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On the third day he arofe from the dead, with the fame body in which he fuffered; with which alfo be afcended mto heaven, and there fitteth at the right hand of his Fathers, making interceffion; and hall return to judge men and angels at the end of the world.

the dead, dieth no more; death bath no more dominion over him. 1 Cor. xv. 3. For I delivered unto you firft of all that which I alfo received, how that Chrift died for our fins according to the fcriptures; V. 4. And that he was buried, and that he rofe again the third day, acco ording to the feriptures: V. 5. And that he was feen of Cephas, then of thetwelve. John xx. 25. The other difciples, therefore, faid unto him, We have feen the Lord. But he faid unto them, Except I fhall fee in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thruft my hand into his fide, I will not believe. V.27. Then faith he to Thomas, Reach bither thy finger, and be hold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thruft it into my fide; and be not faithlefs, but believing.

V. The uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make interceffion for them.

Rom. xiv. 9. For to this end Chrift both died, and rofe, and revived, that he might be Lord bath of the dead and living. V. 10. But why doft thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou fet at nought thy brother? for we fhall all stand before the judgmentfeat of Chrift. Acts i. 11. Which alfo faid, Ye men of Galilee, why ftand ye gazing up into heaven? this fame Jefus, which is taken up from you into heaven, fhall fo come in like manner as ye have feen him go into heaven. Acts x. 42. And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to teftify that it is he which was or dained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead. Mat. xiii. 40. As therefore the tares are gather

ed and burned in the fire; fo fhall 8 Mark xvi. 19. So then, after it be in the end of this world. he was received up into heaven, forth his angels, and they thall the Lord had spoken unto them, V. 41. The Son of man fhall ferd and fat on the right hand of God. gather out of his kingdom all condemneth? It is Chrift that do iniquity: V. 42. And fhall caft died, yea, rather, that is rifen a- them into a furnace of tire: there gain, who is even at the right fhall be wailing and guashing of hand of God, who alfo maketh teeth. Jude, ver. 6. Ånd the an interceffion for us. Heb. ix. 24. gels which kept not their firit For Christ is not entered into the eftate, but left their own habitaholy places made with hands, tion, he hath referved in everlastwhich are the figures of the true; ing chains under darknefs, unto

but into heaven itself,
pear in the prefence of God for
now to ap-

the judgment of the great day. 2 Pet.ii. 4. For if God fpared not

is able alfo to fave them to the them down to hel, and delivered 115. Heb. vii. 25. Wherefore he the angels that finned, but caft


V. The Lord Jefus, by his perfect obedience and facrifice of himself, which he through the eternal Spirit once offered up unto God, hath fully fatisfied the juftice of his Father; and purchased not only reconciliation, but an everlasting in heritance in the kingdom of heaven, for all thofe whom the Father hath given unto him1.

them into chains of darkness, to be referved unto judgment.

V.k Rom. v. 19, For as by one man's difobedience many were made finners: fo by the obedience of one fhall many be made righteous. Heb. ix. 14. How much more fhall the blood of Chrift, who through, the eternal Spirit offered himself without fpot to God, purge your confcience from dead works to ferve the living God? V. 16. For where a teftament is, there muft alfo of neceffity be the death of the teftator. Heb. x. 14. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are fanctified. Eph. v. 2. And walk in love, as Chrift alfo hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a facrifice to God for a sweet-fmell ing favour. Rom. iii. 25. Whom God hath fet forth to be a propi tiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteoufnefs for the remiffion of fins that are paft, through the forbearance of God V. 26. To declare, I fay, at this time his righteoufnefs that he might be juft, and the juftifier of him which belleveth in Jefus.

1 Dan. ix. 24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finish the tranfgreffion, and to make an end of fins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlafting righteoufnefs, and to feal up the vifion and prophecy,

VI. Although

and to ancint the moft holy. V. 26. And after threefcore and two weeks fhall Meffiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that hall come fhall deftroy the city, and the fanctuary, and the end there. of fhall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war defolations are determined. Col. i. 19. For it pleafed the Father that in him fhould all fulnefs dwell; V. 20. And (having made peace through the blood of his cross) by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I fay, whether they be things in carth, or things in hea ven. Eph. i. 11. In whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance, being predeftinated according to the purpofe of him who worketh all things after the counfel of his own will. V. 14. Which is the earneft of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased poffeffion, unto the praife of his glory. John xvii 2. As thou hait given him power over all flesh, that he fhould give eternal life to as many as thou haft given him, Heb. ix. 12. Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. V. 15. And for this caufe he is the Mediator of the new tefta ment, that by means of death, for the redemption of the tranfgref fions that were under the first te


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VI. Although the work of redemption was not actually wrought by Chrift till after his incarnation, yet the virtue, efficacy, and benefits thereof, were communicated unto the elect in all ages fucceffively from the beginning of the world, in and by thofe promifes, types, and facrifices, wherein he was revealed and fignified to be the Seed of the woman, which fhould bruife the ferpent's head, and the Lamb flain from the beginning of the world, being yesterday and to day the fame, and for ever".

VII. Chrift, in the work of mediation, acteth according to both natures; by each pature doing that which is proper to felf: yet, by reafon of the unity of the person, that which is proper to one nature is fometimes in fcripture attributed to the perfon denominated by the other nature.

VIII. To all thofe for whom Chrift hath purchafed redemption, he doth certainly and effectually ap ply and communicate the fame; making interceffion

ftament, they which are called might receive the promife of eter

nal inheritance.


to God; being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.

VI. Gal. iv. 4. But when the fulness of the time was come, God fent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law; V. 5. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of fons. Gen. iii. 15. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, ant between thy feed and her feed: it fhail bruile thy head, and thou shalt bruife his heel. Rev. xiii. 8. And all that dwell upon the earth fhall worship him, whofe names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb flain from the foundation of the world. Heb. xiii. 8. Jefus Chrift the fame yesterday, and toVII." Heb. ix. 14. [See let- And this is the Father's will which ter fcristure the fecond.]. Pet. hath fent me, that of all which i. 18. For Chrift alfo Fath once he hath given me I fhould lofe Tuffered for fins, the just for the nothing, but should raife it up uguft, that he might bring us again at the laft day. John x. 15.

Acts xx. 28. Take heed there

fore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghoit hath made you overfeers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. John iii. 13. And no man hath afcended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. 1 John iii. 16. Hereby perceive we the love of God, becaule he laid down his life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

day, and for ever.

VIII. P John vi. 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me

I will in no wife caft out. V. 39.


Chap, IX, falvation fo as a natural man, being altogether averfc from that good, and dead in fin f, is not able, by his own ftrength, to convert himfelf, orto prepare himfelf thereunto,

IV. When God converts a finner, and tranflates him into the ftate of grace, he freeth him from his natural bondage under fin, and by his grace alone enables him freely to will and to

- III. d Rom. v. 6. For when we were yet without ftrength, in due time Chrift died for the ungodly. Rom. viii. 7. Becaufe the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not fubject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. John xv. 5. I am the vine, ye are the branches: hethat abideth in me, and Fin him, the fame bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. Rom. iii. 10. As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. V. 12. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable, there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

f Eph. ii. 1. And you hath he quickened who were dead in tref paffes and fins. V. 5. Even when we were dead in fins, hath quickened us together with Chrift, (by grace ye are faved.) Col. ii. 13. And you, being dead in your fins, and the uncircumcifion of your flesh, bath he quickened together with him,, having forgiven you all trefpafies.

g John vi. 44. No man can come to me, except the Father which hath fent me draw him and I will raife him up at the last day. V. 65. And he faid, Therefore faid I unto you, That no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him, of my Father. Eph. ii. 2. Wherein in time paft ye walked according to the courfe of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now worketh in


the children of disobedience. V. 3. Among whom alfo we all had our converfation in times paft, in the lufts of our flesh, fulfilling the defires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. V. 4. But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, V. 5. Even when we were dead in fins, hath quickened us together with Chrift, (by grace ye are faved.) 1 Cor. ii. 14. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, becaufe they are fpiritually difcern. ed. Tit. . 3. For we ourselves alfo were fometimes foolish, dif obedient, deceived, ferving diverse lufts and pleafures, living in ma lice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. V. 4. But after that the kindnefs and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, V. 5. Not by works of righteouf nels which we have done, but according to his mercy, he faved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghof.

IV. Col. i. 13. Who hath delivered us from the power of darknefs, and hath tranflated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. John viii. 34. Jelus anfwered them, Verily, verily, I fay unto you, Whof ever committeth fin is the fervant of tin. V. 36. If the Son, therefore, fhall make you free, ye fhall be free indeed.

i Phil

do that which is fpiritually good1; yet fo as that, by reafon of his remaining corruption, he doth not perfectly nor only will that which is good, but doth alfo will that which is evil. V. The will of man is made perfectly and immutably free to good alone in the ftate of glory only 1.

CHAP. X. Of Effectual Calling.

LL thofe whom God hath predeftinated unto life, and thofe only, he is pleased, in his appointed and accepted time, effectually to call, by his word and Spirit, out of that ftate

Phil. ii. 13. For it is God V. Eph. iv. 13. Till we all which worketh in you both to come in the unity of the faith, and will and to do of his good plea of the knowledge of the Son of fure. Rom. vi. 18. Being then God, unto a perfect man, unto the made free from fin, ye became the meature of the ftature of the ful fervants of righteoufne fs. V. 22. nets of Christ. Heb. xii. 23. To But now, being made free from the general affembly and church fin, and become fervants to God, of the firft-born, which are writye have your fruit unto holinefs, ten in heaven, and to God the and the end everlasting life. Judge of all, and to the spirits of Gal. v. 17. For the flesh luft- juft men made perfect. I John eth against the fpirit, and the fpi- iii. 2. Beloved, now are we the rit againft the flesh and thefe are fons of God; and it doth not yet contrar the one to the other; fo appear what we fhall be; but we that ye cannot do the things that know that when he fhall appear ye would. Rom. vii. 15. For that we fhall be like him; for we shall which I do, I allow not: for what fee him as he is. Jude, Ver. 24. I would, that do I not; but what Now unto him that is able to keep I hate, that do I. V. 18. For you from falling, and to prefent (that is, in my you faultlefs before the prefence flefh) dwelleth no good thing: of his glory with exceeding joy. for to will is prefent with me, I. 2.Rom. viii. 30. Moreover, but how to perform that which is whom he did predeftinate, them good I find not. V. 19. For the he alfo called; and whom he callgood that I would, I do not; but ed, them he alfo juftified; and the evil which I would not, that whom he juftified, them he also I do. V. 21. I find then a law, glorified. Rom. xi. 7. What then? that when I would do good, evil Ifrael hath not obtained that which is prefent with me. V. 23. But I he feeketh for: but the election fee another law in my members hath obtained it, and the reft warring against the law of my were blinded. Eph. i. 1g. That mind, and bringing me into cap- in the difpenfation of the fulness. tivity to the law of fin, which is in my members.

know that in me


of times he might gather together in one all things in Chrift,



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