Directions for Studying: I. A General System Or Body of Divinity, II. The Thirty Nine Articles of Religion: To which is Added, St. Jerom's Epistle to NepotianusJames and John Knapton, 1727 - 196 |
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Strona 19
... Rome , are oblig'd to profess the Trent Creed . This appears from that ( a ) Advertisement which is pre- ( a ) Atque cadem profeffione uti tenentur , quicunque ab hærefi remeantes ad fidem ... Catholic Church Of Clerical Powers ibid.
... Rome , are oblig'd to profess the Trent Creed . This appears from that ( a ) Advertisement which is pre- ( a ) Atque cadem profeffione uti tenentur , quicunque ab hærefi remeantes ad fidem ... Catholic Church Of Clerical Powers ibid.
Strona 20
... Church of Rome allows not either the Clergy or the Laity any Liberty of Diffenting from her in any of those Errors and Practices , upon the account of which I have shewn it to be unlawful to join in Communi- on with her . As for the ...
... Church of Rome allows not either the Clergy or the Laity any Liberty of Diffenting from her in any of those Errors and Practices , upon the account of which I have shewn it to be unlawful to join in Communi- on with her . As for the ...
Strona 110
... Church of Jerufalem , Alexandria and An- tioch have erred : So also the Church of Rome hath erred , not only in their living and manner of ceremonies , but also in matters of faith . This Article contains Three Propositions . 1. The ...
... Church of Jerufalem , Alexandria and An- tioch have erred : So also the Church of Rome hath erred , not only in their living and manner of ceremonies , but also in matters of faith . This Article contains Three Propositions . 1. The ...
Strona 112
... Church is more or less true , accor- ding to its greater or less Conformity to Christ's Rule . So that that Church which is less false or corrupt , is a ... Church of Rome , particularly in this 112 DIRECTIONS for Studying Art . XIX .
... Church is more or less true , accor- ding to its greater or less Conformity to Christ's Rule . So that that Church which is less false or corrupt , is a ... Church of Rome , particularly in this 112 DIRECTIONS for Studying Art . XIX .
Strona 113
... Church of Rome , particularly in this very Article , by the Name of a Church ; which shews , that in her Opinion the Church of Rome has the Metaphyfical Verity of a Church , tho ' she is fo grosly corrupted , as our Church upon every ...
... Church of Rome , particularly in this very Article , by the Name of a Church ; which shews , that in her Opinion the Church of Rome has the Metaphyfical Verity of a Church , tho ' she is fo grosly corrupted , as our Church upon every ...
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
Directions for Studying: A General System Or Body of Divinity and the Thirty ... Thomas Bennet Podgląd niedostępny - 2009 |
Directions for Studying: A General System Or Body of Divinity and the Thirty ... Thomas Bennet Podgląd niedostępny - 2009 |
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abſolute alſo anſwer Apostles Apostles Creed Article contains Baptifm becauſe Biſhop Pearson Book of Limborch's Books of Homilies Chapter Chriſt Chriſtian Religion confequently Creed deſerve diverſe Divinity Doctrin doth eſt everlasting faid faith the Lord fame felf Firſt Volume fome Fourth Propoſition fuch funt God's Wrath Grace hath Holy Ghost Holy Scripture Homilies Jenkin's Reasonableness Jeſus Juſtification Limborch's Syſtem Locus Decimus miniſtred moſt muſt Nature neceſſary Nicene Creed Number obſerve Old Testament ordained Original Sin peccatum Pelagians Perſon pleaſing poſſible Predestination preſent Purpoſe quæ quam Queſtion Question of Turretin's quod Reaſon Reasonableness and Certainty receiv'd reſpect Sacraments Salvation ſame ſay Second Propoſition ſee ſelf ſelves Senſe ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhepherds ſhewing ſhould Sixth Propoſition ſome ſpeak ſubſcribe Subſcription ſuch Testament thee theſe Third Propoſition thoſe Books thou tion true Turretin's Locus twill unto uſed viſible Church Volume of Dr Whitby's whoſe Word