ALBERT S. COOK, EDITOR XLIX THE LATER VERSION OF THE WYCLIFFITE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS, A STUDY OF WYCLIFFITE ENGLISH BY EMMA CURTISS TUCKER, PH.D. Dean of Women and Assistant Professor of English, Olivet College A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1914 INOVANA UNIVERSITY PREFACE The present study of fourteenth-century English was undertaken at the suggestion of Professor Albert S. Cook, to whose constant and kindly interest and aid it owes most of its real value. A portion of the expense of printing this thesis has been borne by the English Club of Yale University, from funds placed at its disposal by the generosity of Mr. George E. Dimock, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, a graduate of Yale in the Class of 1874. YALE UNIVERSITY, May 1, 1913. E. C. T. |