ΤΟ ΕΜΜΑ *. 1. SINCE now the hour is come at last, When you must quit your anxious lover; Since now our dream of bliss is past, 2. Alas! that pang will be severe, Which bids us part to meet no more, Which tears me far from one so dear, 3. Well: we have pass'd some happy hours, 4. Where from the gothic casement's height, We view'd the lake, the park, the dale, And still, though tears obstruct our sight, We lingering look a last farewell. * This poem is inserted from the private volume.-ED. 5. O'er fields through which we used to run, And spend the hours in childish play; O'er shades where, when our race was done, Reposing on my breast you lay; 6. Whilst I, admiring, too remiss, Forgot to scare the hov'ring flies, Yet envied every fly the kiss It dared to give your slumbering eyes: 7. See still the little painted bark, In which I row'd you o'er the lake; See there, high waving o'er the park, 8. These times are past-our joys are gone, 9. Who can conceive, who has not proved, When, torn from all you fondly loved, 10. This is the deepest of our woes, For this these tears our cheeks bedew; This is of love the final close, Oh, God, the fondest, last adieu! AN OCCASIONAL PROLOGUE, DELIVERED PREVIOUS TO THE PERFORMANCE OF "THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE" AT A PRIVATE THEATRE. SINCE the refinement of this polish'd age Here, then, our almost unfledged wings we try; Who hopes, yet almost dreads, to meet your praise; In fond suspense this crisis of our * fate. * Our. In the private volume, their.-ED. † Censor. In the private volume, critic.-ED. ON THE DEATH OF MR. FOX, THE FOLLOWING ILLIBERAL IMPROMPTU APPEARED IN A "Our nation's foes lament on Fox's death, But bless the hour when PITT resign'd his breath: TO WHICH THE AUTHOR OF THESE PIECES SENT THE FOLLOWING REPLY †. Он factious viper! whose envenom'd tooth * " In the Morning Post." - Private volume.-ED. † "For insertion in the Morning Chronicle," was here added in the private volume.-ED. |