The Beauties of Shakespeare: Selected from HG. Kearsley, 1788 - 275 |
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Antony and Cleopatra bafe beauty beft blood breaft breath Brutus Cafar caufe cheek Coriolanus Cymbeline death deed doft doth Dream ears earth elfe eyes falfe fear feem feen fenfe fhall fhame fhape fhew fhould firft flave fleep fmiles fome forrow foul fpeak fpirit friends ftand ftate ftill ftrange fuch fweet Gentlemen of Verona grief Hamlet hath hear heart heaven Henry IV Henry VIII himſelf honour horfe i'the Ibid itſelf juftice Julius Cæfar King Henry King John King Lear King Richard King Richard III lofe loft Lord Love's Macbeth Meafure for Meafure Merchant of Venice moft mufic muft myſelf nature never night noble o'er Othello paffion prefent reafon reft ſpeak tears tempeft thee thefe themfelves theſe thing thofe thou art thouſand Timon of Athens tongue Troilus Twelfth Night virtue whofe wind Winter's Tale youth