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it, she was zealous to obey it. In all the interviews I had with her during her long affliction, she always appeared very desirous of glorifying Christ, by a patient acquiescence in his will.”

SARAH JEFFERIES. her heart was gradually opened to reDIED, at Bromley, near Bow, on Mon-ceive the truth; and I can testify that day, Oct. 29, 1827, in the 31st year of as far as she knew it, and understood her age, Sarah Jefferies. When a child, she was instructed for a little time by a pious woman who kept a day-school in Bromley, whose name was Ruth Howe. About fourteen years ago, she heard a sermon delivered at Old Ford, by Dr. Newman, from the question, "Will ye also be his disciples?" which made a beneficial and lasting impression on her mind, and led to her connexion with the Baptist church there. tized with Abigail Buckle, Ruth Moorhen, Mary Monday, and Mary Merritt, on Thursday, Jan. 2, 1817; and was received on the following Lord's day, Jan. 5, into fellowship with that church, of which she continued to be a very honourable member till her death.

Mrs. Freeman, also, in whose service she lived about a year and half, writes thus :-"I think it must be about ten years ago she lived in cur family. She was of a very amiable disposition, and She was bap-her conciliating manners had always a tendency to promote peace. I have seen her in circumstances of excruciating pain, yet she was always disposed to speak of mercy; and would, when gasping for breath, tell of the goodness of God in giving that consolation which supported her. She appeared to have a complete acquiescence in the will of God, and would say, if the Lord had not seen it needful for her to pass through such deep affliction, he would not have called her to it. At the same time she enjoyed the consoling hope, that it was working in her a meetness for those holy enjoyments of which angels and the spirits of the just participate. She appeared to have very humiliating thoughts of herself, and wondered that one so unworthy should be so highly favoured. Christ was her only refuge, and she seemed to have a confidence that he would at last present her faultless before his Father's throne."

While a servant, she was eminently careful to "adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things." Mr. Nunn, in whose family she lived several years, in a letter to the writer of this article, says "I believe she came to live with us at the age of fifteen, at which time she could scarcely read a word, and was exceedingly ignorant of divine things; but there were always about her that downright integrity, and that regard for truth, which were much to be admired. She was greatly endeared to us by her kindness and attachment to our children, and by her sympathy with us in all our afflictions. She lived with us several years, and, of course, attended your ministry the whole of the time. She was very anxious to be able to read the Scriptures, and Mrs. Nunn rendered what assistance she could in the attainment of that object. But I think she was much indebted in that particular, as well as for a knowledge of divine things, to her friend Mrs. Oakley, to whom she was much attached, and whose company she sought at every opportunity. Like Lydia of old,

Soon after her marriage, she appeared to be afflicted with that distressing disease, the dropsy; and during the last four years she endured the operation of tapping, ten times repeated in vain! Her bodily pains were very great, but her exemplary patience and serene submission to the will of God, awakened the compassion and the admiration of many in all parts of the neighbourhood. Her life appeared but as a spark in the

ocean, and we often thought it must be when a large number of friends and speedily quenched; but it was by a lin-neighbours attended. gering death she was destined to glorify Dr. Newman, her pastor, preached a God. Her acquaintance with the Scrip- funeral sermon on Lord's day afternoon, tures had become both accurate and Nov. 4, from John xxi. 19. "This spake extensive, and by the application of he, signifying by what death he should "exceeding great and precious pro- glorify God." mises," her faith, and hope, and love,

Let the young reader remember what

(though there were occasionally some our amiable Christian poet, Cowper, passing clouds) were sustained and saysnourished.

For her bodily sufferings, she had a rich compensation in the comforts which

Youth oftimes, healthful and at ease,
Anticipates a day it never sees.

The length of affliction is the strength the Holy Spirit imparted: particularly, of it; but the grace of Christ is allthere was one remarkable instance, sufficient. Some Christians die sudabout ten days before her death, when denly, and have no occasion to say, broad awake, and not delirious, and in "Why tarry the wheels of his chariot?” the midst of agonizing pains, she ex- Scarcely have they heard the sound of claimed, in words which she had heard the wheels, before the chariot comes up her pastor quote on some occasion— to the door, and they are gone. "Lord, stop thy hand, or give me strength to bear the joy !"

At length, wearied and worn down, and completely exhausted, she sweetly fell asleep in Jesus. She was buried in the ground attached to the meetinghouse in Old Ford, on Friday, Nov. 2,

Whether our death be natural or violent, sudden or lingering, early or late, easy or painful-let it be our chief concern to follow Christ; that dying, as well as living, we may glorify God.

Bow, Dec. 4, 1827.

W. N.



The following historical facts relative to The Corporation and Test Acts, may not be uninteresting to our readers at a time when that subject is likely to claim a considerable share of the public attention.

In consequence of this recemmendation, his secretary, Mr. Hobart, the late Earl of Buckinghamshire, brought a bill into the Irish House of Commons, in which, among many other concessions to the Roman Catholics, it was enacted, &c. “That it should be lawful for them to hold all military offices "The Corporation Act never existed in under his Majesty, his heirs and successors, Ireland. The Test Act was not introduced in the kingdom of Ireland, without taking or there till 1703; and after the lapse of 77 subscribing the oaths of allegiance, supremacy, years, viz. in the year 1780; the Irish Pro- or abjuration, and without taking the sacratestant Dissenters were relieved from its ment of the Lord's Supper, according to the penalties, but the Act still continued in force rites and ceremonies of the Church of Engagainst the Catholics till the year 1793. In land;" with the exception of the offices of January of that year, the present Earl of Master and Lieutenant General of his MaWestmorland, then Lord Lieutenant of Ire-jesty's Ordnance, Commander-in-Chief of land, made a speech from the Throne to the his Majesty's Forces, and Generals on the Irish Parliament, in which he used the fol- Staff."

lowing expressions:-" His Majesty trusts In moving for leave to bring in that bill, that the situation of his Majesty's Catholic Mr. Secretary Hobart stated to the Irish subjects will engage your serious attention, House of Commons, "that it was in the and in the consideration of this subject, he contemplation of the Government of Engrelies on the wisdom and liberality of bis land, to admit Roman Catholics to bear comParliament." mission in the army or navy; and that in due

time measures for the same purpose would hold commissions in the array of Ireland; be proposed there, when a communication and no displeasure was expressed by the with the English Government should have English Government on receiving such a been had upon that point:" and in a subse- communication. Though at that time the quent debate upon the second reading of the present Lord Eldon was Attorney General, bill, the same gentleman informed them, and could not possibly be ignorant of every "That he had consulted with some of the step of these proceedings. Fourteen years most experienced and best informed men of elapsed after the passing of the above bill, the country, and that it did appear to them, without the British Government redeeming, that the measure now offered would give or attempting to redeem, the pledge then effectual relief to the Roman Catholics, with- given by its servants in Ireland: and then it out shaking the Protestant establishment. The was that, under Lord Grenville's adminisRoman Catholics felt it so, and he was con-tration, Lord Howick, now Earl Grey, (viz. vinced it would not injure the Protestants. on the 5th March, 1807), introduced to the What they were doing would essentially British House of Commons a bill containing serve the country; it would conciliate the those concessions to the Catholics, to which Roman Catholics; it would cement a com- the faith of Government had been pledged, mon union of interest and affection among his and which had been so long and so unjustly Majesty's subjects, and enable the country delayed. to repel all her enemies."

The bill was violently opposed, upon its When the bill was debated in the Irish introduction, by the late Mr. Percival, not House of Lords, Lord Farnham argued, that by any objections to its principle or enactuntil a similar law was passed in England, ments, but becanse he apprehended that Catholic officers could not attend their regi- that measure, which was no more than a rements, if ordered on duty into England. He deeming an undoubted pledge of Governwas, therefore, for amending the act, by ment, was the commencement of a system wording it in such a manner, that a Roman of dangerous innovations. The bill was Catholic should not be eligible to a military withdrawn, the Grenville Administration was commission in Ireland, until a similar law broken up, and a very high state of political were passed in England, admitting Catho- agitation ensued, in which, inconsiderate lics to hold military commissions in every contending partisans were more carried away part of the British empire. The Lord Chan- by unworthy popular clamours, than influcellor (Lord Clare) opposed the amendment, enced by a fair examination of the real ciron the ground, "that the act went merely cumstances of the case.--The World.* to enable the Catholics to accept of military employments, but it would not be supposed his Majesty would appoint a man to such a *We feel it due to the conductors of that post, until the laws of the empire should Journal, to recommend it to the attention of qualify him to act in every part of it. It our readers. It is the only weekly paper was more than probable that a similar law to published on a Wednesday, and we know of this would be adopted in England before the no paper whose columns combine so copious lapse of two months, and on this ground the a supply of religious intelligence, with geneamendment was wholly unnecessary." After ral information. It advocates the cause of some further debate, the amendment was religion and religious liberty fully and fearwithdrawn, and the original bill having pass-lessly; neither administering to party jeaed, the Royal assent was given to it by the lousy, nor cringing to political power. Its Earl of Westmorland.

opposition to the Test and Corporation Acts, A note from the Secretary Hobart is still and other grievances, entitle it to the supextant in the Secretary of State's Office for port of all who are friendly to civil and rethe Home Department, in which he informs ligious freedom. And amongst our readers Lord Melville, that he had promised to the we trust none will be found so unenlightened Irish Catholics, in the name of the English as not to appreciate this sacred blessing, or Government, that they should be qualified so unfaithful to themselves and to posterity, by law to hold commissions in the army and as not to contend (in the spirit of Christians) navy of England, on the same footing as for this inalienable birthright. they were qualified by the act of 1793, to




to be resorted to, and that it is as useful for legal purposes, (both as a clue to the best evidence, and as containing within itself as much of that evidence as can be obtained

The Association of the Baptist churches, from any record not sanctioned by act of New Brunswick, was held at King's Clear Parliament,) as it is at all likely under the July 9 and 10, 1827. They are twenty-present system of the law that such an Institution can be made to be."" eight in number. Total number of members, 1347, of which there had been added in the year, 195. Their next meeting is fixed for “the third Monday after the 20th of June, 1828;" and "that Elder Richard Scott (formerly of Lyme, Dorset,) preach the introductory sermon.'

In their Corresponding Letter they remark, "As to the state of our churches, we are sorry to say that the additions to our numbers are not so great as in former years; but the Lord has his set time to favour Zion, and there are a goodly number here who are earnestly praying that He may come down as rain upon the mown grass, and as showers that water the earth."

We have seen a letter from the church at St. John's, in which they express a strong desire that a well-educated, talented minister from England, being a single man, would come out in the Spring, to settle with them as their pastor.


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"That this Meeting therefore earnestly recommends to the body of Dissenters the use of the present Registry, and would exceedingly regret that any difficulty or defect in possible cases, which no voluntary institutions can avoid, should diminish its universality, and, consequently, its useful

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"That this Meeting feels that such a reform as would effectually remedy the evils complained of (many of which affect Churchmen as well as Catholics, Jews, and every denomination of Nonconformists, in a greater or less degree,) can only be looked to as likely to spring out of a more liberal policy We request the attention of our readers to the greater questions which affect the poon the part of the Legislature, with regard to the subject of the following Circular, re-litical situation of persons differing from the lative to the Registry of Births kept at Dr. Williams's Library; we think it is entitled


to their most careful consideration :

"The Committee of the deputies have for some time had under their consideration the subject of the Registry of Births, kept at Dr. Williams's Library, and they have taken opinions of the most eminent counsel as to its efficiency, and the means of its improvement.

"After maturely considering the subject, they, in union with a deputation of the body of Ministers, lately came to the following resolutions:-

"That it appears to this Meeting, that the present system of Certificates and Registry at Dr. Williams's Library is of a highly important and valuable character. That it is admiraby adapted to the great majority of purposes for which it is likely

establishment in matters of faith; and that with this conviction, the Meeting looks with increased anxiety to the speedy agitation of those important topics in a new Parliament, through the common exertions of the Dissenting body, and of the friends of civil and religious liberty.'

"That this Meeting recommends to the Deputies to address circulars to congregations, founded on these resolutions."""

"The Committee of Deputies subsequently referred it to a Sub-committee consisting of legal members of the Deputation, to mature any practical improvements which might seem desirable.

On the present plan, a person desiring to register the birth of a Child must necessarily make two applications to the Registrar, the registration-fee being paid on issuin the forms, which can be had no where but e

the Library. This to persons resident in the country must often have occasioned great inconvenience and expense of postage, &e. as the forms, when obtained, must be sent to the parties to be filled up and signed, and afterwards returned to be carried to the Registry and registered."

Probably the writers referred to will now favour us with their sentiments on the above Circular, as we are most anxious that the discussion of the subject shall be as free as possible.

It will be seen that the Committee of the Deputies recommend the certificates being on paper: it appears to us that parchment is most desirable, as the little saved in expence by the former, will be lost in durability.


"It has been thought most advisable, for the purpose of saving trouble and expense, that the blank certificates should be on paper, and sold in quantities at low prices, so as to encourage the keeping of a stock for use in the Vestries of Congregations throughout England ;-a few, which the committee issue in the first instance gratuitously, will reach you herewith as specimens of the plan. The printed directions are very ex-suant to notice, at the King's Head tavern, plicit as to the use of the certificates, and the Committee trust that there will always be some one connected with each congregation who can explain and assist if any difficulties should arise, and who will take care that blank certificates are always at hand.

The duplicates, when fully filled up, must be taken (as before) by the party or any friend or agent to the Registrar at the Library, who will cut off and bind up in his book the first certificate, which covers the whole front page, and sign and return the other to the bearer, and will then receive his

fee of one shilling, instead of receiving it (as before) on issuing the form.

The Committee wish to urge on you the desirableness of giving every facility and assistance to the use of an Institution obviously so beneficial; and they may add, that though this registration is not intended to supersede or discourage the due and regular keeping up of Baptismal Registries in those congregations where Infant Baptism is practised, yet that even in those cases it is desirable also to have the Birth duly registered in a permanent general Record. Your obedient Servant, ROBERT WINTER, Secretary.

The Annual General Meeting of the Stepney Academical Institution was held, pur

Poultry, Jan. 15, 1828. The attendance was perhaps as good as the season of the year and the state of the evening would admit. At half-past six o'clock, W. B. Gurney, Esq. was called to the Chair.

The Rev. Dr. Newman opened the meeting with prayer; after which the Report and the Treasurer's account were presented to the Society, and the following resolutions adopted.

Moved by the Rev. J. Hughes, seconded by the Rev. I. Mann :

approved, printed, and circulated under the Resolved-That the Report now read be

direction of the Committee,

Moved by the Rev. S. Griffin, seconded by W. Gillman, Esq.

Resolved-That the Committee having, on mature deliberation, unanimously invited the Rev. W. H. Murch to become the Theo

logical Tutor, and the Rev. S. Tomkins, A. M. Classical and Mathematical Tutor, this meeting do most cordially adopt and

confirin such invitation.

A letter having been read from the Treasurer, resigning his office, it was

Moved by Joseph Fletcher, Esq. seconded by Mr. Ashwell:

Resolved-That the cordial thanks of this

The Editors take the opportunity which Society be presented to Joseph Gutteridge, the insertion of the above Circular from the Esq. Treasurer of the Institution, for the Deputies presents, to acknowledge the revery valuable services which, from its comceipt of two letters, the one signed "At-mencement, he has constantly rendered; tornatus," and the other "H. D." on the and that they very deeply regret he feels it above subject. necessary to resign his office.

These communications apply chiefly to the observations in our Number for December, on the decision of the Vice Chancellor.

The writers argue, that the testimony of the father and other person present at the birth, was the evidence on which the Vice Chancellor decided, and not the Register. On more mature consideration, we think this view of the question the correct one. Both the letters being rather long, perhaps this notice of them will be deemed satisfactory.

Moved by Mr. Bosworth, seconded by
Mr. Summers:

Resolved-That W. B. Gurney, Esq. be requested to fill the office of Treasurer for the year ensuing.

Moved by Mr. Weare, seconded by Mr.
Dowson :

Resolved-That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Committee for their services during the past year, and that the following Gentlemen be the Committee for

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