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Appended to the Missal of St Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, and forming with it part of one and the same volume, is a fasciculus of eight leaves (fol. 174—fol. 181) with a ruling of twenty lines to the page. The ruling, however, is not identical with that of the Missal itself; and fourteen pages and a half out of the sixteen are filled with writing quite unlike anything in the Missal properly so called.

These pages would seem to have been a sample of a proposed volume, which, though combining the text of the Antiphonary with that of the Lectionary, would yet have fallen short of the excellency of a missale plenarium, from the circumstance that the prayers proper to the several masses were not to be given in full, but merely indicated by the opening words of each. This combination of officia with the several Epistles and Gospels corresponding to them have been made for the five feasts of Easter, the Ascension, St Augustine of Canterbury, St Peter and the Assumption; and it is a remarkable fact that the only bad reading to be found in them is to be found (at fol. 177, lin. 19) under the heading 'De Sancto Augustino.' Eliminating this instance, I find several noteworthy peculiarities of constituent and of verbal text. On Ascension Day, for instance (at fol. 176, lin. 3), immediately before the Gospel we have, instead of 'Dominus in Sina in sancto ascendens in altum captiuam duxit captiuitatem ' the Pauline form of the passage,-'Ascendens Christus in altum captiuam duxit captiuitatem, dedit dona hominibus.' On the same day the fasciculus gives us 'Non uos relinquo orphanos,' not 'Non uos relinquam orphanos' (John xiv. 18); whilst, though it has, for Antiphona, 'Viri Galilaei...quemadmodum uidistis eum ascendentem in coelum ita ueniet,' its Offertory is 'Viri Galilaei...hic Jesus qui assumptus est a nobis in coelum sic ueniet quemadmodum uidistis eum ascendentem in coelum.' This Offertory, peculiar to the fasciculus, is a substitution for that of Pam. and Rom., Ascendit Deus in iubilatione' &c., and seems to betray a Vulgate influence which was not at work at the earlier date at which the Antiphona had been selected as well as a tendency to make passages from the New Testament take the place of verses from the Psalter. The Whitsunday Psalm may again be mentioned in this connexion.

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We have seen that on the Third Sunday in Advent the Canterbury Antiphonary gives as Psalm, not 'Benedixisti Domine terram' &c., but a passage from the New Testament, 'Et pax Dei' &c. The fasciculus does the like; first on Ascension Day, when, as sequel to the Antiphona, 'Viri Galilaei' &c., it gives, not a citation from the Psalter, but the contextual Cumque intuerentur in coelum euntem illum' &c.; and again on St Peter's Day, when it follows up the historical passage, 'Num scio uere' &c., by 'Exeuntes autem processerunt uicum unum' &c.1

I have not transcribed the document fully. It has seemed unnecessary to do so. But I have noted all such instances of difference from the text of the vulgate Roman Missal as by means of careful collation I have been able to find.

MEMORANDUM. The rubricated portions of the original are represented, both in this Appendix and in the next, by heavy type. There is, however, another distinction which I have not attempted to reproduce. It is, that the antiphonarial portions of the several masses are written in a smaller script than the others.

1 Lower down, in the Lesson, the reading is 'Et exeuntes processerunt uicum unum' &c.

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1 The words 'Quere oracionem post canonem' are rubricated in the lateral margin opposite these words. The same memorandum is pencilled at the head of the page in, I think, the same writing as that at the head of 72 v.

2 Here and elsewhere peculiarities of spelling are carefully exhibited in these extracts.

3 Opposite this the lateral margin has a rubricated note: 'Epistola. Require in .iii. folio. retro.'

4 Collated with the Lesson in the first Mass of the Commune Conf. Pontif. in the Pio-Clementine.

5 Alleluia. Statuit....sacerdotum (sic) magnum.' On two supernumerary lines below ruling of 177. 'Iste sanctus...angelorum.' Written secunda manu and, in great part, on two lines of erasure.

M. R.


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DE ASSUMPTIONE BEATAE DEI GENITRICIS MARIE. (180) Gaudeamus omnes in domino diem festum celebrantes sub honore MARIAE uirginis de cuius assumptione gaudent angeli et collaudant filium dei. Ps Eructauit. Oratio Veneranda.

Lectio libri sapientiae. In omnibus...in Syon...in partes dei mei...in monte Syon... (180 v.)...odoris. Grad Propter ueritatem... dextera tua. Vers Audi filia...tuam. Alleluia. Hodie MARIA uirgo caelos ascendit gaudete quia cum christo regnat in aeternum.

Oratio3. Miserere quesumus domine animabus omnium benefactorum nostrorum defunctorum et de beneficiis quae nobis largiti sunt in terris premia eterna consequantur in celis. per.

Secreta. Suscipe hec munera domine pro animabus omnium nostrorum requiescentium benefactorum, et pro beneficiis eorum quibus

Secundum Lucam. IN illis: Intrauit dominus iesus... (181)...ab ea. Offert Felix namque ees sacra uirgo MARIA et omni laude dignissima quia ex te ortus est sol iusticiae christus dominus noster alleluia. Secreta. Subueniat plebi tuae. Praephatio. Et te in ueneratione. Com Beata uiscera MARIAE uirginis quae portauerunt aeterni patris filium.

Postcom. Mensae caelestis.

sustentamur, da eis retributionem in regno celorum per.

Postcomm. Sumpta sacramenta domine abluant nos uinculis peccatorum. et animabus nostrorum benefactorum defunctorum consortia obtineant spirituum beatorum: per dominum 5.


Oratio. Deus qui beate anne tantam graciam donare dignatus es ut mariam matrem tuam in utero suo portare mereretur: da nobis per

eius intercessionem tue propiciacionis habundantiam ut cuius solempnia celebramus, eius (181 v.) apud te suffragia sentiamus. Qui

1 Collated with Pio-Clementine in Commune Evangelistarum.

2 This 'a' carries an accent in the MS.

8 This mortuary Mass was, I think, written by the hand to which we are indebted for the second writing on fol. 163. and fol. 165.

4 This word 'nos' has been interlineated by, I think, the hand that inserted the marginal prayers on 45 v. 5 Written anm' in the MS.

uiuis et regnas cum deo patre in unitate spiritus sancti deus.

Secreta. Hostias tibi domine beate1 anne dicatas meritis benignus assume, et ad perpetuum nobis tribue peruenire subsidium . per dominum. Qui cum.

Postcom Concede quesumus omnipotens

deus nos sancte anne exultare meritis et beneficiorum eius attolli suffragiis. per dominum


Secundum Matheum. IN illis. Dixit iesus. d. s. Siquis uult post me uenire. abneget semetipsum.. commutationem... secundum opera sua. Amen...in regno suo2.


The following are a distinct group from the five to which I drew attention in Appendix A. The ruling of the pages is new, as is the script. I have abbreviated only where the text was in exact conformity with that of the Roman Missal.

(182) Michi autem nimis honorati sunt amici tui deus nimis confortatus est principatus eorum. Ps Domine probasti me3.

Lectio epistolae beati pauli. ad ephesios. FRATRES: [I]am non estis...edificati...in spiritu sancto. Grad. Nimis honorati sunt amici tui deus nimis confortatus est principatus eorum. Vers. Dinumerabo eos et super arenam multiplicabuntur. Grad. Constitues eos principes super omnem terram memores erunt nominis tui domine. Vers Pro patribus tuis nati sunt tibi filii propterea populi confitebuntur tibi. (182 v.) Alleluia. Vos qui secuti estis me sedebitis super sedes duodecim iudicantes duodecim tribus israel. Alleluia. Per manus

autem apostolorum fiebant signa et prodigia multa in plebe.

Secundum Iohannem. In illis: Dixit do

minus iesus discipulis suis. Hoc est praeceptum meum...det uobis. (183) Michi autem nimis honorificati sunt amici tui deus nimis confortatus est principatus eorum3. In omnem terram exiuit sonus eorum et in fines orbis terrae uerba eorum. Vos qui secuti estis me sedebitis super sedes iudicantes duodecim tribus israel dicit dominus.

Secundum Iohannem. In illis. Dixit dominus iesus discipulis suis. Haec mando uobis... (183 v.)...Sed ut impleatur sermo... gratis.


Sacerdotes dei benedicite dominum sancti

et humiles corde laudate deum". Ps Benedicite omnia.

Lectio libri sapientiae.

Dilectus deo et

hominibus: cuius memoria...regum: et unxit illum coram populo suo... (184)... Audiuit enim uocem ipsius...in nube. Et dedit illi cor et precepta...disciplinae. Grad Iurauit dominus

From this point to the end of the Mass the writing is, not improbably, that of fol. 164 and fol. 164 v.

2 Collated with Vulgate text of Matt. xvi. 24, &c.

This Mass lacks a title. At the head of the page and in another handwriting is this memorandum written, with the exception of 'Ego autem,' in vermilion:-'In vigilia unius apostoli. Officium. Ego autem. Quere in fine libri.' A pencilled marginal note opposite the Psalmus has 'Oratio omnipotens.'

4 At foot of page under this, a pencilled note, 'Secreta. Suscipe.'

A pencilled 'Alleluia' before 'Michi' and another in margin opposite this place. Under it 'Postcom. Votiua.'

• Opposite this, in margin, 'Oro Deus qui nos. an.'

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Salus autem iustorum a domino et protector eorum est in tempore tribulationis. Noli emulari 12.

Sapientiae. Iustorum animae...iter exterminii...temptauit illos...holocausta hostiae...in perpetuum 13. Vindica domine sanguinem sanc

torum tuorum qui effusus est. Posuerunt mortalia (186) seruorum tuorum escas uolatilibus caeli carnes sanctorum tuorum bestiis terrae 14. Alleluia. Mirabilis dominus noster

in sanctis suis.

Secundum Lucam. In illis: Descendens

1 This 'a' carries an accent in the MS.

2 Pencilled alleluia' in margin.

3 Reference mark at this word corresponding with another beside pencilled 'Secreta' in margin. Under this last, in ink, 'Com Magna est gloria eius in salutari tuo gloriam et magnum decorem impones super eum domine.' Under this again...nos' [? Haec nos].

4 Except first letter, on erasure, and at end of line.

5 In adjacent margin a pencilled 'oratio praesta quesumus.'

Ecclus, xxxi.

7 Opposite this (John xii. 24) 'Quere euvangelium Siquis uult post me uenire, ut supra in tercio folio.'

8 Second 'amen' on erasure.

9 These five words on erasure.

10 Opposite this pencilled in margin 'Secreta munera.'

11 Opposite this, in like manner, 'Postcommunio Da quesumus.'

12 Opposite this a pencilled note in six short lines as follows:- Deus qui nos concedis sanctorum martyrum tuorum natalicia colere da nobis in eterna beatitudine sanctorum societate gaudere . per.'

13 Opposite this (Wisdom iii. 1) 'Grad,' pencilled.

14 Opposite this, 'Secr,' pencilled.

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