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my Saviour, which was shed on the cross for my sins also, cleanse my soul from every stain of guilt and strengthen it for the life to come Amen. O Jesus, for Thee I live! O Jesus, for Thee I die! O Jesus, living or dead, I am Thine!

I love Thee, O my God, with all my heart,
And 'tis to me the greatest smart,
That I offended Thee, O highest Good!
Ah, wash me clean in Jesus' blood!


MOST BENEVOLENT JESUS, I turn my eyes and my heart to Thee in the church, where Thou art now lying on the altar! Ah, do Thou also turn Thy eyes and Thy Heart to me in my house and to my sick-bed. Behold my suffering, my illness, my exhaustion, my abandonment and my utter need! Take my interests in hand and be my faithful mediator and intercessor with the divine justice. In all the holy Masses which are now being said here and throughout the world, offer Thyself for me and obtain for me mercy and help in my present necessity. Show to Thy Father Thy thorncrowned head, Thy lacerated body, Thy five holy wounds and Thy crimson blood, in testimony of the bitter pains Thou didst suffer for me, that He may also be to me a Father, and, delivering me from tribulation, restore to me health of body and soul. Ah, above all, implore Him that I may not be lost forever! Sprinkle me with Thy precious blood, let me have a share in Thy merits and I will honor, love and glorify Thee forever and ever. Amen.


O MOST SWEET JESUS, how willingly would I receive Thee in Thy temple, for I am sick in body and soul and exceedingly miserable and helpless. From the bottom of my heart must I exclaim with the centurion in the Gospel: "Ο Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof, but say only the word, and my soul shall be healed." But nevertheless, come to me, dear Lord, come spiritually to me! My heart longs for Thee, and the desires of my soul sigh for Thee! O kind, O beloved, O most sweet Jesus! Let me receive Thee in my heart and enjoy Thee! Feed me with Thy flesh! Heal me with Thy sacred wounds, strengthen me with Thy precious blood! O divine beverage, O heavenly medicine, heal my sick heart! O sweet blood, refresh me! O sacred blood, inflame me, that I may at all times burn with love for my most dear Jesus! May the body and blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my soul to life eternal. Amen.


MAY the Most Holy Trinity bless me abundantly, so that I may preserve the effects of that blessing throughout my life. May Thy omnipotence, O Lord, bless me, Thy wisdom instruct me, Thy sweetness and consolation replenish me in all my pains, sorrows and tribulations. May God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost bless me for life everlasting. Amen.


O MY DEAR SAVIOUR, I now place myself under Thy holy cross and will there abide as long


as Thou willest. "For to me, to live is Christ: and to die is gain" (Phil. i. 21). O sweetest Jesus, let Thy riven side pour strength and grace upon me, that nothing, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, Our Lord" (Rom. viii. 39). From my innermost heart I say: "Father, not my will, but Thine be done." If Thou willest that I should continue to suffer-Thy will be done! That I should not recover from this maladyThy will be done! That I should live longerThy will be done! That I should soon die Thy will be done! Yes, Thy holy will be done in life and in death and forever and ever. Amen.

The Our Father Paraphrased for the Sick. (From Vennewald's Book for the Sick.) Our Father, Who art in heaven. - O God, my Father and Father of all men! How sweet and consoling it is for me to be allowed to call Thee Father, now that pain and sickness encompass me! This illness indeed is a chastisement, but Thou lovest me and intendest to promote my eternal salvation thereby, because Thou art my Father. Thou art in heaven, but art also on earth and with me. Thou seest and knowest all my sufferings; Thou dost not allow me to suffer without necessity nor to call for help in vain, for Thou art my Father. This must be my consolation and my encouragement.

Hallowed be Thy name. --My Father, Thy name will I extol for all the graces Thou hast bestowed upon me; I will glorify it by my constancy in suffering, and by patiently offering my illness for Thy greater honor. Let Thy name be praised and extolled when I suffer; let Thy name be praised and extolled when I die and enter into eternity. The name of the Lord be praised now and forever.

Thy kingdom come. - Let Thy kingdom, the kingdom of Thy grace, come. Reign, O my God, in my heart through Thy love, and, the battle being ended, receive me into the kingdom of Thy glory, where Thou hast prepared unspeakable bliss for those who love Thee. Lord, give me strength, that I may persevere unto the end and then come to Thee.

Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. -It is Thy will, O my Father, that I am now

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