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MISS CAROLINE LUCRETIA HERSCHEL.-This, Class VII.; and the 45th, 65th, 72d, 77th, and lady died at Hanover on the 9th instant, in the nine- 78th, of Class VIII. of those catalogues. ty-eighth year of her age She was the fourth daugh- The astronomical works which she found leisure ter of Isaac Herschel and Anna Ilse Moritzen, his to complete were: 1st. " A Catalogue of 561 Stars wife-and sister to the celebrated astronomer of that observed by Flamsteed," but which, having escapname, as well as the constant companion and sole ed the notice of those who framed the British assistant of his astronomical labors, to the success Catalogue" from that astronomer's observations, of which her indefatigable zeal, diligence, and sin-are not therein inserted: 2d. “A General Index of gular accuracy of calculation not a little contribu- Reference to every observation of every Star insertted. She was born in Hanover on the 16th of ed in the British Catalogue.' These works were March, 1750; where she resided under the paren- published together in one volume by the Royal tal roof till her twenty-second year-when she join-Society; and to their utility in subsequent reed her brother, then actively engaged in the musi-searches Mr. Baily, in his "Life of Flamsteed," pp. cal profession at Bath, in England, a country which 388, 390, bears ample testimony. She further comwas destined to be her home for half a century. pleted the reduction and arrangement as a "Zone There, from the first commencement of his astrono- Catalogue" of all the nebula and clusters of stars mical pursuits, her attendance on both his daily la- observed by her brother in his sweeps; a work for bors and nightly watches was put in requisition; which she was honored with the Gold Medal of the and was found so useful that on his removal to Astronomical Society of London, in 1828,-which Datchet, and subsequently to Slough, he being Society also conferred on her the unusual distincthen occupied with his reviews of the Heavens and tion of electing her an honorary member. other researches-she performed the whole of the On her brother's death, in 1822, she returned to arduous and important duties of his astronomical Hanover; which se never again quitted,-passassistant, not only reading the clocks and noting ing the last twenty-six years of her life in repose, down all the observations from dictation as an enjoying the society and cherished by the regard of amanuensis, but subsequently executing the whole her remaining relatives and friends, gratified by of the extensive and laborious numerical calcula- the occasional visits of eminent astronomers, and tions necessary to render them available to Science, honored with many marks of favor and distinction as well as a multitude of others relative to the varion the part of the King of Hanover, the Crown ous objects of theoretical and experimental inquiry | Prince, and his amiable and illustrious consort. in which during his long and active career, he at To within a very short period of her death her any time engaged. For the performance of these health continued uninterrupted, her faculties perduties his Majesty King George the Third was fect, and her memory (especially of the scenes and graciously pleased to place her in the receipt of a circumstances of former days) remarkably clear and salary sufficient for her singularly moderate wants distinct. Her end was tranquil and free from sufand retired habits. fering-a simple cessation of life.-Athenæum.

Arduous, however, as these occupations must appear, especially when it is considered that her brother's observations were always carried on (circumstances permitting) till day-break, without regard to season, and indeed chiefly in the winter, they proved insufficient to exhaust her activity. In their intervals she found time both for actual astronomical observations of her own and for the execution of more than one work of great extent and utility.

THE VERNON GALLERY.-The Trustees of the

National Gallery have made their selection from the gallery of Mr. Robert Vernon, and have accepted for the nation 160 pictures. The deed conferring this magnificent gift upon the British people has been executed; and it now only remains for the nation to erect a structure fitted to receive the collection. Until this be done, we believe, the pictures will not be removed from the house of the The observation here alluded to were made with donor, in Pall-mall. Among the 160 pictures, are a small Newtonian sweeper constructed for her by four of the finest works of Turner; of examples of her brother; with which, whenever his occasional Etty there are six; of Eastlake, two; of Maclise, absences or any interruption to the regular course two; of Mulready, three; of Uwins, two; of Landof his observations permitted, she searched the seer, six; of Briggs, two; of Stanfield, four; of heavens for comets,-and that so effectually as on Collins, three; of Chalon, one; of Leslie, three, of no less than eight several occasions to be rewarded Webster, two; of Callcott, seven; of Wilkie, three; by their discovery (viz. on Aug. 1, 1786; Dec. 21, of Jones, two; of Lance, three; of E. M. Ward, 1788; Jan, 9, 1790; April 17, 1790; Dec. 15, 1791; three; of Sidney Cooper, two; of F. Goodall, two; Oct. 7, 1793; Nov. 7, 1795; and Aug. 6, 1797). On of Sir Joshua, one; of Gainsborough, two. It is five of these occasions (recorded in the pages of the unnecessary to state, that these are not only exam"Philosophical Transactions" of London) her claim ples of the best masters of our schools; they are, to the first discovery is admitted. These sweeps with scarcely an exception, the best productions of moreover proved productive of the detection of the several artists-the works of their best timeseveral remarkable nebulæ and clusters of stars pre-selected with the nicest judgment and the keenest viously unobserved: among which may be specially appreciation of excellence. The Trustees were mentioned the superb Nebulæ, No. 1, Class V. of empowered by Mr. Vernon to take the whole colSir William Herschel's catalogues-an object bear-lection, or to reject such as they pleased; they reing much resemblance to the celebrated nebula injected but few, and these were chiefly small and Andromeda, discovered by Simon Inarius-as also subordinate works or sketches.-Art Union Jourthe Nebula V., No. 18; the 12th and 27th clusters of nal.

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him named instinct; but, properly studied, Archbishop Whately, who, in an admirable



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