LET Folly smile, to view the names Yet Virtue will have greater claims To love, than rank with vice combined. 2. And though unequal is thy fate, Since title deck'd my higher birth! Yet envy not this gaudy state; Thine is the pride of modest worth. 3. Our souls at least congenial meet, Nor can thy lot my rank disgrace; Our intercourse is not less sweet, Since worth of rank supplies the place. November, 1802. * Only printed in the private volume.-ED. REPLY TO SOME VERSES OF J. M. B. PIGOT, ESQ., ON THE CRUELTY OF HIS MISTRESS *. 1. WHY, Pigot, complain Of this damsel's disdain, Why thus in despair do you fret? Yet, believe me, a sigh Will never obtain a coquette. 2. Would you teach her to love? At first she may frown in a pet; She shortly will smile, And then you may kiss your coquette. 3. For such are the airs Of these fanciful fairs, They think all our homage a debt; And humbles the proudest coquette. * Printed in the private volume only. -ED. 4. Dissemble your pain, That yours is the rosy coquette. 5. If still, from false pride, This whimsical virgin forget; Who will melt with your fire, And laugh at the little coquette. For me, I adore 6. Some twenty or more, And love them most dearly; but yet, Though my heart they enthral, Did they act like your blooming coquette. No longer repine, 7. Adopt this design, And break through her slight-woven net; Away with despair, No longer forbear, To fly from the captious coquette. 8. Then quit her, my friend! Ere quite with her snares you're beset: October 27th, 1806. TO THE SIGHING STREPHON*. 1. Your pardon, my friend, But I swear I will do so no more. 2. Since your beautiful maid No more I your folly regret; '* These stanzas were only printed in the private volume.-ED. 3. Yet still, I must own, I should never have known From your verses, what else she deserved; Your pain seem'd so great, I pitied your fate, As your fair was so devilish reserved. 4. Since the balm-breathing kiss Can such wonderful transports produce; My counsel will get but abuse. 5. You say, when "I rove, Tis true, I am given to range: I've loved a good number, Yet there's pleasure, at least, in a change. 6. I will not advance, Though a smile may delight, |