Obrazy na stronie

(NOTI. In the following table of contents the number of the page is set down immediately
after the Sections that are contained in it. e. g. The first eight sections will be found
in page 3.-From section 9 to 16 inclusive, in page 4.

2 The perfection of God asserted

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

25 He is present every where.

26 God's greatness.

[blocks in formation]

Page 856 The wisdom of God in re

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Page 95

ever evil principle reigns in


41 Under God their heavenly Fa-
ther Christians are brethren,
and sisters, and owe to each
other the duties of that rela-

fortress, refuge. Page 99

64 God is an helper to his people.

Page 100
--Help from God promis-
ed.-Prayed for. Help ac-
knowledged. Page 101
Help from the creatures with-

out God is vain.

Page 87 65

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