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" ... quality it cannot •be walked upon. It is of a circular form, and I fup•pofe about three miles in circumference. "
The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal - Strona 516
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The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, Tom 10

1780 - Liczba stron: 552
...imagine it got the appellation of Lake •when ieen in the hot and dry weather, at which time its furface to the depth of an inch is liquid, and then from its...cannot •be walked upon. It is of a circular form, and I fup•pofe about three miles in circumference. At my firit approach it appeared a plane, as fmooth...
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The Historical Magazine, Or, Classical Library of Public Events ..., Tom 1

1789 - Liczba stron: 622
...imagine it got the appellation of Lake when ièen in the hot and ¡iry:weather, at Which time-its furface 'to the depth of an inch is liquid, and then from its cohefive quality if cannot be walked upon. ' It is of a circular form, and Г another. The trued idea that его be...
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The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics ..., Tom 10

1790 - Liczba stron: 734 and dry weather, at which time its furface to the depth of an inch is liquid ; and then from it; cohefive quality it cannot be walked upon. " It is of a circular form, and [ fuppofe about three miles in circumference. At my firft approach it appeared a plane, as fmooth as...
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The Wonders of Nature and Art: Or, A Concise Account of Whatever is ..., Tom 10

Thomas Smith - 1804 - Liczba stron: 374
...possible it got the appellation of Lake when seen in the hot and dry weather, at which time its surface to the depth of an inch is liquid ; and then from its cohesive quality it cannot be walked upon. " It is of a circular form, about three miles in circumference....
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Travels in Trinidad During the Months of February, March, and April, 1803 ...

Pierre Franc M'Callum - 1805 - Liczba stron: 376 got the appellation of Lake when seen in the hot and • dry weather, at which time its surface to the depth of an inch is liquid ; and then from its cohesive quality it cannot be walked upon.'' " It is of a circular form, about three miles in circumference....
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