The Confession of Faith: The Larger and Shorter Catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at LargeMark and Charles Kerr, 1793 - 600 |
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Strona 10
... obedience .. It is noted , Acts xxi . 5 that the disciples brought Paul on his way with their wives and children ; their children probably are mentioned to inti- mate , that their parents would , by their own example and affectionate ...
... obedience .. It is noted , Acts xxi . 5 that the disciples brought Paul on his way with their wives and children ; their children probably are mentioned to inti- mate , that their parents would , by their own example and affectionate ...
Strona 40
... obedience , and fprinkling of the blood of Jefus Christ . Eph . i . 4. According as : he hath chofen us in him before the foundation of the world , that we should be holy , and without blame before him in love : V. 5 . Having ...
... obedience , and fprinkling of the blood of Jefus Christ . Eph . i . 4. According as : he hath chofen us in him before the foundation of the world , that we should be holy , and without blame before him in love : V. 5 . Having ...
Strona 42
... obedience thereunto , may , from the certainty of their effectual vocation , be affured of their eternal election . So shall this doctrine afford matter of praise , reverence , and ad- miration of God " ; and of humility , diligence ...
... obedience thereunto , may , from the certainty of their effectual vocation , be affured of their eternal election . So shall this doctrine afford matter of praise , reverence , and ad- miration of God " ; and of humility , diligence ...
Strona 54
... obedience many were made fin- ners ; fo by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous , And I Cor . xv . 21. For fince ce by man came death , by man came alfo the refurrection of the dead . V. 22. For as in Adam all die , even so ...
... obedience many were made fin- ners ; fo by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous , And I Cor . xv . 21. For fince ce by man came death , by man came alfo the refurrection of the dead . V. 22. For as in Adam all die , even so ...
Strona 57
... obedience unto him as their Creator , yet they could never have any fruition of him as their blessedness and reward , but by fome voluntary condescension on God's part , which he hath been pleased to express by way of covenant . II ...
... obedience unto him as their Creator , yet they could never have any fruition of him as their blessedness and reward , but by fome voluntary condescension on God's part , which he hath been pleased to express by way of covenant . II ...
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
The Confession of Faith: Larger and Shorter Catechisms, With the Scripture ... Church Of Scotland Podgląd niedostępny - 2018 |
The Confession of Faith: Larger and Shorter Catechisms, With the Scripture ... Church of Scotland Podgląd niedostępny - 2017 |
The Confession of Faith: The Larger and Shorter Catechism with the Scripture ... Church Of Scotland Podgląd niedostępny - 2012 |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
Acts Affembly alfo alſo becauſe behold believe bleffing bleſs bleſſed blood bread cauſe church commandment confcience covenant curſe death defire Deut doth earth evil Exod fabbath facrament faid unto faith the Lord falvation fame fanctified Father faved fcriptures fent fervant firſt fleſh fome foul fuch glory God's goſpel grace hath heart heaven Holy Ghoft honour houſe Ifrael Jefus Jerufalem Jeſus Chrift John John iii king kingdom Kingdoms of Scotland Lord Jeſus Lord thy Lord's mercy minifter moſt neſs ordinances ourſelves paſs perfons Pfal pleaſed praiſe pray prayer preſent promiſes Prov publick raiſed righteouſneſs ſaid ſaved ſay ſcripture ſerve ſhew ſhould ſome ſpeak ſpecial ſpirit ſuch Theff themſelves ther thereof theſe things thine thoſe thou shalt uſe viii Wherefore wherein whoſe wife word worship wrath ye ſhall