intention and meaning be in fome particulars misunderstood, it is hereby expressly declared and provided, That the not mentioning in this Confeffion the feveral forts of ecclefiaftical officers and affemblies fhall be no prejudice to the truth of Chrift in these particulars to be expreffed fully in the Directory of Government. It is further declared, That the Affembly understandeth fome parts of the fecond article of the thirty-one chapter only of kirks not fettled, or conftituted in point of government: And that although, in fuch kirks, a fynod of Minifters, and other fit perfons, may be called by the Magiftrate's authority and nomination, without any other call, to confult and advise with about matters of religion; and although, likewise, the Ministers of Christ, without delegation from their churches, may of themselves, and by virtue of their office, meet together fynodically in fuch kirks not yet conftituted, yet neither of thefe ought to be done in kirks conftituted and fettled; it being always free to the Magiftrate to advife with fynods of ininifters and ruling elders, meeting upon delegation from their churches, either ordinarily, or, being indicted by his authority, occafionally, and pro re nata; it being alfo free to affemble together fynodically, as well pro re nata as at the ordinary times, upon delegation from the churches, bythe intrinsical power received from Chrift, as often as it is neceffary for the good of the Church fo to affemble, in cafe the Magiftrate, to the detriment of the Church, with hold or deny his confent; the neceffity of occafional affemblies being firft remonftrate unto him by humble fupplication. A. KER. CHARLES I. CHARLES I. Parl. 2. Seff. 2. Act 16. A C T anent the Catechifms, Confeffion of Faith, and Ratification thereof. At EDINBURGH, February 7. 1649. THE of HE Eftates of Parliament, now prefently conveened in this fecond Seffion of the fecond triennial Parliament, by virtue of an Act of the Committee of Eflates, who had power and authority from the laft Parliament for conveening the Parliament, having feriously confidered the Catechifins, viz. the Larger and Shorter ones, with the Confeffion of Faith, with three Ads of Approbation thereof by the Commiffioners of the General Affembly, prefented unto them by the Commiffioners of the faid General Affembly; do ratify and approve the faid Catechifins, Confeffion of Faith, and Acts of Approbation of the fame, produced as it is; and ordains them to be recorded, publified, and practised. THE CONFESSION OF FAITH, AGREED UPON BY THE ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES AT WESTMINSTER, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF COMMISSIONERS FROM THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, A S A Part of the Covenanted Uniformity in Religion betwixt the Churches of CHRIST in the Kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Ireland. Approved by the General Assembly 1647, and ratified and established by Acts of Parliament 1649 and 1690, as the publick and avowed CONFESSION of the CHURCH of SCOTLAND. WITH THE PROOFS FROM THE SCRIPTURE. EDINBURGH: Printed by MARK and CHARLES KERR, His Majefty's Printers. CHAP. XXI. Of Religious Worship, and XXII. Of lawful Oaths and Vows. XXIII. Of the Civil Magistrate. XXIV. Of Marriage and Divorce. XXXII. Ofthe State of Men after CONFESSION OF FAITH, Agreed upon by the Affembly of Divines at Westminster: Examined and approved, Anno 1647, by the General Affembly of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND; and ratified by Acts CHAP. I. Of the Holy Scripture. A creation and providence, do fo far manifeft the goodnefs, LTHOUGH the light of nature, and the works of |