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Eucharist and Extreme Unction, we may enter without fear upon the journey to eternal glory. This we ask most earnestly through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

(One hundred days' indulgence; Leo XIII., March 21, 1879.)

bymn to St. Barbara.

O BARBARA, saintly virgin,
Beneath thy safe control
I place my sinful body
And my immortal soul.

In life's unceasing dangers
Be thou my constant aid;
In death's decisive struggle,
Protect my soul dismayed.

At that dread hour, beg Jesus,
By all the pains He bore,
That sorrowful confession

May cleanse my soul once more.

And fail not to obtain me

The Bread from heaven sent

To strengthen and sustain me,
The Blessed Sacrament.

May then the Holy Unction My wearied soul revive, That Satan's fierce temptations

I far away may drive.

And lastly, I beseech thee,
Depart not from my side,
But into heavenly glory

My soul securely guide.


The protestation for Death.

(St. Alphonsus.)

MY GOD, prostrate in Thy presence, I adore Thee; and I intend to make the following protestation, as if I were on the point of passing from this life into eternity.

My Lord, because Thou art the infallible Truth, and hast revealed it to the holy Church, I believe in the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Three Persons, but only one God; Who for all eternity rewards the just in heaven, and punishes the wicked in hell. I believe that the Second Person, that is the Son of God, became man and died for the salvation of mankind; and I believe all that the holy Church believes. I thank Thee for having made me a Christian, and I protest that I will live and die in this holy faith. My God, my hope, trusting in Thy promises I hope from Thy mercy, not through my own merits, but through the merits of Jesus Christ, for the pardon of my sins, perseverance, and after this miserable life, the glory of paradise. And should the devil at death tempt me to despair at the sight of my sins, I protest that I will always hope in Thee, O Lord, and that I desire to die in the loving arms of Thy goodness. O God, worthy of infinite love, I love Thee with my whole heart, more than I love myself; and I protest that I desire to die making an act of love, that I may thus continue to love Thee eternally in heaven, which for this end I desire and ask of Thee. And if hitherto, O Lord, instead of loving Thee, I have despised Thy infinite goodness, I repent of it with all my heart, and I protest that I wish to die always weeping over, and detesting, the offences I have committed against Thee. I purpose for the future rather to die than ever to sin again; and for the love of Thee, I pardon all who have offended me. O God, I accept of death, and of all the suffering which will accompany it; I unite it with the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ, and offer it in acknowledgment of Thy supreme dominion, and in satisfaction for my sins. Do Thou, O Lord, accept of this sacrifice, which I make of my life, for the love of that great sacrifice which Thy divine Son made of Himself upon the altar of the cross. I resign myself entirely to Thy divine will, as though I were now on my death-bed, and protest that I wish to die, saying: "O Lord, always Thy will be done!" Most holy Virgin, my advocate and my Mother, Mary, thou art and wilt always be, after God, my hope and my consolation at the hour of death. From this moment I have recourse to thee, and beg of thee to assist me in that passage. O my dear Queen, do not abandon me in that last moment; come then to take my soul and present it to thy Son. Henceforward I shall expect thee; and I hope to die under thy mantle and clinging to thy feet. My protector St. Joseph, St. Michael archangel, my angel guardian, my holy patrons, do you all assist me in that last combat with hell. And Thou, my crucified Love, Thou my Jesus, Who wert

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