Ajax, 982. περισπερχης-but till a special Iambic instance can be produced, the introduction of this word ought not to be imitated. 10. αλμις εκφθίνει δεμας-Vapor membra corrumpit.] This usage of exφθινw in an active sense is very unusual. Efchylus, Perfæ, 928. has, indeed, Πολλοι φωλες-εξέφθιναι, and φθιομαι, corrumpor, perdor, is used by Homer, in several tenses; but φθινω, as H. Stephens observes, ufitatum est potius in neutra fignificatione, five etiam paffiva; and again speaking of φθισμαι, Vocem potius ativam φθινω, quam passivam φθινομαι, has ipfas et NEUTRAS et PASSIVAS fignificationes habere sciendum eft. -Can any example of εκφθινω, corrumpo, be produced from the Tragedies? V. 11. Αλλ' ώδε τερπνην αυραν εισδέχομαι βραχυ.] It should be εσδέχομαι. - Το the tragic utage of as for is, on all possible occafions, attention should be paid. What, however, are we to say to the Spondeus in quarta fede? The second syllable of Αυρα is long; and, in words of this kind, all the cases are of the same quantity with the nominative. To the general rule, that words ending in pa, præcedente diphthongo, are short, Αυρα, though it be accented * as if it were not so, is an exception. In Euripides, Hecuba, 444, the Chorus opens with Αύρα πονλιας αυρα, which is answered in the Antiftrophe, 455, by Η νασων αλιηρει.. On the former line, the Scholiaft observes: " Το ἄυρα ει και ὁ κανων βραχυνει, αλλ' όλος μακρον τελο δεχεται ὡς και το Φαίδρα εν έτεροις."-He then cites a line from Ariftophanes, which will be given presently. Euripides Or. 1435. Παρα βοστρυχον αυραν αυραν. The metrical Scholiaft, who, to confess the truth, merits not much confidence, terms this line Αναπαιστικον διμέτρον καταληκ λιπον. Cycl. 44. Ου ταδ ὑπηνεμος αυρα is answered in 58, by Iqθεσι σ' ἀμεροκοποι - which is not decisive. Iphig. in Aulid. 1335. Ζευς, μειλίσσων αυραν αλλοις. This verse is justly termed an Anapestic by Markland, and appears to have been confidered as such by Tyrwhitt and Heath. These examples are all from the Choral Odes, and may therefore seem in fome degree doubtful authority, for the very reasons which were affigned in the note on V. 3. To settle this point, however, beyond the possibility of dispute, the two following lines are produced: I. Tatian. Orat. ad Græc. 35. ed. Worth και το τραγωδοποις λεγοντος, * With respect to the accent of this word, confult H. Stephens, in his Thesaurus, and Barnes in Eur. Suppl. 1048, in Musgrave's edition V. 1051, who reads auga, and ἄυραν in J. A. 1335. ΑΥΡΑ, ΑΥΡΑ, θεων οχημα τιμιωλαζον. Joshua Barnes has inserted this verse among the fragments of Euripides, but without condescending to affign a reason for thus deciding about its author. II. Ariftophanes, Ran. 314*. ΑΥΡΑ τις εισέπνευσε μυστικώλαλη. Scholiaftes. Αυρα τις-] Μακροκαλαληκζει τα γαρ εις ρα, ει μεν μονοφθογίῳ παραληγει, μακροκαταληκλει, ὡς Πηρα. ει δε διφθογίῳ, βρα χυκαταληκζει· πλην τε, Αυρα, και Φαιδρα, παρ' Ευριπίδη. Φαίδρα, το γαρ τησδ' ου προλιμησω καλον. The line is in the Hippolytus, 48. in which Valckenaer reads προλεμησω" κακον, Το μη 8-and Mufgrave-προτιμησω κάκον, Τε 8 Το Αυρα and Φαιδρα may be added, as exceptions to the ge neral rule, ΑΙΘΡΑ. Euripides Heracl. 209. Αίθρα· πατηρ δ ̓ εκ τησδε γενναίαι σεθεν. ΠΛΕΥΡΑ. Sophocles, Trachin. 926. Πλευραν άπασαν-931. Πλευραν ὑφ ̓ ἡπαρ-Euripides, Hecuba. 500. Πλευραν επαιρε. The following passage, though further evidence is scarcely neceffary, on this subject, may be added from H. Stephens's Paralipomena Grammat. Grac. Ling. (Octavo, 1581), p. 176. Quinque funt diffyllaba, quæ exeunt in ga longum, etiamfi diphthongus pracedat: Φαίδρα, λαυρα, σαυρα, ΑΥΡΑ, καρα. To which may be added the additional examples which we have produced. V. 15. σημερον] This word occurs in other passages, but Mr. Glasse has also used τημερον. An observation or two on these words will be given in the notes on the next act. V. 20. ενθα-hoc loco.] Does not ενθα in the Tragedies fignify Ubi-as in Euripides, Hecub. 209 Orest. 1475. Phœn. 673.682. in the Chorus-and Orest. 1685. Med. 68. Ixion. Fragm. I. 2. Sophocles, Antiq. 1197. in IAMBICS? In the Iph. Taur. 1206. Αγ', ενθα χρηζεις-it is used for Quo: and the Greek poets feem to have employed some adverbs of this fort, with very lax ideas of a fixed and appropriate fignification. -Mr. Glasse can probably produce a defence from Tragic Iambics. In Homer, Eva often must be explained by Hic, or Hoc loco. -ηρεμεί. tranquille.) This word feems to owe its place here to a detective passage in the Ranæ of Aristophanes, 315. in which ηρεμει was read, before Brunck's edition appeared : Αλλ' ηρεμα πληξανίες ακροασωμεθα. On which the Critic observes. " ηρεμα Sic B. D. (MS. Regius, M. S. Brunck.) Vulgo ἠρεμεί, quæ adverbii forma nullibi, quod fciam, occurrit." This obtervation is perfectly right. The word ρεμα, he might have added, is explained by Photius, Lex. MS. and by the Great Etymologist, ήσυχως, who has also preserved a This is the line, which the Scholiast on Hecuba 444 quotes.. fragment fragment from Ariftophanes, εν Αναγυρῳ, in which this word occurs. It stands the fifth in Brunck's edition. Ηρεμα, however, is not in the Tragedies. It is a comic and prosaic word, which they express by Ατρεμας, οι Ατρεμα. V. 21. δυσαντηλων πονων-a sevis laboribus.] The poets use δυσανίης, but not δυσανληλος, which is a profaic word. Brodæus, Misc. IV. c. 1.* and after him Hemfterhufius, in Lucian Timon, I. p. 110. have observed that this word is common in Lucian; but no authority for it occurs to us, in any of the ancient Greek writers. Ruhnkenius, Ep. Crit. p. 273. quotes δυσανληλος from Nonnius, and would restore it to Orpheus.-In Euripides are found Προσαντης and Καλανλης, but not, ni fallimur, even Δυσανλης. V. 23. ἑυρησεθαι reperiendus.] It should have been rendered reperietur. This Paulo poft future, or Futurum medium, with a passive signification, rests on the authority of Suidas: « Εύρησεῖαι ανλι το εὑρεθησεθαι" -on which Kuster remarks, " Atticorum eft verba media pro passivis accipere." This word, however, rather seems to be the Paulo p. future, and had, perhaps, diftin&tionis gratia, better have been written nύρησομαι; for the Etymologist, p. 400. 32. remarks- και το ε της ευ διφθογίε, (παρα Ατίικοις) εις η τρεπειαι. - and Herodian, at the end of Pouw's Phrynichus, p. 202. says : Ηυξαμην και ευξαμην, ηυδοκεν και ευδοκε και όσα απο τε ευ αρχονται. -These decifious, however, are controverted by Euftathius, in Il. A. 458. Vol. 1. p. 135. 20. Ed. Rom. p. 103. 20. Το δε ευξανίο, και όσα τοιαυλα, εισι μεν Ατλικως αναυξητα, κεκοινωθαι δε πλεον ηπερ τα μέῖα αυξήσεως κοινα.-Henry Stephens, in his learned treatise on the Attic Dialect, p. 147. is of the same opinion with Euftathius, whom he quotes-while Brunck, who cites the Etymologist and Herodian, in Eurip. Hecub. 18. observes, that " priorem formam (fcil. in nu-) Atticis ufitatiorem fuiffe-probabile est." This change of the diphthong would at any rate diftinguish the middle from the Paulo poft Future of this verb, though neither of them occur in the Tragedies; nor can the infertion of εύρησεῖαι here meet with approbation, without being defended by a specific example. Instead of this Paulo post future, Sophocles uses εὑρεθησομαι in his Oedipus Tyrannus, 108. – πε τοδ ̓ ευρεθησείαι as does Euripides, Iph. Aulid. 1111. Ανοσια πράσσων αυλιχ ̓ εὑρεθησεῖαί. There will be further occafion, in the course of this review, to mention both the middle futures - which, in the Tragedies, are used in an active sense, and those which have a passive fignification, like Paulo poft Futura. * In Gruteri Fac. Art. II. p. 509. Observations Observations on this last tense may be found in H. Stephens's treatife, De Dialect. Attic. p. 146. Pierfon in Mar. p. 123. the commentators on Thomas Magifter, Valckenaer in Herodot. 442*. Brunck in Eurip. Bacch. 1303. and Afchyli Prometh. 846. and 865. It may not be improper to enumerate the examples of this tense which occur in the Tragedies; for with respect to those, which may be used by Ariftophanes or prose writers, we are not, at present, so materially concerned: Βεβλησομαι. Eur. Orest. 271. Ειρησομαι. Esch. Prom. 1030. Elect. 1284. Æol. xii. 2. Soph. Oed. Tyr. 522. Electr. 230. Aj. 1368. Κεκλησομαι-used in an active Λελειψομαι. Eur. Hipp. 326. Ανθειρησομαι. Soph. Trach. 1184. Πεπραξομαι. Eur. Heracl. 983. Κεκλησομαι. Esch. Prom. 733. Sept. Theb. 704. Ε. Hec. 1271. Or. 1679. Phæn. 956. Alc. 337. Iph. Aul. 959. Ηel. | Τεθαψομαι. Eur. Iph. Taur. 1038. 1694. Troas. 13. lon. 1476. Soph. Aj 577. 1141. 592. 606. Herc. Fur. 1333. | Τελικξομαι. Eur. Iph. Taur. 1053. To which must be added Δεδησομαι, according to Pierson, who would read Δεδησείαι for γενησεθαι, in the Hercules Furens, 731. in his Notes on Mæris, p. 124-or Λεληψομαι as Valckenaer, in his Notes on Herodotus, p. 442, proposes (not without befitation) Λεληψεθαι, in the same paffage, where Mufgrave would read ενδησεται, which, we think, is not authorised by the Tragedies. Λεληψομαι, whatever may be said of Euripides, should not have been proposed by Valckenaer in Ariftophanes: as in the one case it would have a paffive, and in the other an active sense. Brunck, in the latter paffage, has published τι ληψεαι. Arift. Nubib. This lift Brunck would probably increase by adding Δεδέξομαι, which he wishes to restore to the Prometheus of Eschylus, 866. (859. Ed. Stanl.) We do not judge his correction right. * The list of Paulo poft futures in Ariftophanes, which Valckenaer has given, in this note, is defective. + Κτησομαι is also in use: Eschylus, Eum. 289. Eur. Hec. 879. Heracl. 167. 709. Or. 305.490.1214. Phan. 964. 1715. None None of the themes of these verbs, it must be observed, begin either with an immutable vowel, or an immutable diphthong, as they are termed by the Grammarians; so that the Future Middle must be different from the Paulo post Future, which is not the cafe with εύρησομαι, from εύρισκω, which must serve for both fenfes, if both were ever in existence. In Deponent verbs, which begin with an immutable vowel, or an immutable diphthong, the Future, whether it be called Paulo poft, or Middle, follows the fignification of the present.In this class must be reckoned, Ἡγησομαι, from ήγεισθαι. Eur. Ora 1348. Bacch. 194. 841. 939. Soph. Electr. 1038. Ἱέρμαι, from ίκνεισθαι. Eur. Troaf. 437. Heracl. 934. Iph. Aul. 911. Ion 1056. Soph. Electr. 953. Oed. Tyr. 769. 1491. Phil. 634. Ιασομαι, from ιασθαι. Eur. Troaf. 1240. H. Fur. 1110. To these may be added some of their compounds. Εύρησομαι, therefore, cannot be confidered as the Paulo poft Future, nor can it easily be admitted to class with the Futures middle, which have a paffive fignification; for no instance осcurs in which these latter Futures are derived from verbs which begin with immutable vowels or immutable diphthongs. It seems strange, however, that some verbs should have a Paulo poft Future, and a Future paffive, or a Future middle with a passive fignification. The instances are, ΔιαβαλλεσθαιΛανθανεσθαι-Επιτάσσεσθαι, and καλείσθαι. - The passages in which they occur are very few, and if wrong, may easily be altered. Διαβληθησομαι. Eur. Hec. 863. Βραδυν δ ́, Αχαιοίς ει διαβληθησομαι. Should we, therefore, read in the Orestes 271. for βεβλησείαι : Βληθησείαι τις θεων βρόλησια χερι. and in the Baccha 1314. for εκβεβλησομαι: Νυν δ' εκ δομων αλιμος εκβληθησομαι. On which latter place, indeed, Brunck (v. 1303.) says: "Exβεβλησομαι. - Paulo poft futurum. Simplex occurrit Or. 273.-Scribere potuiffet Poeta εκβληθησομαι et Εληθησείαι. Sed Paulo poft future libentius ufi funt Attici Poeta." Λησόμαι, passivo sensu. Εκλελησομαι has already been mentioned, as occurring in the Alceftis of Euripides, 196. - εκφύγων δ' εχει Τοσελον αλγος, ὁὔποῖ ̓ εκλελησεῖαι. So Aldus and Musgrave give the passage. - The Florentine MS. Lascaris's edition, and three Parifian MSS. read: - Ου πολ ̓ κ λελητείαι, and another manuscript : Ου πολ' & λησεῖαι - Οὔποῖ Musgrave says, is for ὁ ὅυποῖ, and adds that Λανθανεσθαι some |