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ABIATHAR, excellent, ar surviv-ing they kept the feast of unleavened ing father, the tenth high-priest of bread, the last of which was held as the Jews, and fourth in descent from a solemn convocation, Exod. xii. xiii. ELI. When Saul murdered Ahime- On the 15th day they gathered their lech, his father, and the other priests sheaf of the barley first-fruits, and on at Nob, Abiathar escaped to David the 16th they offered it; after which in the wilderness, and joined his they might begin their harvest, Lev. party; and by him David consulted xxvi. 4-14. On the first day of it, the Lord at Keilah and Ziklag, 1 Sam. the modern Jews observed a fast for xxii. and xxiii. 9. and xxx. 7. Saul the death of Nadab and Abihu: on had placed Zadok, a descendant of the 10th, a fast for the death of MiEleazar, in the high priesthood, in- riam: on the 27th, a fast for the death stead of Abiathar; but when David of Joshua: on the 29th, they prayed came to the throne, he made Abia- for the latter rain. Their Megillath thar, and Zadok next to him, the Taanith, however, takes no notice of chief priests: and thus matters con- any of these superadded solemnities: tinued while David reigned, 2 Sam. which is an evidence that they never xx. 25. Abiathar and Zadok de- universally obtained. signed to have attended David with ABIDAH, father of knowledge, SOR the ark, as he fled from Absalom: of Midian, and grandson of Abrabut he advised them to return with ham by Keturah, Gen. xxv. 4. it, and procure him proper informa- ABIDAN, my father is judge, the tion, 2 Sam. xv. 24, 29. Just be-son of Gideon, of the tribe of Benjafore the death of king David, Abia- min. He was prince of his tribe at thar treasonably conspired to render the time when the tabernacle was Adonijah the successor of his father; built, and the Israelites came out of and was forbidden the execution of Egypt. His offering, like that of his office by Solomon on that ac-other principal persons of the several count, and confined to his city of tribes, was a silver charger, the Anathoth; and Zadok was put in his weight of which was an hundred room, 1 Kings i. and ii. Thus was and thirty shekels, a silver bowl of the family of Eli for ever put from an hundred and seventy shekels, a the high priesthood, I Sam. ii. 29-vessel of gold weighing ten shekels, 36. It is not Abiathar, but his son, filled with incense; a young bullock, that is called Ahimelech, or Abime- a ram, a lamb of a year old, for a lech. Nor is it Abiathar's father, burnt-offering; two oxen, five rams, but himself, that is mentioned, Mark five he-goats, five lambs, for a peaceii. 26. for it is certain that he then offering; and a kid for a sin-offering, lived, and might have a great hand Numb. vii. 60, &c. in procuring the show-bread for David: nor does that text insinuate, that Abiathar then executed the office of high priest.


To ABIDE, (1.) To stay, tarry, Gen. xxii. 5. (2.) To continue to dwell, or live in a place, Gen. xxix. (3.) To endure, suffer, Jer. x. ABIB, or NISAN, the name of the 10. (4.) To continue, Eccl. viii. 15. first sacred, and seventh civil month (5.) To wait for, Acts xx. 23. (6.) of the Jewish year. It contained To stand firm, Psal. cxix. 90. (7.) thirty days; and answered to our To be, Gen. xliv. 33. (8.) To rest, moon of March. This word signifies Prov. xix. 23. (9.) To live, Phil. green ears, or ripe fruit; and was i. 24. (10.) To rule or govern, Psal. given to this month, because, in the Ixi. 7. Christ and his Father make middle of it, the Jews began their their abode with those who love him harvest. On the 10th day of this and keep his commandments, John month the Paschal Lamb was taken; xiv. 23. Men abide in Christ, and on the 14th day they did eat the pass-his love, when, being united to him over; and on the seven days follow-by faith, they continue cleaving to

of the family of Merari, Num. iii. 35. 3. ABIHAIL, the father of Esther, and uncle of Mordecai.

him and his word, believing his love, and walking in his way, John xv. 6, Christ's word, or doctrine, abides in men, and they in it, when the knowledge and faith of its truth and excellency, the experience of its Rehoboam, king of Judah: she was


power, and an open profession and careful observance of it, are continued in a fixed and constant man


ABIEL, or JEHIEL, God is my father, the father of Kish and Ner, and grandfather to Saul, the first king of

the Jews.


4. ABIHAIL, was the daughter of Eliab, David's brother, and wife to

the mother of Jeush, Shamariah, and Zaham, 2 Chron. xi. 18, 19.

ABIHU, he is my father, the son of Aaron the high priest, by his wife Elisheba. He was consumed with his brother Nadab, because he had offered incense with strange fire, instead of taking it from the altar of burnt-offerABIEZER, my father's help, of the ings. This happened within eight tribe of Benjamin, and town of Ana-days after the consecration of Aaron thoth, was one of the thirty gallant and his sons, and the dedication of men of David's army, 2 Sam. xxiii. the tabernacle, in the year of the world 2514, before Jesus Christ 1486, ABIGAIL, my father's joy, (1.) before the Vulgar Era 1490. Forthe sister of king David, wife of Je-getting the spiritual import of all ther, and mother of AMASA, 1 Chron. the service of the earthly sanctuary, ii. 17. (2.) The wife of NABAL. one class of commentators have supShe was a woman of great prudence posed that Nadab and Abihu were and wisdom, but was married to a in liquor, because the priests are imchurl. When his rude behaviour mediately after prohibited the use of to David's messengers had brought wine. Another class allege, that him and his family into the utmost there was nothing so heinous in their danger, Abigail hearing of it by one transgression, but it was awfully puof her servants, loaded several asses nished to teach ministers fidelity and with provisions, and went to meet exactness in discharging their office. David. In the most prudent man-But admitting both of these to be ner she tendered him her present; just and proper, we may safely conand her address not only disarmed clude it had a vastly more imporhis rage, but procured his highest tant meaning,-this instance of venesteem for her virtue. Returning to geance is a standing example of that her husband, she told them the danger divine wrath, which shall consume they had been in by his folly; and all who pretend to serve God, exhow she had prevented their ruin. cept with incense kindled from the He was smitten of God, and in about one altar and offering by which he ten days after died; and she, not long for ever perfects his sanctified, Lev. after, was married to David. She x. 1, 2. bare to him two sons, Daniel and ABIJAH, ABIJAM, or ABIA, the Chileab; if these two names do not will of the Lord, or the Lord my farather denote the same person. She ther, was the son of REHOBOAM, by was taken captive by the Amalekites his wife MAACHACH. He succeeded when Ziklag was burnt; but in a few his father on the throne of Judah, days was recovered by David her A. M. 3046. He married fourteen husband, 1 Sam. xxv. and xxx. 2 wives, by whom he had twenty sons, Sam. iii. 3. 1 Chron. iii. 1. and sixteen daughters. He reigned

ABIHAIL, father of strength; or but three years; and imitated the trouble, the son of Huri, and father impiety of his father. He was almost of Michael, Meshullam, and some constantly at war with Jeroboam, others, 1 Chron. v. 12, 14. king of Israel. Once he took the 2. ABIHAIL, the father of Zuriel, field with 400,000, against Jeroboam

with 800,000. The armies being | Ezra ii. 69. (2) A competency of drawn up, very near one to another, wisdom and prudence, Dan. i. 4. Abijah got up to the top of mount (3.) A power and disposition to fill Zemaraim, and harangued the troops an office in the church of Christ, 1 of the enemy, to persuade them to Pet. iv. 11. return to their wonted subjection to ABIMELECH, my father is king, the house of David, and to the true king of the Philistines, who dwelt in worship of God. Meanwhile, Jero-Gerar. Captivated with the beauty boam detached a part of his army of Sarah, and informed by Abraham around the hill, to attack the rear of that she was his sister, he took her Abijah's. Abijah and his forces, into his palace, intending to make seeing themselves surrounded, cried her his wife. God permitted him

to the Lord for help, and the priests not to take her to his bed; but apsounded the silver trumpets. Such peared to him in a dream, and threata sudden panic seized the host of ened him with a sudden death, if he Jeroboam, that Abijah's army cut off did not immediately restore her to 500,000 of them on the spot; and, her husband: nay, already he had pursuing the victory, took Bethel, smitten him, and the women of his Jesbanah, Ephraim, and a multitude family, with barrenness. Abimeof other places, from the ten tribes, lech excused himself to his Maker, 1 Kings xv. i. 1-7. 2 Chron. xi. 20. from Abraham's pretence, that Sarah and xiii. was but his sister. He nevertheless

2. ABIJAH, the only gracious son restored her next day, severely chidof JEROBOAM. When he fell sick, ing the patriarch for imposing on the prophet AHIJAH told his mother him. Abraham confessed she was that he should certainly die, and be indeed his wife; but was likewise the only one of Jeroboam's family his sister. Abimelech gave Abrawho should die a natural death, and ham a number of valuable presents, be dignified with funeral honours. and offered him a sojourning place He died the very moment of his mo- in any part of his kingdom. He also ther's return to her house, and was begged his prayers for the healing of greatly lamented by the people, 1 his family; and cautioned him to Kings xiv. 1-18. beware of the like dissimulation for

3. ABIJAH, the wife of Ahaz, and the future. He also gave Sarah a mother of king Hezekiah. Some sup-thousand pieces of silver, or about pose she was the daughter of Zecha-1157. sterling, to purchase a vail for riah the high priest, who was slain covering her face, which still, at 90 by king Joash. Nothing is more years of age, was comely and pleasgroundless. If she had, she must ing: thus she was publicly instructed have been about 90 years of age when Ahaz, a boy of ten years, married her, and had by her a child, 2 Chron. xxix. 1.

ABJECTS, most despicable persons, Psal. xxxv. 15.

and reproved. Abraham prayed for Abimelech's family, and they were cured. About fourteen years after, Abimelech dreading danger to himself or posterity, from the increase of Abraham's power, came with PhiABILENE, my father's mansion, chol his chief captain, and begged he a small canton in Hollow Syria, would enter into a covenant of between Lebanon and Antiliba- friendship; which was readily grant. nus. It appears to have lain west-ed, Gen. xx. and xxi. 22-32. ward of Damascus; and took its 2. ABIMELECH, the son and sucname from Abilah, which probably cessor of the former, was likely to be was the same with Abelmaim. Ly-imposed on by Isaac, in the same sanias was governor here in the fif-manner as his father had been by teenth year of Tiberius, Luke iii. 1. Abraham; but happening, from his ABILITY, (1.) Measure of wealth, window, to see some sportive famiVOL. I.


liarity between Isaac and Rebekah, ter, that Jotham, from the top of he immediately concluded she was mount Gerizim, an adjacent hill, his wife, not his sister, as both Isaac pronounced his parable to the men and herself had pretended. He im- of Shechem; importing, that their mediately sent for Isaac, and re-bestowal of the government on the proved him, as guilty of what tended most worthless person in Gideon's fato involve him and his subjects in mily, and the ungrateful murderer of guilt and punishment. A fear of the rest, should issue in the speedy losing his life, for the sake of his ruin of all concerned. The event beautiful consort, was the only thing quickly verified his prediction. Abiwhich Isaac offered in his own ex-melech had not reigned above three cuse. Abimelech, therefore, imme- years, when there happened a vadiately issued orders, that none of his riance between him and the men of subjects, under pain of death, should Shechem. While, it seems, Abi-in the least injure Isaac or Rebekah. melech removed his residence to Abimelech, finding that his subjects Arumah, a place near Shechem, and were terrified at, and mightily envi- left Zebul to inspect the city, Gaal, ed the great prosperity and power the son of Ebed, and his friends, exof Isaac, he civilly required him to cited and headed the conspiracy. At leave his territories, because he was one of their idolatrous feasts, they, become mightier than they. Some time in the most outrageous manner, con after, Abimelech, mindful of the temned and cursed Abimelech. Inleague his father had made with formed of this by Zebul his officer, he Abraham, and dreading danger from marched his troops by night, in four the increase of Isaac's power and bodies, against the Shechemites; wealth, took with him Ahuzzah his Gaal and his friends having no time friend, and Phicol his chief captain, to prepare themselves, were easily and repairing to Isaac, solemnly re-routed. On the morrow after, when newed the covenant with him at the men of Shechem came out to the Beersheba, and was there entertain-field, perhaps to the reaping, Abied by him with a splendid feast, Gen. melech and his troops murdered xxvi. them. He next took the city by 3. ABIMELECH, king of Israel, assault, murdered the inhabitants, was the bastard son of Gideon, by his and demolished the buildings. A concubine at Shechem. He was a thousand of the Shechemites fled to most wicked, aspiring, and bloody the temple of Baal-berith, hoping to wretch. To procure the government defend themselves, or expecting the for himself, he insinuated to the peo- sanctity of the place would protect ple of Shechem, how much better it them; Abimelech and his troops would be for them to have him their carried fuel from an adjacent wood, own citizen and relation, to be their set fire to the temple, and consumed governor, than to have all the three- it, and all that were in it. He next score and ten sons of his father to marched to Thebez, a place about rule over them. His Shechemite nine miles to the eastward. The friends took for him out of the tem- inhabitants fled to a strong tower ple of their idol, Baal-berith, seventy built in the midst of their city; Abishekels of silver, or a little more melech assaulted the tower with the than eight pounds sterling. With utmost fury, and was just going to these he hired a band of vagabonds, set fire to it, when a woman from who assisted him to murder, on one the top of it struck him with a piece spot at Ophirah, all his seventy bre-of a millstone, and brake his skull. thren, JOTHAM, the youngest, only He ordered his armour-bearer to escaping. The Shechemites then made him king. It was on the occasion of the coronation, or soon af

thrust him through with his sword, that it might not be said he had been killed by a woman. His orders were

executed, and he died, A. M. 2798. of them in the valley of salt. In the war with the Syrians and Ammo

Judg. ix.

4. ABIMELECH. See АCHISH, and nites, he commanded the troops AHIMELECH.

ABINADAB, my father is a willing prince, the son of Jesse, and brother of David, 1 Chron. xi. 13. ABINOAM, my father is beautiful, father of Barak, Judg. iv. 6.

which engaged and routed the latter. In the war with the Philistines he killed Ishbibenob, a noted giant, who was just going to murder his uncle the king. At another time he alone attacked a body of three hundred, ABIRAM, high father, (1.) The and killed them to a man. Highly son of Eliab the Reubenite. He, with provoked with Shimei's raillery, he his brother Dathan and Korah, con- begged his uncle's leave to cut off spired to divest Moses and Aaron of the insolent wretch, but was not perthe powers conferred on them by mitted. He commanded a third part God; and, on that account was, with of the army which defeated Absahis whole family and substance, swal-lom, and headed the household troops lowed up alive by the earth opening who pursued Sheba the son of Bichri, and closing on them. (2.) The eldest 2 Sam. ii. 18-24. and 10-14. and son of HIEL the Bethelite; he lost xvi. 9-11. and xviii. 2. and xx. 6, his life as his father founded the walls 7. and xxi. 15-17. and xxiii. 18, of Jericho, 1 Kings xvi. 34. 19. 1 Chron. ii. 16. and xi. 20, 21. and xviii. 12.

ABISHALOM, my father's peace, or reward, father of Maachah, who was mother to Abijah, king of Judah, 1 Kings xv. 2.

ABISHAG, my father scizes, a young woman, a native of Shunam, in the tribe of Issachar. David, at the age of about seventy, finding no warmth in his bed, was advised by his physicians to procure some young ABISHUA, father of salvation, person who might communicate the the son of Phinehas, and fourth high heat he wanted. To this end Abi-priest of the Hebrews, 1 Chron. vi. shag was presented to him, who was 50. one of the most beautiful young wo- ABISHUR, the father of righteousmen in all Israel. The king made ness, son of Shammai, 1 Chron. ii. 28. her his wife, but did not know her ABITAL, father of the dew, the during one whole year that she con- sixth wife of David, and mother of tinued near him. After his death, Shephatiah, 1 Chron. iii. 3. Adonijah demanded her in marriage. ABIHUD, my father's glory, or Solomon believed, with reason, that praise, a son of Zerubbabel, one of he might affect the regal power our Saviour's ancestors, Matt. i. 13. when he was married to one of the ABLE, every way qualified to aclate king's wives; therefore he de-complish an undertaking, Heb. vii. spatched him, in the year of the world | 25. 2991, before Jesus Christ 1009, before the vulgar era 1013.

ABNER, father's lamp, the son of Ner. He was the uncle of king Saul, ABISHAI, the father of the pre- and the general of his armies. Being sent or oblation, the son of Zeruiah, mostly in the camp, and in high stathe sister of David. He was a noted tion, it is not surprising that he knew warrior, an early assistant, and steady not David at Ephes-dammim: but he friend to his uncle. Entering Saul's was more culpable, in that he guarded tent in company with David, he re- his master so ill in the camp at Haquested leave to despatch that tyrant, chilah, when David and Abishai enbut was not allowed, 1 Sam. xxvi. 7 tered it, and went off, without being -11. He served in David's wars perceived, 1 Sam. xiv. 50. and xvii. with Ishbosheth, and vigorously pur-55-58. and xxvi. 5-14. After sued the flying enemy. In the war Saul's death, he made Ishbosheth with the Edomites he cut off 18,000 king; and for seven years supported

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