On the Evidences of Christianity, as They Were Stated and Enforced in the Discourses of Our Lord: Comprising a Connected View of the Claims which Jesus Advanced of the Arguments by which He Supported Them, and of His Statements Respecting the Causes, Progress, and Consequences of InfidelityJ. Smith, 1821 - 529 |
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
On the Evidences of Christianity, as They Were Stated and Enforced in the ... Podgląd niedostępny - 2020 |
On the Evidences of Christianity, as They Were Stated and Enforced in the ... James Clarke Franks Podgląd niedostępny - 2015 |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
८८ accomplishment answer Apostles appear argument authority Baptist behold believeth blessings cerning character Christian circumstances claim cometh consider conviction dead death declared delivered demons disciples discourse doctrine eternal Evangelists evidence fact faith Father flesh fulfilled Galilee given glory Gospel hath hear heard heart heaven Holy Ghost hope infidelity instructions Isai Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews John JOHN HULSE John vii John xix Judea kingdom kingdom of God Lecture Lord Lord's Luke manner Matt ment mercy Messiah Messiahship mind ministry miracles miracles of Jesus Moses nature Nicodemus notice observed occasion passover Pharisees preached predictions promise prophecy prophets racter reality reason receive referred rejected repentance respecting resurrection righteousness salvation Saviour say unto Scriptures sent shew sins Son of God spake speak Spirit spoke statement sufferings taught testify testimony thee things thou tion truth unbelief whosoever witness words wrought ye believe