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UAESUMUS DOMINE pro tua Caelestis

pietate miserere animabus famularum tuarum .N. et a contagiis mortalitatis exutas. in aeternae saluationis partem restitue : per1.

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participatio domine sacramenti animabus patris et matris meae requiem et lucem obtineat perpetuam. meque cum illis gratia tua coronet aeterna : per.


fidelium requiescunt. famulis

EUS cuius miseratione animae

et famulabus tuis omnibus hic in christo quiescentibus. da propitius ueniam peccatorum. ut a cunctis reatibus absoluti. sine fine letentur: per.



ro animabus famulorum famularumque tuarum hic omnium catholicorum dormientium hostiam domine suscipe benignus oblatam. ut hoc sacrificio singulari. uinculis horrendae uisionis exuti . uitam mereantur aeternam : per.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

1 Over the penultimate syllables of 'animabus,' 'famularum,' 'tuarum' and 'exutas' a later hand has in a distinctly different script interlineated, respectively, 'e,' 'le,' 'e' and 'tam.'

2 The same hand has, in like manner, written 'a' and 'le' over the final syllables of animae' and 'famularum,' and over the penultimate of 'tuarum' and 'consequantur'e' and 'a.' Over the last syllable of 'exuantur' it has written 'a.'

3 Over the last syllables of 'animae' and consecutae' in the Postcommunion it has written 'a' and 'a est,' and over the penultimate of 'famularum' and 'tuarum' 'le' and 'e.' The last syllable of Inueniant' is surmounted by 't.'


Here a reference mark after 'hic'—169 (7)—points to a pencilled 'et ubique' in the outer margin.

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famulorum famularumque tuarum oratio proficiat supplican

praedestinationis liber scripta retineat per.


Purificet nos quesumus omnipo-
tens deus sacramentum quod
sumpsimus et praesta ut non sit
nobis reatus ad paenam1. sed inter-
cessio salutaris ad ueniam. sit
ablutio scelerum. sit fortitudo fra-
gilium. sit contra omnia mundi
pericula firmamentum. sit uiuorum
atque mortuorum fidelium remissio
omnium peccatorum: per.



tium, ut eas et a peccatis omnibus Sibus quaesumus domine et

exuas. et tuae redemptionis facias esse participes : per.

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EUS cui soli cognitus est numerus electorum in superna felicitate locandus. tribue quaesumus ut uniuersorum quos oratione commendatos suscepimus. uel omnium fidelium nomina beatae

|| fol. 170.


nos protege. et famulis et famulabus tuis quorum commemorationem agimus uel quorum elemosinas recepimus. seu etiam his qui nobis familiaritate iuncti sunt misericordiam tuam ubique praetende. ut ab omnibus impugnationibus defensi tua opitulatione saluentur. et animas famulorum famularumque tuarum omnium uidelicet fidelium catholicorum. orthodoxorum. quorum commemorationem agimus . et quorum corpora in hoc monasterio uel in cunctis cimiteriis fidelium requiescunt. uel quorum nomina super sanctum altare tuum scripta adesse uidentur . electorum tuorum iungere digneris consortio : per.


Propitiare domine supplicationi

bus nostris. et has oblationes quas pro incolumitate famulorum famularumque tuarum. et pro animabus omnium fidelium catholicorum orthodoxorum quorum commemorationem agimus . et | fol. 1707. || fol. 171.

1 The italicized portion of this prayer is in the MS.-170 (12-14)--written on an erasure.

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Purificet nos quaesumus domine
et diuini sacramenti perceptio
et gloriosa sanctorum
oratio. et animabus famulorum
famularumque tuarum. quorum
commemorationem agimus . remis-
sionem cunctorum tribue pecca-
torum per.

[A blank line.]

offerimus. ut et delicta nostra miseratus absoluas. et nutantia corda tu dirigas. per.



ERE AETERNE. Ad cuius immensam pertinet gloriam ut non solum mortalibus tua pietate succurreres sed de ipsa etiam mortalitate nostra nobis remedium praeuideres. et perditos quosque unde perierant inde saluares: per christum.



UAESUMUS omnipotens deus: ut illius salutaris capiamus effectum. cuius per haec mysteria

aluum fac seruum tuum. Deus pignus accepimus : per.



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1 A rough marginal note seems to suggest 'protectione' for 'pietate.' Cf. fol. 30 v., lin. 12. Another hand-probably, if not certainly, that of the frequent annotator-has over this 'meritis' interlineated the word martyris,' expunctory dots being placed under the former word. This is very interesting. I believe the two readings to have been derived from the very book on which Archbishop Lanfranc was working when it occurred to him to reconsider his doubt as to the claim of St Elfege to the crown of martyrdom. I believe him in that book already to have erased ac martyrem tuum' from the Oratio and already to have changed ac martyris tui' in the Secreta into et meritis,' but not yet to have inserted the transposition marks needed for completely transforming the phrase into ut interuentu et meritis archipresulis ALFEGI.' I believe him to have reached precisely this stage in his revision of the text of, perhaps, a Christ Church Missal, when it occurred to him to take counsel of Abbot Anselm as to his predecessor's claim to be styled martyr as well as saint. Hence it is-so, at least, I would suggest-that we have the words ac martyre tuo' in the Postcommunion. See Eadmer [Rolls Edition], pp. 350-352.

prospera praesentis. et gaudium


N illis Dixit dominus iesus


futurae beatitudinis adquirat : per. I discipulis suis et turbis iude



AETERNE. Qui beato archipresuli et martyri tuo ALFEGO in passione crudeli constantiam talem condonasti . ut nec territus aufugeret. sed carnificum rabiem in te roboratus inuictus

deuinceret. Hinc ergo tuam supplices precamur clementiam ut nos ab emulorum cunctorum nequitia defendas. et in tua misericordia ad regni caelestis amena perducas per christum.

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1 On erasure in the MS., and by another hand.

2 On erasure in the MS., and by another hand.

orum1. Omne quod dat mihi pater ad me ueniet: et eum qui uenit ad me non eiciam foras. quia descendi de caelo non ut faciam uoluntatem meam sed uoluntatem eius qui misit me. Haec est autem2 uoluntas eius qui misit me patris: ut omne quod dedit mihi non perdam ex eo, sed resuscitem illud' in nouissimo die. Haec est. enim uoluntas

patris mei qui misit me : ut omnis qui uidet filium et credit in eum habeat uitam aeternam. Et ego resuscitabo eum : in nouissimo die.

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3 On erasure in the MS.-173 (1)—and by the same hand as ' autem' on 172 v. (20). So too the last two letters of illud' on 173 (2).

5 This batch of text-'Ostende... eundem -on 173 (8-18) was penned by another hand, and in thirteenth-century writing.

The lower margin of this page contains, in 74 erased lines, traces of the Gospel given on fol. 163* v.-' Ego sum panis uiuus.....in nouissimo die.'

6 In outer margin of title, manual cross, and note as on 140 v. (13).

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