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Morning Prayer.

ALMIGHTY and eternal God, from my innermost heart I return Thee thanks for having preserved me this night. I commend myself once more to Thy paternal protection, resigning myself entirely to Thy divine will, whether I live or am soon to die. I offer Thee all the discomfort, all the sufferings and pains which I shall have to endure this day. For the love of Thee will I bear all sufferings and unite them with the Passion and death of Jesus Christ. As often this day as I shall sigh or breathe, or speak, or open and close my eyes, as often as I shall take food or drink or medicine, so often do I desire, O my God, to adore, to praise, and to love Thee. Accept, O Lord, the good will for the deed if, overpowered by the weight of my sufferings or weakness, I should neglect to offer Thee all. If Thou vouchsafest, O almighty God, to grant me another day, let Thy most holy name be praised. But shouldst Thou please to call me hence this day, let Thy most holy will be done.

O Mary, health of the sick, after God my only refuge, I implore thee, intercede for me with thy beloved Son, that through thy most powerful intercession I may obtain either health or the grace of a happy death. Protect me against the enemy of my salvation; obtain for me the grace that I, thy faithful child, may one day enjoy thy company in heaven. O most beloved Mother, to thee I entrust the care of my soul and body. With the help of thy protection, O most powerful Lady and tenderest Mother, I firmly hope to obtain my salvation.

O my holy angel guardian, I thank thee for having so carefully watched over me this night. I beseech thee and all the other holy angels to guard me during this day and until the end of my life.

And you, O saints of God, especially my patron saints, help me with your intercession this day and do not abandon me in the hour on which all my eternity depends. Incline in my favor the divine Judge, that I may become an heir of everlasting bliss.

Right Prayer.

ALL love and praise be to the Most Holy Trinity, God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost! I render Thee, O Lord, infinite thanks for all the benefits and sufferings Thou hast bestowed upon me this day. I humbly crave Thy pardon if I have not borne my pains with due patience. I commend myself to Thy divine patronage this night. I am heartily sorry for all my sins, because thereby I have offended Thee, O supreme Good, Whom I love above all things. Would that I had not offended Thee! I firmly purpose to amend my life. In reparation of my sins, I offer Thee, O heavenly Father, the infinite merits of Thy divine Son, Jesus Christ. Do not let the merits of His most dear sufferings and death be lost for me. Jesus, for Thee I sleep; Jesus, for Thee I wake; Jesus, for Thee I live;

Jesus, for Thee I die; Jesus, I am Thine in life and in death. Amen.

Most holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, assuage my pains this night. Shield me in the hour of temptation, be my powerful intercessor with Jesus, thy divine Son.

Holy angel guardian and all ye saints of God, protect me this night and preserve me from all evil.

Merciful God, have pity on the souls in purgatory; give them eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Act of Resignation to the Will of God.

"MY FATHER, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt" (Matt. xxvi. 39). "For what have I in heaven? and besides Thee, what do I desire upon earth? Thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my portion forever" (Ps. lxxii. 25, 26). As the Lord willeth, so be it. "I will take the chalice of salvation and I


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