litre. At the Dundee meeting of the Association in 1912, a discussion on this subject took place, at which Pütter still adhered to a modified form of his hypothesis of the inadequacy of the plankton and the nutrition of lower marine animals by the direct absorption of dissolved organic matter. Further work at Port Erin since has shown that, while the plankton supply as found generally distributed would prove sufficient for the nutrition of such sedentary animals as Sponges and Ascidians, which require to filter only about fifteen times their own volume of



water per hour, it is quite inadequate for active animals such as Crustaceans and Fishes. These latter are, however, able to seek out and capture their food, and are not dependent on what they may filter or absorb from the sea-water. This result accords well with recorded observations on the irregularity in the distribution of the plankton, and with the variations in the occurrence of the migratory fishes which may be regarded as following and feeding upon the swarms of planktonic organisms.

This then, like most of the subjects I am dealing with, is still a matter of controversy, still not completely understood. Our need, then, is Research, more Research, and still more Research.

Our knowledge of the relations between plankton productivity and variation and the physicochemical environment is still in its infancy, but gives promise of great results in the hands of the bio-chemist and the physical chemist.

Recent papers by Sorensen, Palitzsch, Witting, Moore, and others have made clear that the amount of hydrogen-ion concentration as indicated by the relative degree of alkalinity and acidity in the sea-water may undergo local and periodic variations and that these have an effect upon the living organisms in the water and can be correlated with their presence and abundance. To take an example from our own seas, Professor Benjamin Moore and his assistants in their work at the Port Erin Biological Station in sucessive years from 1912 onwards have shown ("Photosynthetic phenomena in sea-water," Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1915, xxix., 233) that the sea around the Isle of Man is a good deal more alkaline in spring (say April) than it is in summer (say July). The alkalinity, which gets low in summer, increases somewhat in autumn, and then decreases rapidly, to disappear during the winter; and then once more, after several months of a minimum, begins to come into evidence again in March, and rapidly rises to its maximum in April or May. This periodic change in alkalinity will be seen to correspond roughly with the changes in the living microscopic contents of the sea represented by the phyto-plankton annual curve, and the connection between the two will be seen when we realise that the alkalinity of the sea is due to the relative absence of carbon dioxide. In early spring, then, the developing myriads of diatoms in their metabolic processes gradually use up the store of carbon dioxide accumulated during the winter, or derived from the bi-carbonates of calcium and magnesium, and so increase the alkalinity of the water, till the maximum of alkalinity due to the fixation of the carbon and the reduction in amount of carbon dioxide, corresponds with the crest of the phyto-plankton curve in, say, April. Moore has calculated that the annual turnover in the form of carbon which is used up or converted from the inorganic into an organic form probably amounts to something of the order of 20,000 or 30,000 tons of carbon per cubic mile of sea-water, or, say, over an area of the Irish Sea measuring 16 square miles and a depth of 50 fathoms; and this probably means a production each season of about two tons of dry organic matter, corresponding to at least ten tons of moist vegetation, per acre-which suggests that we inay still be very far from getting from our seas any. thing like the amount of possible food-matters that are produced annually.

Testing the alkalinity of the sea-water may therefore be said to be merely ascertaining and measuring the results of the photosynthetic activity of the great phyto-plankton rise in spring due to the daily increase of sunlight.

The Marine biolgists of the Carnegie Institute, Washington, have made a recent contribution to the subject in certain observations on the alkalinity of the sea (as determined by hydrogen-ion concentration), during which they found in tropical mid-Pacific a sudden change to acidity in a current running eastwards. Now in the Atlantic the Gulf Stream, and tropical Atlantic Waters generally, are much more alkaline than the colder coastal water running south from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. That is, the colder Arctic water has more carbon dioxide. This suggests that the Pacific easterly set may be due to deeper water, containing more carbon dioxide (= acidity), coming to the surface at that point. The alkalinity of the sea-water can be determined rapidly by mixing the sample with a few drops of an indicator and observing the change of colour; and this method of detecting ocean currents by observing the hydrogen-ion concentration of the water might be useful to navigators as showing the time of entrance to a known current.

Oceanography has many practical applicationschiefly, but by no means wholly, on the biological side. The great fishing industries of the world deal with living organisms, of which all the vital activities and the inter-relations with the environment are matters of scientific investigation. Aquiculture is as susceptible of scientific treatment as agriculture can be; and the fisherman who has been in the past too much the nomad and the hunter-if not, indeed, the devastating raider— must become in the future the settled farmer of the sea if his harvest is to be less precarious. Perhaps the nearest approach to cultivation of a marine product, and of the fisherman reaping what he has actually sown, is seen in the case of the oyster and mussel industries on the west coast of France, in Holland, America, and to a less extent on our own coast. Much has been done by scientific men for these and other similar coastal fisheries since the days when Professor Coste in France in 1859 introduced oysters from the Scottish oyster-beds to start the great industry at Arcachon and elsewhere. Now we buy back the descendants of our own oysters from the French ostreiculturists to replenish our depleted beds.

It is no small matter to have introduced a new and important food-fish to the markets of the world. The remarkable deep-water "tile-fish," new to science and described as Lopholatilus chamæleonticeps, was discovered in 1879 by one of the United States fishing schooners to the south of Nantucket, near the 100-fathom line. Several thousand pounds weight were caught, and the matter was duly investigated by the United States Fish Commission. For a couple of years after that the fish was brought to market in quantity, and then something unusual happened at the bottom of the sea, and in 1882 millions of dead tile-fish were found floating on the surface over an area of thousands of square miles. The schooner Navarino sailed for two days and a night through at least 150 miles of sea, thickly covered as far as the eye could reach with dead fish, estimated at 256,000 to the square mile. The Fish

Commission sent a vessel to fish systematically over the grounds known as the "Gulf Stream slope," where the tile-fish had been so abundant during the two previous years, but she did not catch a single fish, and the associated sub-tropical invertebrate fauna was also practically obliterated.

This wholesale destruction was attributed by the American oceanographers to a sudden change in the temperature of the water at the bottom, due in all probability to a withdrawal southwards of the warm Gulf Stream water and a flooding of the area by the cold Labrador current.

I am indebted to Dr. C. H. Townsend, Director of the celebrated New York Aquarium, for the latest information in regard to the reapperance in quantity of this valuable fish upon the old fishing grounds off Nantucket and Long Island, at about 100 miles from the coast to the east and south-east of New York. It is believed that the tile-fish is now abundant enough to maintain an important fishery, which will add an excellent food-fish to the markets of the United States. It is easily caught with lines at all seasons of the year, and reaches a length of over three feet and a weight of 40 to 50 pounds. During July, 1915, the product of the fishery was about two-and-ahalf million pounds weight, valued at 55,000 dollars, and in the first few months of 1917 the catch was four-and-a-half million pounds, for which the fishermen received 247,000 dollars.

We can scarcely hope in European seas to add new food-fishes to our markets, but much may be done through the co-operation of scientific investigators of the ocean with the Administrative Departments to bring about a more rational conservation and exploitation of the national fisheries.

Earlier in this address I referred to the pioneer work of the distinguished Manx naturalist, Professor Edward Forbes. There are many of his writings and of his lectures which I have no space to refer to which have points of oceanographic interest. Take this, for example, in reference to our national sea fisheries. We find him in 1847 writing to a friend: "On Friday night I lectured at the Royal Institution. The subject was the bearing of submarine researches and distribution matters on the fishery question. I pitched into Government mismanagement pretty strong, and made a fair case of it. It seems to me that at a time when half the country is starving we are utterly neglecting or grossly mismanaging great sources of wealth and food. Were I a rich man I would make the subject a hobby, for the good of the country and for the better proving that the true interests of Government are those linked with and inseparable from Science." We must still cordially approve of these last words, while recognising that our Government Department of Fisheries is now being organised on better lines, is itself carrying on scientific work of national importance, and is, I am happy to think, in complete sympathy with the work of independent scientific investigators of the sea and desirous of closer co-operation with University laboratories and biological stations.

During recent years one of the most important and most frequently discussed of applications of fisheries investigation has been the productivity of the trawling grounds, and especially those of

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