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the end of the Catechism, which is taken from the original edition; to which is subjoined a second list of such errata, as have been discovered in printing the book, but which were not noticed in the original edition.

In printing the Latin Catechism, the same scrupulous accuracy has not been observed. The punctuation has been repeatedly altered, and all palpable errors of the press have been corrected. It was however thought desirable to retain the peculiar orthography of many of. the words, which though most absurdly incorrect, and by no means uniform, was evidently the result of intention, and may serve to characterize the German Latinity of that day. The Latin translations of Luther's Catechisms contain many specimens of the same orthography.

It is due to the memory of the late Bishop of Oxford to state, that the publication of these two Catechisms was owing to his intimate acquaintance with the writings of our Reformers, and to his desire of reprinting a series of works connected with the history and formation of our Liturgy. They were considered by him to be an appropriate sequel to the "Formularies of Faith," which were put forth under his direction in 1825; as well as of importance in marking the change which was effected in Cranmer's opinions concerning the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Nearly the whole of the volume was printed at the time of his death,

which took place May 31st, 1829: and that sudden and melancholy event will account for the deficiencies of this preface, which would otherwise have had the advantage of that deep research and those ample stores of information, which can now only live in our memories and our regrets.

Сн. Сн. 1829.


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The kynge ought to be feared as the roaring of a lyon: who so prouoketh hym bnto anger offendeth agaynst his owne sole. Prob.xx.2.


Let not the booke of this law depart out of your mouthes. But

recorde there in daye and nyghte, that you maye do accordynge to al that is wrytten therin. Josua, i. 8. Deut. xvii. 19.



By the grace of God Kyng of Englande, Fraunce and Irelande, Defendour of the Fayth, and in earth of the Churche of Englande and Irelande immediatly vnder God Supreme Heed, youre Graces humble Subiecte and Chaplayne Thomas Archebysshop of Canterbury, wissheth aboundance of al grace and godlynes with a longe and prosperous raigne.

IT is not vnknowen vnto the hole world (most excellent prince) that your graces father a kynge of mooste famous memorie of a feruent and ernest godly disposition and tender zele towardes the settyng forth of Goddes glorie, moste diligently trauaylled for a trewe and a ryght reformation and a quiet concorde in Christes religion thorowout al hys dominions, wherin vndoubtedly he brought many thynges to a godlye purpose and effecte, and dyd abolyshe and take away muche blyndnes and ignorance of God, many great errors, fonde and pernitious superstitions and abuses, that had crepte into thys churche of Englande, and Irelande a longe time. And I perceiuing that your magestie by thaduyse of youre moste dere vncle my lorde protector, and the reste of youre graces moste honorable counsel, is moste desyrous perfytly to finyshe and brynge to passe, that your father

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