| 1780 - Liczba stron: 552
...aftronomy, and general phyCcs; their fy items of morality, grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic ; their Ikill in chirurgery and medicine, and their advancement, whatever it may be, in anatomy and chemillry. To this you will add refearches into their agriculture, manufactures, trade ; and whilil... | |
 | Asiatick Society (Calcutta, India) - 1801 - Liczba stron: 576
...aftronomy, and general phyficks ; their fyftems of morality, grammar, rhetorick, and diale&ick ; their fkill in chirurgery and medicine; and their advancement, whatever it may be, in anatomy and chymiftry. -To this you will add refearches into their agriculture, ture, manufactures, trade j and,... | |
 | John Shore Baron Teignmouth - 1807 - Liczba stron: 488
...fkill in chirurgery and medicine, and their advancement, whatever it niay be, in anatomy and chymiftry. To this you will add refearches into their agriculture,...; and, whilft you inquire with pleafure into their mufick, architecture, painting, and poetry, will not neglect thofe in-> ferior arts, by which the comforts... | |
 | William Jones - 1807 - Liczba stron: 480
...aftronomy, and general phyficks ; their fyftems of morality, grammar, rhetorick, and dialectick; their fkill in chirurgery and medicine, and their advancement, whatever it may be, in anatomy and chymiftry. To this you will add refearches into their agriculture, manufactures, trade; and, whilfl... | |
 | 1816 - Liczba stron: 810
...altronomy, and general phytics; their fyltema of morality, grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic; their fkill in chirurgery and medicine; and their advancement, whatever it may be, in anatomy and chemiftry. To this you will add refearches into their agriculture, manufactures, trade ; and wbilft... | |
 | Sir William Jones - 1824 - Liczba stron: 336
...astronomy, and general physics ; their systems of morality, grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic; their skill in chirurgery and medicine ; and their advancement, whatever it may be, in anatomy and chemistry. To this you will add researches into their agriculture, manufactures, trade; and, whilst... | |
 | Asiatic Society of Bengal - 1885 - Liczba stron: 772
...astronomy and general physics; their systems of morality, grammar, rhetoric and dialectic; their skill in chirurgery and medicine, and their advancement, whatever it may be, in anatomy and chemistry. To this you will add researches into their agriculture, manufacture, and trade; and, whilst... | |
 | Walter Kelly Firminger - 1906 - Liczba stron: 388
...general physics ; their systems of morality, grammar, rhetoric and dialectics ; their skill in surgery and medicine, and their advancement, whatever it may be, in anatomy and chemistry. To this you will add researches into their agriculture, manufacture, and trade ; and whilst... | |
 | William Jones - 1993 - Liczba stron: 474
...fkill in chirurgery and medicine, and their advancement, whatever it may be, in anatomy and chymiftry. To this you will add refearches into their agriculture,...; and, whilft you inquire with pleafure into their mufick, architecture, painting, and poetry, will not negleft thofe inferior arts, by which the comforts... | |
 | Michael J. Franklin - 2000 - Liczba stron: 580
...astronomy and genera! physics; their systems of morality, grammar, rhetorick and dialectick; their skill in chirurgery and medicine, and their advancement, whatever it may be, in anatomy and chemistry. To this you will add researches into their agriculture, manufactures, trade; and. while... | |
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