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The following names were read:

Roderick B. Dexter. M. D., Boston, Mass.; F. W. Maginnis, M. D., Aurora, Ill.; Roger C. Swint, M. D., Milledgeville, Ga.

On motion the Secretary was instructed to cast a ballot electing the above-named physicians to associate membership.

The Secretary announced that the ballot had been cast as directed.

The following papers were read:

"Food and Its Service at the Provincial Hospitals," by J. C. Mitchell, M. D., Brockville, Ont.; "The Community Mental Health Movement and Its Probable Dependence for Success on a Higher State Hospital Standard for Ward Employees," by Sidney D. Wilgus, M. D., Rockford, Ill. Discussed by Drs. Gorst, Sanger Brown, Woodson, Kilbourne, Hotchkiss and Wilgus in closing. DR. GORST.—I desire to offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That a committee be appointed by this Association whose duty it shall be to investigate the methods of nursing and attendant care in both acute and chronic cases of the insane practiced in the United States and Canada, and to make its report, with recommendations, at the next annual meeting.

I move the adoption of the resolution.

This motion was seconded by Dr. Sanger Brown.

THE PRESIDENT.-All in favor of the motion that a committee of five be appointed to investigate the nursing of the insane in the United States and Canada, kindly signify by rising.

Motion unanimously adopted.

THE PRESIDENT.-Major Clarence S. Yoakum, Sanitary Corps N. A., Washington, D. C., will give an abstract of the paper prepared by Robert M. Yerkes, Major Sanitary Corps, N. A., entitled: "Methods of Psychological Examining Used in United States Army."

In presenting this abstract Major Yoakum spoke as follows:

The Division of Psychology of the Surgeon General's office wishes me to express its appreciation for permission to appear before you and to present briefly some of the things that we are attempting to do in connection with the National Army. I regret that the room you are meeting in is not so situated that I can give you the pictures that I brought with me, which would give you a much better idea, I am sure, of what we are doing or trying to do than anything I can say.

Major Yoakum pointed out that the psychologists in connection with the surgeon general's office were called upon to make many mental examinations of all sorts of people in an effort to weed out

those of such a grade of mentality as would be of no use in the army. He said: "The army does not want men who are not allowed to load their guns for fear of injury to their companions; it would be wasting time and money of the government to send men with such low mentality across. In the cantonments where this work was carried on last fall, about one-half of one per cent were recommended for discharge."

DR. PIERSON.-I wish to offer the following resolution:

Be it Resolved, By the Seventy-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Medico-Psychological Association this day assembled at Chicago, That we endorse and urge the passage of the two bills of Senator Owen and Representative Dyer, establishing similar ranks for commissioned officers of the Medical Corps and of the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States Army, and on the same ratio as for the Medical Corps of the United States Navy.

Resolved, That we hereby give our endorsement and active support to the movement undertaken by the War Department and the Surgeon General's office, and by the boards of health of many commonwealths, to combat venereal disease, and we appeal to our medical profession for their harmonious co-operation of this law.

Resolved, Further, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the Surgeon General's office.

I move the adoption of these resolutions.

Motion seconded and carried.

THE PRESIDENT.-The Committee on Awards has a report to make.

To the American Medico-Psychological Association:

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: I have been asked by the ladies appointed on the Committee of Awards to do the duty the ladies refused to do.

First, we wish to congratulate Dr. Gahagan, as chairman of the Committee on Diversional Occupation, on the excellence of the exhibit. We also wish to congratulate the New York state hospitals on the magnificent showing they have made and also because they have followed out Dr. Gahagan's suggestion to exhibit a daily program of the work of the individuals in the different hospitals, attaching a card giving the name and address of the institution, the name of the patient, the psychosis, abstract of the history, etc., in connection with the piece of work they exhibited.

We wish to call your attention to the excellent display of the Massachusetts state hospitals, and we wish to particularly commend a far distant hospital-at Napa, Cal.

The first award goes to the Kings Park, N. Y., State Hospital.

A special award to the Napa (California) State Hospital, and a certificate of commendation to the Massachusetts state hospitals.

Respectfully submitted,

Committee on Awards,

On motion the report of the Committee on Awards was acepted and adopted.

The following papers were presented in abstract:

"Neuro-Psychiatry in the Army," by Richard H. Hutchings, Major, M. R. C., abstract by Frankwood E. Williams, M. D., New York; "Community Preparations for After-War Problems in Psychiatry," by Frankwood E. Williams, M. D., New York City. Discussed by Drs. Brush and Mitchell.

"A Microscopical Study of Fat in the Cerebral Cortex," by Oscar J. Raeder, M. D., Boston, Mass. Discussed by Dr. Gosline. THE PRESIDENT.-We will adjourn until 8.30 this evening.


THE PRESIDENT.-The Association will please come to order. The Council has a short report-we will hear it now.


The Council has received the application for active membership of H. Mason Smith, M. D., Chattahoochee, Fla. According to the constitution final consideration will be deferred until next year.

The Council recommends:

That Owen Copp, M. D., of Pennsylvania, be elected a councilor for one year, to fill the vacancy caused by the election of Dr. H. W. Mitchell as Secretary-Treasurer of the Association.

That the Treasurer be authorized to pay Professor Paul Shorey an honorarium of $50.00.

That the incoming President be authorized to appoint a Program Committee and a Committee of Arrangements for the next annual meeting. Respectfully submitted,

H. C. EYMAN, Secretary.

On motion the report of the Council was accepted and adopted. THE PRESIDENT.-We have with us an assistant surgeon of the navy, whose name appears on our program for a paper; he was unable to get to the city until to-night; he has been traveling several days, but was detained and it is through no fault of his that he is thus delayed. I would ask him to come now and present his paper-Dr. Albert Warren Stearns, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N. R. F.

Dr. Stearns gave an extempore talk on the subject, "The Detection of the Psychopathic Recruit," in which he discussed the method he had used at the Naval Training Station in detecting mental disease or peculiarity, using the social history as the basis of first judgment.

THE PRESIDENT.-Ladies and Gentlemen: There are problems which concern us in these days to which we gave little heed in times of peace. To deal with some of them we are devoting this evening to listen to some one outside of the ranks of our Association. I take pleasure in introducing to you Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, President of Stanford University, now representing the United States Food Administration, who is lending his services to the nation.

Dr. Wilbur gave an exceedingly interesting and instructive address on the war-time activities of the United States Food Administration. He discussed the question of how far the food shortage has gone and to what extent it has affected the progress of the war; he emphasized the importance of food conservation in America, so that the Food Administration would be able to increase grain and meat shipments to Euproe, and also told how definitely the allied nations depend on the American people for their supply of meat and grain in order to win the war. He closed with an earnest appeal to the American people for more of the spirit of self sacrifice in carrying on this war.

DR. BURR.-Mr. President, I do not believe in the soft pedal; I do not believe in too much optimism, but I do believe in words such as Dr. Wilbur has given us to-night. Dr. Wilbur, as citizens, we thank you for what you have said and done in the past and for what you have written; we thank you for what you are going to do in the future; we know you will keep right on doing. As an Association we want to thank you for the great privilege of listening to you this evening. I want to move a rising vote of thanks to Dr. Wilbur for this magnificent address.

DR. BRUSH.-I am very glad to second that motion, and I think we ought to do something more-we ought to promise President Wilbur that what little sacrifice we have made in the past shall be made ten times as large in the future.

DR. J. C. MITCHELL.-I am proud of you American people; but do you know before you took part in this war we Canadians felt very sad about our American friends. We are very closely related and we felt as if we were in this war practically alone; we wondered day after day and night after night if the great American people would not awaken and come to our aid. We felt that this was a great crisis and we wanted your help; we felt that we should have it. To-day the American people have awakened, and we honor and respect you all and we love you far more now. We are very near together and may God help us all that we may carry on until final victory crowns our efforts.

THE PRESIDENT.-All who agree to accord our speaker of the evening a vote of thanks and wish to do it in a practical way by promising in future to make greater sacrifice, kindly stand.

Unanimously carried.

THE PRESIDENT.-Is there any further business to come before the Association?

Some things are given us often; some, only once; the latter are prized. The sun rises every morning to find most of us asleep; in Lapland the whole population flocks to see the sunrise.

I reluctantly have come to the last few moments of my presidency. My final words would be of gratitude to the entire Association; every member has been most kind; I have been supported on every hand not only by deeds, but by words. I am sure I appreciate them very much, and especially I should mention the help that has been given during the year by the Program Committee; Dr. Mitchell, in spite of difficulties, has produced what you have seen and heard. Also the chairman of the Diversional Occupation Committee; he has come in at the eleventh hour and given us splendid exhibits. Dr. Sanger Brown and the Committee of Arrangements have been most kind, and to all these especially I am grateful.

Will Dr. Kilbourne and Dr. English conduct the incoming President to the chair? He needs no introduction to this Society.

Dr. Southard, now that the flux of time has brought the hour when I may roll the burdens as well as the responsibilities of the presidency from my shoulders on to your abler ones, I pass to you this gavel-the emblem of your office and congratulate you on your promotion, and the Association on having one so capable to guide its destinies during the seventy-fifth year of its existence.

Dr. Southard, the President-Elect, on assuming the chair expressed in a few brief remarks his appreciation of the honor which had been bestowed upon him.

DR. BRUSH.-There has already been passed by this Association some resolutions thanking various and sundry people for different things, complimenting others for various things, and if I remember correctly those resolutions spoke in terms of praise of one of the best and most inspiring addresses from the presidential chair that it has ever been my privilege to listen to. I do not know of an occasion which was so thoroughly utilized and which so inspired the hearers of the address as when we heard from President Anglin at the opening session of this Association. I remember hearing, incidentally, that some one going down in the elevator spoke in terms which were not entirely patriotic, intimating that an address of this kind would cause dissension, etc. I hope the rumor was not true. I did repeat the rumor to our newly elected Secretary and he immediately said, "Show me the man." I took hold of his arm and then felt so sorry for what might happen to the man that I made no further effort to find out who he was.

Dr. Anglin has left before us a standard of patriotism, a standard of loyalty to freedom, to democracy, decency and right, and that address which we shall carry away with us will live with us as long as we live, and I want to move that there be given to the President of this Association our hearty thanks for the manner in which he has conducted the office which we honored ourselves in bestowing upon him.

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