that I can say: My Jesus, I can no longer lose Thee? O eternal Father, for the love of Jesus Christ, despise me not; suffer me to love Thee, and give me Thy holy love. I wish to love Thee greatly in this life, that I may love Thee greatly in the next. O infinite Good, I love Thee; but do Thou make me know the great good that I love, and give me the love which Thou dost desire to see in me. Enable me to overcome all things to please Thee. Second Exercise: Before boly Communion. AN ACT OF FAITH. O MY JESUS! I firmly believe that Thou art present here in this Most Blessed Sacrament, which I am about to receive, because Thou, the eternal Truth, hast revealed it. AN ACT OF HOPE. O MY JESUS! I hope to receive in this Blessed Sacrament all the graces of which I stand in need, even eternal happiness in heaven, because Thou, the eternal and unfailing Truth, hast promised it. AN ACT OF CHARITY. OMY JESUS! I love Thee in this Most Blessed Sacrament, as my God and Lord, as my Redeemer and Sanctifier. AN ACT OF CONTRITION. O MY JESUS! I am heartily sorry for all my sins, because they have offended Thee, my God and Saviour. AN ACT OF HUMILITY. O MY JESUS! I am not worthy to receive Thee into my heart, but say only the word, and I shall be made worthy. AN ACT OF DESIRE. O MY JESUS! my God and Master! Come, I am longing after Thee; come, visit me, strengthen me, and keep me forever in Thy grace. Amen. After boly Communion. AN ACT OF FAITH. O MY JESUS! I believe in Thee, as in the eternal truth. AN ACT OF HOPE. O MY JESUS! I hope in Thee, as in the infinite mercy. AN ACT OF CHARITY. O MY JESUS! I love Thee, as the eternal and supreme good of my soul. AN ACT OF ADMIRATION. O MY JESUs! how is it that Thou comest to visit me? AN ACT OF OFFERING. O MY JESUS! I offer to Thy service my body and my soul, all that I am, and all that I have, since Thou hast given them to me. Prayer. O MY JESUS! my Saviour and my Redeemer, remain within my heart by Thy divine grace, and do not permit me to be ever separated from Thy love. Amen. ANIMA CHRISTI. Soul of Christ, sanctify me: Body of Christ, save me: Blood of Christ, inebriate me: Water from the side of Christ, wash me: Passion of Christ, strengthen me: O good Jesus, hear me: Within Thy wounds hide me: Permit me not to be separated from Thee: From the malignant enemy defend me: At the hour of my death call me, And bid me come to Thee; That with Thy saints I may praise Thee (Three hundred days' indulgence; after communion, seven years; Pius IX., Jan. 9, 1854.) We adore Thee, O most blessed Lord Jesus Christ, we bless Thee; because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. (One hundred days' indulgence, once a day; Leo XIII., March 4, 1882.) Sweet Heart of Jesus, be Thou my love. (Three hundred days' indulgence; Leo XIII., June 18, 1892.) Sweet Heart of Mary, be thou my salvation. (Three hundred days' indulgence; Pius IX., Nov. 26, 1876.) Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the most blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. (Three hundred days' indulgence, Leo XIII., Sept. 10, 1878.) Way of the Cross. FIRST STATION: JESUS CONDEMNED TO DEATH. THROUGH love of me, O my Saviour, Thou didst submit to the sentence of death with the most resolute generosity. Through love of Thee, I have willingly condemned myself to die, wholly to die to my sinful nature, to my disorderly inclinations, especially to I renew my engagement. Give me the grace, through the sentence of Thine unjust death, to die to myself and to live to Thee. .. ... SECOND STATION: JESUS RECEIVES HIS CROSS. O JESUS, with what love didst 'Thou behold and bear Thy cross! St. Andrew, though he |