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"Homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto." When his country was pressed by the enemy he sprang instantly to its relief and organized a psychiatric unit, a necessity which he had already foreseen, and a preparation for war which he had already advocated in times of peace.

Victor Giraud has summed up in a fine passage what French civilization connotes: "La France est liberté, grâce aimable, sens de la mesure, courtoisie, discrétion, finesse; elle est indulgence, pitié, charité; elle est humanité en un mot. Si elle venait à disparaître du nombre des nations, la vie humaine perdrait une partie de sa noblesse et de sa beauté." Régis embodied in his life, in his work, and in his character, all those qualities of a great race of civilized men. Nor is France alone the poorer for the master's death, for his influence on psychiatry and his achievements in science and humanity were as wide as the world itself.



BORN 1862; DIED MAY 21, 1918.

Dr. William Austin Macy, superintendent of the Kings Park State Hospital, Kings Park, New York, died from a stroke of apoplexy on May 21, 1918.

Dr. Macy was born at Harrison, New York, and received his preliminary education in the public schools of White Plains and Rye, New York. He matriculated at the School of Mines, Columbia College, where he remained one year, but deciding to study medicine he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, and was graduated in the Class of 1885. During the years 1886 and 1887, he served as interne in the workhouse and in the almshouse hospitals on Blackwell's Island. On August 6, 1887, he was appointed from the Civil Service list as physician in the New York City Asylum for the Insane on Hart's Island, and in 1888 was transferred to the City Asylum on Blackwell's Island. In 1889 he was transferred to the City Hospital for the Insane on Ward's Island, as acting assistant medical superintendent, under Dr. Alexander E. Macdonald, general medical superintendent. On June 1, 1890, he was promoted to the position of medical superintendent of the male department of that institution, and was

retained in the same capacity when the state assumed care of the insane of New York City in 1896. On January 1, 1897, he was transferred to the superintendency of the Willard State Hospital, and on June 1, 1904, he was transferred from Willard to the Kings Park State Hospital, where he continued as superintendent until the time of his death.

Dr. Macy was highly regarded as an administrative officer, and always insisted on the predominance of the medical idea in the care and treatment of patients under his charge. He placed unlimited confidence in his medical staff, with respect to the study, care and treatment of the patients in the various hospitals under his supervision. He was always receptive to new ideas, in the field of care and treatment, and ever afforded his assistants opportunity to use any well recognized therapeutic procedure for the benefit of the patients.

His standards, with respect to the choice of physicians of his staff, were always of the highest order, and he insisted that their personal conduct and relations with those in subordinate capacity be dignified, ethical and professional, thus affording an example to their associates and subordinates. His supervision of the institutions under his charge was of the closest order, and his weekly rounds of the wards and various departments were exceedingly thorough. No detail of institutional management was too minute for his attention and, unquestionably, his sense of responsibility and his disinclination to throw the burden of care off his shoulders hastened his demise.

Until the last few years Dr. Macy manifested considerable interest in sports and made frequent trips to the South on shooting expeditions in company with the late Dr. Emmett C. Dent, and other friends. His range of interests outside of his hospital work was large. He served for some time as a member of the Sub-Committee on Mental Hygiene, of the State Charities Aid Association. He was a member of the Academy of Medicine, New York City, the American Medical Association, and the American MedicoPsychological Association, and from time to time rendered valuable service on various committees of superintendents, appointed by the State Hospital Commission.

Dr. Macy was a member of Holland Lodge F. and A. M. of New York City, and also of Huntington Commandery of Knight

Templars, and formerly was very active in these associations. For many years he was greatly interested in the subject of genealogy and accumulated a valuable library on this subject and, for a time, was an officer of the New York Genealogical Society.

Since August 9, 1917, when he had his first stroke, he had been unable to perform his duties at the institution with the same degree of vigor as formerly, but was unwilling to relinquish his life's work, preferring to perform such of his tasks as were within his strength, though knowing the inevitable result of the malady which had overtaken him.

The last year of his life was brightened by the fact that three of his sons were in the service of their country in France. His end came, as he wished it, in the course of the day's work. By his death the state lost a faithful servant, his family a devoted father and husband, and those who knew him intimately, a warm friend. WILLIAM C. GARVIN.

Half-Pearly Summary.

ARKANSAS.-State Hospital for Nervous Diseases.-The installation of hydrotherapeutic apparatus for the white women's receiving service has recently been completed, so there is now complete hydrotherapy in both the men's and women's receiving services.

A new industrial room has been completed where practically all of the clothing for patients is made.

As a result of the large number of admissions, which amounted to practically 100 a month last year, it has been necessary to hold daily staff meetings in order to consider this large number of cases.

CALIFORNIA.-Norwalk State Hospital, Norwalk.-There are at present under construction three additional cottages, two for women patients and one for men. Two of these will be used for reception service and each contains a small operating room and a small, but modern, hydrotherapeutic plant. These will more than double the present accommodations, and it is believed that before the end of the year the present population of 250 will have increased to 550 or 600.

CONNECTICUT.-Connecticut Hospital for the Insane, Middletown.— Work was started in June upon the reconstruction of the south wing of the main building, destroyed by fire last January, the estimated cost of which is $255,000. The plans call for a modern fireproof structure housing 235 patients and 20 employees. The cost of reconstruction would be considerably more were it not for the fact it was found possible to use the outside stone walls of the old building, which suffered comparatively little from the fire.

During the summer the old main piggery was razed, its extremely insanitary condition rendering it a constant menace to health. In August, work was started upon the new main piggery, which will be situated at some distance from the farm barns, but still easily accessible. The plans call for a slaughter house, bone mill, and meat chilling room in connection with the piggery head house, the estimated cost of the whole structure being $12,000. A large part of the work is being done by patients, as otherwise it would be impossible to build the piggery as planned without exceeding the appropriation.

Several pickle and sauerkraut tanks have been installed in a small barn adjacent to the farmer's office, and several tons of the latter have been stored for winter use.

A flock of 24 sheep was purchased in the spring, and has been largely maintained by grazing upon the hospital lawns. The cost of the small amount of grain it has been necessary to purchase for them has been more than covered by the wool produced.

On April 30, 1918, occurred the 50th anniversary of the opening of the hospital. It was planned to issue an anniversary publication, but it was finally determined that the expense of such would be unwarranted while war conditions prevail.

In all cases of pneumonia occurring in the hospital, efforts are made to identify the type of pneumococcus, and during the past season three cases of type one have been identified. Such patients were immediately treated with pneumococcic serum, with excellent results, good recoveries being made in each instance. In the treatment of infected wounds, the use of the Carrel-Dakin solution has been introduced in conjunction with microscopical examination, to determine the extent of bacterial invasion. Favorable results were obtained in all cases where such treatment was used.

The hospital now has 49 stars upon its service flag, four being for members of the staff in the Medical Corps of the Army, one for a member of the staff in the Medical Corps of the Navy and two for members of the staff in foreign medical service in the Red Cross organization. The Superintendent of Nurses and Head Occupational Instructress are likewise in foreign service.

-Mansfield State Training School and Hospital, Mansfield Depot.-The Connecticut Colony for Epileptics and the Connecticut Training School for Feeble-Minded at Lakeville have been combined under the name of the Mansfield State Training School and Hospital.

An appropriation of $250,000 was made for new buildings in addition to the appropriation of $200,000 which was made two years previously for buildings for the feeble-minded. New buildings have been erected and the feeble-minded cases from Lakeville have been transferred to the Mansfield department. The Lakeville department is to be abandoned and probably sold.

There are at the present time 450 cases, both epileptic and feebleminded, and this is the only institution for these classes in the state.

FLORIDA.-Florida Hospital for the Insane, Chattahoochee.-A number of changes have occurred in the staff at this hospital. Until July 1, 1917, the Honorable Worth W. Trammell, a layman, was superintendent. He was succeeded by Dr. H. Mason Smith, a former assistant physician, who entered military service July 22, 1918. The chief physician, Dr. A. F. Conter, resigned in March, 1918, and this office was abolished, the staff consisting of the medical superintendent and four assistant physicians. Two of these have entered military service. Dr. Oglesby and Dr. Adams are acting as assistant physicians for the duration of the war. The service flag contains about 35 stars for employees who have joined the colors.

The staff at present consists of W. M. Bevis, M. D., Superintendent; E. R. Marshburn, M. D., First Assistant Physician; Charles R. Oglesby, M. D., Second Assistant Physician; and J. L. Adams, M. D., Third As

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