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ill and suffer; let it be done in me, for Thy will is at all times holy, just, wise and good, although we may not understand it. Thy will be done in me. I submit to it with perfect obedience, willingly accepting from Thy hand the bitter chalice of suffering. Father, whether I live, or suffer or die, let Thy will be done in me!

Give us this day our daily bread. Until now, Thou hast given me, besides the daily sustenance, innumerable graces and benefits, for which I return Thee thanks and beg Thee to forgive me every misuse of Thy gifts. Give me also, O my God, for the rest of my life what is needful to me. But above all, give the necessary nourishment to my immortal soul: the teaching of Thy Word, the consolation of Thy holy religion, the food of the most holy body and blood of Jesus Christ, and the grace for obtaining life eternal.

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. -Alas, O my God, great and oppressive is the weight of my sins! Through the merits of Jesus Christ, through the blood He has shed for me, I beseech Thee, blot them out, and forgive me. With David the Prophet do I implore Thee: "Remember Thou not the sins of my youth; from my hidden iniquities purify me, and from the sins of others preserve me." Forgive also, O Lord, my daily shortcomings, my want of patience, my despondency in this my illness and all my other faults. From the bottom of my heart do I pardon all those who have ever offended me; I pardon them as I wish that Thou shouldst pardon me.

And lead us not into temptation. - Lord, do not permit temptation to be too great for me. If Thou wilt try me still longer and chastise me by sickness and pain, preserve me also from murmuring and impatience, from pusillanimity and despair; give me the grace to come off victorious in the trial and to persevere. Let me not sink under the heavy burden of my sufferings and pains, but grant that, strengthened by Thee, I may bear them with patience and resignation. Above all, O my God, do not permit me to be overcome in my death-agony, in the last decisive conflict.

But deliver us from evil. Amen. O God, if it is Thy holy will and beneficial to me, deliver me from the pains of illness, that evil which has oppressed me so long. Yet, the greatest, the only true evil is sin and an ungodly death. Merciful God, preserve me from it. Both in life and in death maintain me in Thy grace and love. Amen.

The bail Mary Paraphrased for the Sick.

Hail Mary. O Mary, Star of the sea, all the needy and oppressed look up to thee! And so do I from my bed of sickness, lifting up my imploring eyes to thee and asking thee for help. O Mary, my Mistress and my Queen, let thy power and goodness be made manifest in me. O Mary, with all the faithful, all the holy angels and all the heavenly host I salute thee, saying: Hail, Mary!

Full of grace. God has raised thee to the greatest dignity, and wills that through thy hands abundant graces should flow down upon mankind. O Mary, Virgin full of grace, thou who art the comforter of the afflicted, the help of Christians, the health of the sick, obtain for me, poor creature, health of body and soul.

The Lord is with thee. - The Lord has done

great things in thee! The eternal Father has chosen thee to be His Daughter; the only-begotten Son to be His Mother, and the Holy Ghost to be His Spouse. Thou art therefore allpowerful with God, O Blessed Virgin; implore Him that His grace may never depart from


Blessed art thou among women. Thou art most blessed among thy sex. Thou art free from the curse of original sin and as a virgin hast given birth to Jesus, the Saviour of the world. O Mary, the one chosen Mother of the Redeemer, all the nations of the earth call thee blessed. Never shall thy praise die on my lips; at all times will I extol and glorify thee, in order to make myself worthy of thy help and intercession.

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. -Praised and extolled be thy divine Son, from Whom all salvation and benediction floweth forth. Blessed and extolled be Jesus, through Whom we obtain assistance in life, consolation and strength in suffering, peace and rest in death. O Blessed Virgin, would that I were happy enough, with thee and all the saints, to praise for all eternity Jesus, the blessed fruit of thy womb. Help me to attain thereto.

Holy Mary, Mother of God. -Mother of God, Mother of Christ, Mother of mercy and my Mother!

Pray for us sinners. Look upon me, thy poor helpless child, calling out to thee from this valley of tears. Pray for me now, who am weak, sick and miserable; pray for me who in this vale of pilgrimage am surrounded by numerous foes striving to wrest from me the possession of the heavenly inheritance; obtain for me a lively faith, a firm hope, an ardent love, an invincible patience and the grace.of final perseverance. But especially pray for me at the hour of death; commend me to Jesus, thy Son; present me to Him, that I may die happily and possess Him forever. Amen.

Litany of the boly Name of Jesus.

LORD, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Jesus, hear us.

Jesus, graciously hear us.

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