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The legislature is also being asked for a new cottage for men at the Colony Farm, for a refrigerating and ice making plant, for enlargements of stock barns, and for improved and increased water supply.

The hospital has secured an affiliation with the Western State Normal whereby its pupils in the department of physical culture, in groups of five or ten can give instruction in physical culture to the hospital patients. This arrangement is working both to the advantage of the State Normal and the hospital.

Expansion of the department of occupational therapy is steadily and. constantly taking place. Nothing in the line of therapy that has not already been mentioned in previous issues of the JOURNAL has been established.

NEW YORK.-The State Hospitals Commission has recommended the construction of a new psychopathic hospital in New York City for preliminary treatment and research. It is greatly needed. It is also urged that the Creedmoor Branch of the Brooklyn State Hospital be enlarged.

During the Fall the Women's Council of Defence co-operated with the commission in an effort to secure 1000 nurses for state hospital service. A three-year course in training is given, leading to a registered nurse's certificate.

-Binghamton State Hospital, Binghamton.—The acute hospital, Fairmount, which was closed last August on account of the shortage of help, was re-opened March 1. Of the sixty-two employees and six physicians who left the hospital to enter the federal military service, three physicians and thirteen employees have returned to duty. Besides these former employees, seventeen new men from the army and the navy have been employed at the hospital during the past six months.

The situation as regards the shortage of employees has been considerably relieved during the past two months. This relief is probably due in large measure to extensive advertising in nearby cities and towns through the medium of newspapers. At the present time but fifteen employees are lacking in all departments of the institution.

A bill which is now before the legislature, if it becomes a law, will increase the wages of employees in all grades of the state hospital service. During February, Dr. Herman E. Hasseltine, Assistant Surgeon General of the U. S. Public Health Service, and Drs. Gibbs, Welden and Anthony, also of the U. S. Public Health Service, visited the hospital and inoculated approximately 50 per cent of the patients in the hospital with a vaccine designed to prevent the development of pneumonia. Careful record is being kept of these patients, apart from the general hospital records, to determine if possible the value of the vaccine.

Plans and specifications covering an addition to the laboratory building, also plans and specifications for extension to dormitory, scullery and equipment to the East building have been received from the state architect

and approved by the board of managers of the hospital. It is expected that construction work on these additions will be commenced in the early spring.

Mr. William H. Hecox and Mr. J. Arnot Rathbone, members of the board of managers of the hospital, entered the federal service during the past six months. Mr. Rathbone has returned to his home in Elmira, N. Y., and Mr. Hecox expects to receive his discharge April 1.

On December 1, 1918, Miss Edith Atkin, R. N., principal of our school of nursing, resigned to accept the superintendency of the Binghamton City Hospital. This vacancy has been filled by the appointment of Miss Susan L. Carpenter, R. N., of Middletown, Conn. Miss Carpenter assumed the duties of principal January 2, 1919.

-Craig Colony for Epileptics, Sonyea.-During the influenza epidemic which existed in October and November, 1918, over 1000 cases developed at the colony, 900 among patients and 100 among employees, 138 patients and five employees succumbed to the disease. In the neighboring village of Mt. Morris, four miles distant, as well as at the colony, there was apparently a virulent type of infection which would explain the high death rate. The vast majority of patients who died were of the type considerably deteriorated both physically and mentally.

Work has been begun on the erection of Oneida, the new dining room and kitchen building in the West Group for males. This building will have space in the dining room for 350 patients and a separate dining room for employees working in the division in which the building is located.

-Goranda State Homeopathic Hospital, Gowanda.-A feed water heater has been installed at the power house and will soon be in operation. Eight new colony houses have been constructed at the poultry range to accommodate the spring hatch of chickens.

A portion of one of the large day rooms on Ward 17 has been converted into a marking room and the clothing clerk is in charge of all clothing and personal property received for men and women patients.

-Kings Park State Hospital, Kings Park, Long Island.-A new Employees' Home has been constructed and it is expected that it soon will be opened. The home is now heated, lighted, and, when a few minor construction details are completed, will be accepted by the state, and turned over to the proper authorities. Nearly all the furniture and equipment are on the grounds and ready to be placed in the home as soon as it is accepted. The home is of fireproof construction throughout, with reinforced concrete floors, beams, and columns. The partitions between the rooms are Ebsary fireproof blocks. Burkhardt's system of reinforcement was used in the construction of the building.

A new chlorinating apparatus has been installed at the sewage disposal plant, and an addition has been built to the filtration beds. An appropria

tion of $12,000 has been asked of the next legislature, to build an additional settling tank.

An authorization of $150,000 has been made by the legislature for additional construction to the Tuberculous Group, of which $75,000 is available. Also an appropriation of $19,000 for constructing a kitchen for the Tuberculous Group.

An authorization of $35,000 was made for a new water storage reservoir, of which $10,000 is available. The present legislature has been asked to make $25,000 more available.

An appropriation was made for reconstruction of the elevators. Material has been ordered and is being received for the purpose of reconstructing two elevators-one at C-D Kitchen, and one at Group 1 Kitchen, where the elevators are now in a poor condition.

The hospital was awarded first prize at the meeting of the American Medico-Psychological Association, held in Chicago on June 4, 1918, for embroidery, reed and raffia work.

At the request of Dr. Charles B. Davenport, Director of the Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, Dr. William C. Garvin gave a clinic to twelve of his students on the morning of July 16, 1918, after which the class made a tour of the hospital under the guidance of a number of our physicians.

A clinic was given by Dr. William C. Garvin, to the students in psychology of Professor Hollingworth, of Barnard College, Columbia University, on the morning of August 6, 1918, following which the party was shown through the buildings and grounds by a number of our physicians.

The entire hospital population is being inoculated with typhoid paratyphoid vaccine in order to prevent any outbreaks of this disease.

Dr. Edward Francis, of the U. S. Public Health Service, and several assistants inoculated one-half of the patients on each of the wards of the hospital with pneumococcic vaccine, types 1, 2 and 3. By this method it is hoped that its prophylactic value against pneumonia will be determined. At the present time the following physicians of the staff are in the Medical Corps of the U. S. Army:

Major A. J. Rosanoff,

Captain Walter H. Sanford,
Captain Harry A. Steckel,

First Lieutenant Charles H. Brush,
First Lieutenant John V. Swierat.

-Manhattan State Hospital, Ward's Island.-Influenza first developed in the hospital October 4, 1918, the first case occurring in the Nurses' Home. The epidemic lasted until the middle of January, during which period 165 cases occurred among the patients, 29 of whom developed pneumonia; 53 of the total number died.

Thirty-two employees developed influenza, 12 cases being complicated by pneumonia; three deaths occurred among the employees.

Eight hundred and six patients were vaccinated against the disease, 16 of whom later contracted influenza.

The epidemic was at first confined to two buildings for chronic female cases. Subsequently, however, numerous cases developed throughout the various hospital services.

The high death rate may in part be explained by the virulency of the disease and the fact that the medical service was depleted nearly 50 per cent by the absence of those in military service. The ward service was also greatly reduced owing to conditions of war and the absence from duty of those who were sick with the disease.

Never before have so many patients, male and female, been employed as at the present time, both on the ward services and out of doors. Many have been trusted with keys and in no instance have they violated the privilege extended to them, seeming to realize the existing exigency, due to the shortage of help, doing all in their power to assist; with benefit to themselves as well as the institution.

Many of the older hospital buildings have been repaired, new floors laid and interiors painted. A detached building containing Wards II and 12, has been thoroughly renovated and will be equipped for the special treatment and care of female neurological cases.

A large number of working patients have filled in and done considerable grading about the hospital grounds. Streets have been repaired and new ones laid; for the most part being paralleled with cement sidewalks, many new walks having recently been built.

Modern attractive electric street lamps have been placed at frequent intervals; streets and avenues have been named and appropriate signs placed on the lamp-posts at street intersections.

As an aid to centralization of administration, several of the outside departments have been grouped together under a less number of respective heads.

The work on the Naval Hospital has been greatly deferred owing to frequent strikes; the buildings, however, are now being rapidly completed and it is believed will be occupied within the near future.

On February 18 a disturbed patient was admitted to the hospital who upon examination was found to have diphtheria. Shortly after, on another ward of the Reception Hospital another patient was admitted who had had diphtheria and was a carrier. As a result of these exposures, several clinical cases of diphtheria developed and by cultures it was found that a large number of patients had become carriers; a total of 65. The building was quarantined, as a result of which the epidemic was confined entirely to this one building, as no cases occurred in other parts of the hospital from this source.

-Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital, Middletown.-The tuberculosis pavilion, which has been under construction for 40 patients, was equipped with temporary lines for furnishing heat and water, and occupied on December 27, 1918.

A broad veranda, inclosed in glass, faces southeast, and is the principal day room. Behind it in one wing is an infirmary for 25 patients, a small day room in the center, and in the other wing some single rooms, a small infirmary, and bath and toilet facilities. The dining room and kitchen are behind the day room.

The building has only temporary equipment, but is found light and airy, and the plan thus far is satisfactory, except for additional toilet facilities in connection with the large infirmary, which are imperative.

-St. Lawrence State Hospital, Ogdensburg.-A farm horse barn to accommodate 27 horses has been erected nearby the dairy barn. The present stable will be made over into a granary for the storage of farm crops and dairy feed.

The work of rewiring the Central Group is in progress. This is being done from year to year as the legislature provides funds. During the last two sessions $1500 has been appropriated at each session.

During the months of October and November, 1918, occurred a severe epidemic of influenza, a total of 757 cases (patients and employees) contracting the disease. Of this number 246 developed pneumonia and 61 died (56 patients and 5 employees). The hospital was under a strict

quarantine which was not lifted until November 20.

On December 19, 1918, a transfer of 27 female patients was received from the Manhattan State Hospital.

The total subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan from the officers and employees of this hospital on October 19, 1918, was $18,500.

November 15 and 16, 1918, the total subscription from officers and employees to the United War Work Campaign was $630.25.

-Utica State Hospital, Utica.-Influenza held sway in the institution from October 10 until the middle of November. In all there were 372 cases among the patients, divided about equally as to sex. Thirty-five deaths results from the disease and its complications. Of the employees and officers 112 contracted the malady. There were two deaths among the nurses-one man and one woman. During the days of the most serious shortage in the nursing force, assistance was asked of the Red Cross and several volunteer workers were sent to the hospital. The institution was quarantined and no visiting was allowed from October 8 to November 19. Chapel service and entertainments were suspended.

On the afternoon of October 4 the annual field sports were held. Deand spite a date so late in the season, the weather was warm and pleasant the exercises especially successful. They had been postponed for several weeks on account of unpropitious weather.

The annual Christmas entertainment, consisting of musical numbers and motion pictures, was held on the evening of December 24. Practically every patient in the institution was provided with Christmas presents, letters having been sent to correspondents and relatives several weeks before.

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