The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated Out of the Original Greek ; and with the Former Translations Diliently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special CommandAmerican Bible Society, 1846 - 344 |
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Strona 29
... kingdom of heaven is like to a a grain of mustard - seed , which a man took , and sowed in his field : 32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds ; but when it is grown , it is the greatest among herbs , and becometh a tree , so that the ...
... kingdom of heaven is like to a a grain of mustard - seed , which a man took , and sowed in his field : 32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds ; but when it is grown , it is the greatest among herbs , and becometh a tree , so that the ...
Strona 93
... kingdom of God ! 24 And the disciples were astonished at his words . But Jesus an- swereth again , and saith unto them , Children , how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God ! 25 It is easier for a ...
... kingdom of God ! 24 And the disciples were astonished at his words . But Jesus an- swereth again , and saith unto them , Children , how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God ! 25 It is easier for a ...
Strona 172
... kingdom , and cause c they thought was the pro- that the kingdom of ductivesource God should imme- of many er- diately appear . this mistake rors of judg- ment and 12 He said therefore , A certain d nobleman practice . went into a far ...
... kingdom , and cause c they thought was the pro- that the kingdom of ductivesource God should imme- of many er- diately appear . this mistake rors of judg- ment and 12 He said therefore , A certain d nobleman practice . went into a far ...
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Achaia angel apostles Art thou behold believe blessed brethren Caiaphas called cast CHAP chief priests church circumcision cometh CORINTH daugh dead death devil disciples earth Epistle evil faith Father flesh fore g ch Galilee Gentiles glory goeth gospel grace hand hath healed hear heard heart heaven Herod high priest Holy Ghost Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus Christ Jesus said unto Jews John Jude Judea king kingdom lest Lord Jesus Christ LUKE ment Moses ness passover Paul PAUL the Apostle Peter Pharisees Pilate pray preach prophets receive righteousness saith unto say unto scribes sent servant shew Simon Peter sins spake speak Spirit ẞor synagogue temple ther thine things thou hast thou shalt tion truth unto thee verily voice Wherefore whosoever word