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et unus Deus. Tu es bonus, omne bonum, summum bonum. Domine Deus, unus et verus, tu es amor et charitas, tu sapientia, tu humilitas, tu es patientia, tu es pulchritudo, tu es securitas, tu es quies, tu es gaudium, tu es spes nostra et lætitia, tu es justitia et temperantia, tu es fortitudo et prudentia, tu es omnes divitiæ ad sufficiandum, tu es mansuetudo, tu es protector, tu es custos e defensor, tu es refugium nostrum et virtus, tu es fides, spes et charitas nostra, tu es magna dulcedo nostra, tu es bonitas infinita, magnus et admirabilis Domine Deus meus omnipotens omnipotens, pius, misericor et Salvator.

Omnipotens, æterne, juste et misericors Deus, da nobis miseris, propter semetipsum semper facere quod scimus te velle, et

heaven and earth. Thou art Trinity and Unity. Thou art goodness, all goodness, the perfection of goodness. O Lord God, one and only truth, Thou art love, Thou art charity, Thou art wisdom, Thou art humility, Thou art patience, Thou art chastity, Thou art safety, Thou art rest, Thou art joy, Thou art our hope and delight, Thou art justice and temperance, Thou art strength and prudence, Thou art all - sufficient riches, Thou art tenderness, Thou art our protector, Thou art our guardian and defender, Thou art our refuge and strength, Thou art our faith, hope, and love, Thou art our greatest sweetness, Thou art infinite goodness, O Thou mighty and admirable Lord God, my God and my all, omnipotent, holy, merciful Saviour.

Omnipotent, eternal, just, and merciful God, grant to us miserable sinners always to do what Thou willest and to will

semper velle quod tibi placet: ut interius mundati et illuminati et igne Sancti Spiritus accensi, possimus sequi vestigia dilectissimi Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi et ad te, Altissime, sola tua gratia feliciter pervenire, qui in Trinitate perfecta, et unitate simplici vivis et regnas et gloriosis Deus omnipotens, in sæcula sæculorum. Amen.1

what is most pleasing to Thee; so that, internally cleansed and illuminated and inflamed with the Spirit of God, we may follow in the steps of Thy beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and attain to eternal felicity through Thy mercy, O most Highest, who, in the Trinity in unity, livest and reignest, one God omnipotent, world without end. Amen.


Magne et gloriose Deus et Domine Jesu Christi, illumina, oro te, tenebras mentes meæ. Da mihi fidem rectam, spem certam, et charitatem perfectam. Fac ut cognoscam te, Domine, ita ut ego in omnibus omnia secundum tuam sanctam et veram voluntatem perficiam. A


Fiat in me, de me, circa me, et omnia mea dulcissima, suavissima, perfec

Great and glorious God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, illuminate, I beseech Thee, the darkness of my understanding. Grant me a right faith, a sure hope, and a perfect charity. Make me to know Thee, O God; so that in me and by me and in all ways, Thy holy and adorable will may be fulfilled. Amen.

Work in me, give me, and encircle me with Thy sweetest, gentlest, and

1 Ex opusc. S. Francisci, tom. i. 17.

tissima voluntas tua nunc

et in æternum.


most perfect will, now and

for ever. Amen.


my God and my all, I beseech Thee let the most sweet and ardent force of Thy love absorb my soul from everything beneath the heavens; that I may die to the world for love of Thy love, who for love of my love didst vouchsafe to die on the wood of the Cross, O my God and my all!


Translated by the Very Rev. Dr. Callan.

O Jesus, my Saviour and my God, how have I merited this singular favour, that while Thou hast left in the world so many innocent souls, Thou shouldst have chosen me, a sinner, for Thy spouse1 [to live in Thy own house here on earth], that I might afterwards receive from Thee an eternal crown in heaven. O Lord, since Thou hast bestowed upon me so great a grace, grant me light to understand its value, and strength to be always grateful for it, and with my whole soul to correspond with the love which Thou hast borne me. Thou hast chosen me in preference to many others: it is my duty to prefer Thee to all. Thou hast given Thyself entirely to me: it is but just that I present my whole being to Thee, and that Thou be the sole object of all my love and of all my affections. Yes, my Jesus, I love Thee above all things; I desire to love Thee alone. Thou hast given Thyself to me without reserve; I offer myself entirely to Thee. I

1 The passages between brackets are for Tertiaries living in community.

beseech Thee to accept this oblation, and not to refuse the affections of a heart that once loved creatures, and even preferred them before Thee, the Sovereign Good. Accept and preserve my soul and body. Without Thy assistance I can do nothing; without it I shall certainly betray Thee. Since Thou hast chosen me for Thy spouse, make me a faithful and grateful spouse. O sacred fire, burning in the Heart of Jesus, inflame my soul, and destroy in my heart every affection which is not for Him; make me live only to love this my amiable Spouse, who has given His life to be loved by me. O Mary, Mother of God, since I am the spouse of thy Son, thou art not only my queen, but my mother. And since it was by thy intercession that I have been detached from the world [conducted into this house of God], and made the spouse of thy Son, assist me now, and do not abandon me for ever. Grant that my life and death may be worthy the spouse of Jesus Christ. Amen.



Place yourself in the presence of God, and endeavour to impress yourself with His holy presence.

Earnestly implore the Holy Ghost to enlighten you, that you may perform well the great duty you are about to enter upon.

Ask the assistance of our Blessed Lady, of our holy Father St. Francis, of your patrons, and of all the Saints of the Order.

1. Have I doubted of any article of Catholic faith? Have I taken all necessary pains to cherish a love of this holy faith in my heart, and reduce it to practice?

2. Have I taken sufficient pains to inform myself of the duties imposed upon me by the Rule? Have I done all that was required of me on being received into the Order? Have I satisfied the penances given me for transgressions against the Rule? Have I made restitution? Have I done all in my power to be reconciled to my neighbour? Have I entertained any wish to withdraw from the Order?

3. Though not required to conform to the letter of the Rule with respect to the habit, have I conformed to it in spirit, by adopting simplicity and modesty in dress? Have I been careful to wear the scapular and cord of the Order, not laying them aside unnecessarily? Has my comportment been such as would become the religious habit?

4. Have I avoided balls, theatres, and other places of public amusement not suited to my position as a member of the Order? Have I in any way encouraged such amusements, either by giving money or sanctioning others attending them? Have I been frivolous in my amusements?

5. Have I kept the fasts prescribed by the Rule, or have I obtained the necessary dispensation? Being dispensed, have I observed the spirit of the Rule in this respect, avoiding gluttony or over-delicacy, taking all things with becoming moderation? Have I been careful to ask the prescribed blessing before, and to return thanks after, my meals; or, having omitted to do so, have I said the three Paters required?

6. Have I endeavoured to cherish in my heart a desire for frequent communion, and been careful to communicate, by the advice of my director, on the fes



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