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For the

Ordainers and the


Sticks and immediate Attendants; as his Agents and Ambaffadors, because he that despiseth them defpifeth him that fent them and the Affront put upon them will be interpreted as done to him from whom they derive their Commiffion. That it is a Dictate of natural Reason to teftify our Reverence to the Deity, and our Affection to Religion, by honouring those who are the chief Minifters of it. That it is the greatest, piece of Prefumption imaginable, to pretend to fign and feal Covenants in God's Name, without receiving any Power and Authority from him in order to that Purpofe. That the Attendance at the Altar exempts no Man from the Cognizance of the Civil Powers, but that spiritual Perfons are equally obliged to pay all Duty and Allegiance to their rightful Sovereigns, as well as the meanest of the Laity. That the Power of the Magiftrate, when moft full and abfolute, does not extend either to ufe themselves, or communicate to others thofe fpiritual Powers which Chrift left only to his Apoftles and their Succeffors. That we then beft fhew our Esteem of God's Ordinance, and testify our Value for the Benefits of the Priesthood, when we not only reverence their Perfons, but devoutly attend their Spiritual Adminiftrations.



Almighty God our heavenly Father, who

haft purchased to thyfelf an univerfal Church, by the precious Blood of thy dear Son; mercifully look upon the fame, and at this time


fo guide and govern the Minds of thy Servants, the Bishops and Paftors of thy Flock, that they may lay Hands fuddenly on no Man; but faithfully and wifely make Choice of fit Perfons, to ferve thee in the facred Miniftry of thy Church. And to those who shall be ordained to any holy Function, give thy Grace and heavenly Benediction, that both by their Life and Doctrine they may fet forth thy Glory, and fet forward the Salvation of all Men, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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Rant, O Lord, that all thofe who admini- For the fter in holy Things, may have a great Senfe Clergy, of the Dignity and Importance of their Office; that they that fince they are thy Embajadors, they may inmay all their Actions have a due Regard to the Ex- discharge cellency of their Character, and faithfully, dili-their holy gently, and prudently tranfact thofe great Affairs Function. thou haft entrusted to their Management: That fince they are thy Minifters, they may have always imprinted in their Remembrance, how great a Treasure is committed to their Charge, the Sheep of Christ, which he bought with his Death, and for whom he fhed his Blood; that the Church and Congregation whom they serve is the Spouse and Body of Chrift: That fince they are the Stewards of thy Mysteries, they may feed and provide for thy Family, feek thy Sheep that are difperfed abroad, and thy Children which are in the midst of this naughty World, that they may be faved thro' Chrift: That fince they are Labourers in the Vineyard, they may never ceafe by their Care and Diligence to bring all fuch as are committed to their Charge Oo




unto that Agreement in Faith and Knowledge of God, and to that Ripeness and Perfectness of Age in Chrift, that there may be no Place left for Error in Religion, or for Viciousness of Life. That, fince their Employment is laborious and difficult, they may conftantly pray for the heavenly Affiftance of the Holy Ghoft from thee, O Father, by the Mediation of our bleffed Redeemer and Saviour Jefus Chrift, that by daily reading and weighing of the Scriptures they may wax riper and ftronger in their Miniftry, and fo fashion their Lives, and thofe of their Families, after the Rules and Doctrine of Christ, that they may be wholefome and godly Examples for the reft of the Congregation to follow, and be able to give a good Account of their Stewardship at the Tribunal of Christ; to whom with thee and the Holy Ghoft, be all Honour and Glory, World without End. Amen.


Thou great Shepherd, and Bishop of our Souls, Souls, moft glorious Jefu, blefs all holy Bishops. and religious Prelates, especially the Bishops of our Church. O God, let abundance of thy Grace and Benediction defcend upon their Heads, that by a holy Life, by a true and catholick Belief, by a refolute Confeffion of thy Name, and by a fatherly Care, and great Sedulity and Watchfulness over their Flock, they may glorify thee our God, the great Lover of Souls, and fet forward the Salvation of their People, and of others by their Example, and at laft, after a plentiful Converfion of Souls, they may shine like the Stars in Glory, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.




The Vigils.

HAT do you mean by Vigils?

A. Thofe Fafts which the Church hath thought fit to establish before certain Feftivals, in order to prepare our Minds for a due Obfervation of the enfuing Solemnity: That fo our Joy may not degenerate into Senfuality, nor be expreffed by Intemperance, nor evaporate into Lightness and Vanity; but that we may use God's good Creatures with Moderation and Thankfulness, with Bowels of Mercy to those that are in want, and raise our Souls to fuch a Relish of fpiritual Enjoyments, that it may be our Meat and Drink to do the Will of our heavenly Father.

Q. Why are thefe Fafts called Vigils?

A. From the Latin Word Vigilia, fignifying Watchings: It being the Custom in the Primitive Times to pafs great part of the Night that preceded certain Holy Days in Devotion and religious Exercifes; and this even in thofe Places which they fet apart for the publick Worship of God. But when these Night Meetings came to be fo far abused, that no Care could prevent several Diforders and Irregularities, the Church thought fit to abolish them, and thefe Night Watches were converted into Fafts, ftill keeping the former Name of Vigils.

Q. What was probably the Original of these
Vigils or Night Watches among Christians?

A. Some are inclined to found this Practice






Acts 16.


upon feveral Texts of Scripture understood literally, where Watching is enjoined as well as Mat. 24. Prayer, particularly upon that Conclufion our 42.25.13. Saviour draws from the Parable of the ten VirMark 13. gins: Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the Day nor the Hour wherein the Son of Man cometh. And farther they urge our Saviour's own ExLuke 6. ample, who continued all Night in Prayer alone; and that of St. Paul and Silas, who at Midnight prayed and fang Praifes unto God. And what wonder if in this Senfe it was practiied and recommended by the Chriftians of the first Age, who generally apprehended that the End of the World was near at hand, and that their bleffed Mafter would quickly fummon them to appear before his dreadful Tribunal, and that at MidMat.25.6.night the Cry would be made, Behold the Bridegroom cometh! The Fervour and pious Zeal of thofe Times might eafily difpofe them under fuch Thoughts, to abridge themfelves of Sleep, and to employ part of the Night in profecuting the Affairs of their eternal Salvation, that if poffible the Coming of the Son of Men might find them actually engaged in the Expectation of it. And were the Children of Light as wife in their Generation as the Children of this World, they would fometimes borrow from the Night for the Exercife of their Devotion; when the others, to gratify their Paffions, can dedicate whole Nights to their Bufinefs or Pleasure.

Q. What farther Account is there of the Original of Vigils?

A. Others, with greater Probability, have referred the Rife of thefe Night Watches to the Neceffity Chriftians were under of meeting in the Night and before Day for the Exercife of

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