| William Blane - 1788 - Liczba stron: 316
...:—Directions for the Choice of a Hunter :—r-The Qualifications requifite for a Huntfman s—And other general Rules to be obferved in every Contingency...WILLIAM BLANE, Efq. To which is added, THE CHACE: APOEM. By WILLIAM SOMERVILE, Efq. A new Edition, embellifhed with an elegant Frontifpiece and a Vignette.... | |
 | John Logan - 1788 - Liczba stron: 126
...defcribing the Method of Hare Hunting, praclifed by the Greeks. A new Edition: With a Supplement, containing an Account of the Vizier's Manner of Hunting in the Mogul Empire. By William Blane, Efq. In one Volume 8vp. Price 43, in Boards. 3. Articles exhibited by the Knights, Citizens, and Burgefles... | |
 | 1789 - Liczba stron: 508
...of a Hunter ; the Qualifications requiftte for a Huntfman ; and other General Rules to be ebferved in every Contingency incident to the Chace. Together...Empire. By William Blane, Efq. To which is added The Cbace ; - a Poem. By William Someruille, Efq. A New Edition, embtllijhed with an elegant. Frontifpiece... | |
 | Johann Samuel Ersch - 1793 - Liczba stron: 572
...the Choice ' of a Hunter; the Qualifications requifite for a Huntfmann; and other general Rules to te obferved in every Contingency incident to the Chace. Together with an Account of the Vi/ier's Manper of hunting in the Mogul Empire. By W. BLAKE, To which is added, The Chace, a Poem,... | |
 | Pickering & Chatto - 1894 - Liczba stron: 298
...a Hunter — The Qualifications requisite for a Huntsman — and other General Rules to be observed in every contingency incident to the Chace, together...Manner of Hunting in the Mogul Empire, by WILLIAM BLANK, Eso., to which is added Тнв CHACE, A POEM, by WILLIAM SOMERVILLB, Esa. John Stoekdale, 1788.... | |
 | Pickering & Chatto - 1895 - Liczba stron: 268
...Hunter — The Qualifications requisite for a Huntsman — and other General Rules to Ъе observed in every contingency incident to the Chace, together...of Hunting in the Mogul Empire, by WILLIAM BLANE, Esa., to which is added THE CHACE, A POEM, by WILLIAM SOMERVILLB, ESQ. John Stockdale, 1788. Fine engraved... | |
 | Anderson Galleries, Inc - 1921 - Liczba stron: 776
...BLANE (WILLIAM). Cynegetica; or, Essays on Sporting: Consisting of Observations on Hare Hunting, etc. Together with an Account of the Vizier's Manner of Hunting in the Mogul Empire. To which is added, The Chace, A Poem, by William Somerville. Frontispiece and title vignette by Stothard,... | |
 | 1921 - Liczba stron: 1018
...Blane (William). Cynegetica, or Essays on Sporting, consisting of Observations on Hare Hunting, etc., together with an Account of the Vizier's Manner of Hunting in the Mogul Empire, to which is added The Chace, a Poem, by William Somerville, front. and title-vignette by Stothard,... | |
 | Maggs Bros - 1817 - Liczba stron: 720
...3404 Blane (William). Cynegetioa; or, Essays on Sporting: Consisting of Observations on Hare Hunting. Together with An Account of the Vizier's Manner of Hunting in the Mogul Empire. To which is added The Chaco: a Poem. By William Somerville, Esq. Engraved title-page and frontispiece... | |
 | Maggs Bros - 1928 - Liczba stron: 1028
...HUNTING. BLANE (William). CYNEGETICA; or, Essays on Sporting: consisting of Observations on Hare Hunting: Together with an Account of the Vizier's Manner of Hunting in the Mogul Empire. To which is added, The Chace : A Poem, by William Somervile. Engraved frontispiece and vignette title.... | |
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