4 DIRECTIONS For Studying, I. A General System or Body II. The Thirty nine Articles of RELIGION. To which is added. St. JEROM's EPISTLE By THOMAS BENNET, D. D. Vicar of The THIRD EDITION. LONDON. Printed for JAMES and JOHN KNΑΡΤΟΝ, THE PREFACE. T HE following LETTER, wherein I have given Directions for Studying a general System or Body of Divinity, was written in the Year 1705, at the Request of a young Gentleman, το whom, as the Beginning shews, I had made a Promise of it. Whilst it lay by me, I bestow'd some leisure Hours in correcting it; and at length I have determin'd to make it Public. Because I conceive, that something of this Nature is much wanted; and I have been encouraged to hope, that this imperfect Attempt will be Serviceable, till a more exact Performance shall render it Useless. The Texts relating to the Duty of the Clergy, which were barely named in the Original LETTER, I have printed at large. By this Means, without the Trouble of turning over his Bible, the Reader will be furnish'd with proper Matter for ferious Reflections on Days of Retirement. I have subjoined such Directions for Studying the Thirty nine Articles of Religion, as will, if I mistake not, set them in a different Light, and give amore distinct and particular View of them, than may be found elsewhere. Such as have Opportunity, may compare (if they please) what other's have written on them. I have been forc'd to add St. Jerom's Epiftle to Nepotianus; because'tis not to be met with, that I remember, otherwise than amongst his Works, or in fome Collection of his Epistles, which all Perfons can't command the Use of. The Nature of my Design confin'd me to a very few Books; such as might plentifully instruct, and yet not discourage or overburden, young Beginners. 'Twas therefore impossible for me to mention many excellent ones, which every Body esteems, and for which none has a juster Value than my felf. This made my Choice difficult. I hope, it has not provedin many Instances unhappy. The whole Number of them may be bought for about Twelve Pounds, as will appear to those who confider the Catalogue. COLCHESTER, T. BENNET. ADVERTISEMENT. Whereas Hereas in the following Papers I have made fome References to the Second Part of the Rights of the Clergy, which is now printing, but have omitted the Numbers of the Chapters, because I have already found it necessary to alter the Divifion of them during the Working of the Press: Ido hereby promise, that when that Book is printed off, which shall be as fast as my Circumstances will fuffer me to attend the doing of it, I will give such a Table at the End of it, as shall direct the Reader how to make the Figures of Reference with his Pen, without prejudicing his Copy of this Book. THE THE Different Methods of studying Divinity have been pre- fcribed. ibid. A Compendium or System generally esteemed necef- 5 First, An Inconvenience attends the tacking together the ibid. Thirdly, The Author fometimes differs in his Judgment Fifthly, The Student must not read too faft. ibid. reads upon any Branch of Divinity. |