Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on Various Points of English Jurisprudence: Chiefly Concerning the Colonies, Fisheries, and Commerce of Great Britain ; Collected and Digested, from the Originals in the Board of Trade and Other DepositoriesC. Goodrich, 1858 - 787 |
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Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
act of parliament act passed acts of assembly admiralty aliens allegiance America annexed appears appointed apprehend Attorney and Solicitor-Gen Attorney-General authority Barbadoes bill Britain British subjects Charter clause colonies commands commission Commissioners for Trade common law confirmed Council court Crown debts demise Duke of York duty empowered enacted entitled an act escheats execution force Governor granted hath heirs Honorable the Lords humbly of opinion inhabitants instructions island Jamaica Jamaica Assembly judges judgment jurisdiction justice King William King's lands laws of England letter letters patent Lords Commissioners Lords Proprietors Lordships Majesty Majesty's ment mentioned NORTHEY obedience objection observe officers patent peace penalty persons petition petitioners point of law Popple prerogative present proceedings proper proprietors prorogue province question reason repealed Right Honorable royal Ryder seal ships signified Solicitor-General statute therein thereof Thomas Lynch tion Trade and Plantations treaty writ of summons York
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 93 - The Council established at Plymouth in the County of Devon, for the Planting, ruling, ordering and Governing of New England in America" and to them and their Successors grants all the lands, &c., Viz.
Strona 696 - Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, to be free, sovereign and independent States ; that he treats with them as such, and for himself, his heirs and successors, relinquishes all claims to the Government, proprietary and territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof.
Strona 79 - Hudson's river, and all the land from the west side of Connecticut river, to the east side of Delaware bay...
Strona 196 - THE General Court shall forever have full power and authority to erect and constitute judicatories and courts of record, or other courts...
Strona 46 - Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God, the true profession of the Gospel, and the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law ? And will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established...
Strona 79 - Higansetts abutting upon the main land between the two Rivers there called or known by the several names of Connecticut and Hudsons River together also with the said...
Strona 656 - And it is agreed, that all persons who have any interest in confiscated lands, either by debts, marriage settlements, or otherwise, shall meet with no lawful impediment in the prosecution of their just rights.
Strona 50 - ... forever, hereafter, there shall be a liberty of conscience allowed in the worship of God, to all persons inhabiting, or which shall inhabit or be resident within our said province, and that all such persons, except papists, shall have a free exercise of religion; so they be contented with the quiet and peaceable enjoyment of the same, not giving offence or scandal to the government.
Strona 523 - I am directed by the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations to send you the inclosed Copy of...
Strona 200 - To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR LORDSHIPS, In Obedience to your Lordships...